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My Portfolio By Mia Federico 5ec Multiple intelligence Quiz week 2, term 1.

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2 My Portfolio By Mia Federico 5ec

3 Multiple intelligence Quiz week 2, term 1

4 EPA Footprint Calculator I am happy with my footprint because it is sort of at a low average I think I need to improve on food I will do that by eating less packaging foods

5 My budde My robot taught be how to be cyber safety. I learnt to never give out your email to people you don’t know

6 My Reading Recording term 1 week/ dork diaries

7 Term 1 Reflection This Term I enjoyed doing energizers because they are really fun and it gives you more time to know more about your classmates. I also learnt how to work out multiplication sums and now I feel like a superstar because I know how to do it. A challenge for me this term was doing long division I think I need to learn more about it. A goal for next term is to try and practise long division at home that way I'll get better.

8 Energy findings This term I’ve learnt a lot about energy this includes….. The different types of energy such as Hydropower, Geothermal, Thermal and coal power The different types of energy such as Hydropower, Geothermal, Thermal and coal power Coal is not a renewable energy Coal is not a renewable energy Hydropower is a renewable energy Hydropower is a renewable energy Thermal energy is used all around our homes Thermal energy is used all around our homes Fossil Fuels lead to global warming Fossil Fuels lead to global warming

9 My Goal M y goal is to be more confident during speaking in front of the class. I don’t think I have achieved this goal but I can achieve it by answering more questions in front of the class. I will continue this goal next term.

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