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1 GIS Maps and Tax Roll Submission. 2 Exporting A New Shapefile.

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Presentation on theme: "1 GIS Maps and Tax Roll Submission. 2 Exporting A New Shapefile."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 GIS Maps and Tax Roll Submission

2 2 Exporting A New Shapefile

3 3 Florida Department of Revenue Property Tax Oversight Technology Management

4 4 Exporting A New Shapefile The following ArcMap procedures have been developed to offer technical assistance to GIS/Mapping staff in Florida property appraiser offices in exporting a properly named shapefile for submission to DOR.

5 5 Exporting A New Shapefile Objectives Upon completion of this workshop, the participant will: Know how to create a folder for DOR GIS data submission Know how to export a new, properly named, shapefile for submission to DOR Be familiar with resources for additional assistance in exporting a shapefile

6 6 Add a new folder, if you don’t already have one, where you can export a shapefile for DOR to.

7 7 Give that folder a logical name, such as “DOR GIS Map 2012”

8 8 Open the source parcel polygon & right click the file name in the Table of Contents.

9 9 Navigate the dropdown to Data

10 10 Navigate the Data dropdown to Export Data & click…

11 11 In the Export Data dialog box, use the same coordinate system as the source data.

12 12 For Output Feature Class, use the Browse option…

13 13 …navigate to the folder where you want the new shapefile stored

14 14 This action opens the Saving Data dialog box…

15 15 …in the space provided for Name…

16 16 … replace Export_Output with the name you want to assign to the new shapefile.

17 17 Click Save.

18 18 When export is complete there will be a prompt if you wish to add the new shapefile to your TOC. Feel free to decline!

19 19 Exporting A New Shapefile Additional information may be found in ArcGIS Help by searching “exporting features”.

20 20 Questions?

21 21 GIS Maps and Tax Roll Submission Adding A Field To A Shapefile Attribute Table

22 22 Adding A Field To A Shapefile The following ArcMap procedures have been developed to offer technical assistance to GIS/Mapping staff in Florida property appraiser offices in adding a properly named field to a shapefile attribute table for submission to DOR.

23 23 Adding A Field To A Shapefile - Objectives Upon completion of this workshop, the participant will: Know how to add a field named PARCELNO to a shapefile attribute table Populate the newly added PARCELNO field with the appropriate attributes Be familiar with resources for additional assistance in working with shapefile attributes

24 24 Adding A Field To A Shapefile In this module we will use a shapefile that was exported (saved) in the module “Creating a Shapefile”.

25 25 Open the newly created shapefile (F_anycounty_03252011_parcels.shp) in ArcMap.

26 26 Click Add. Click

27 27 Right click the file name in the Table of Contents.

28 28 Navigate the dropdown to Open Attribute Table.

29 29 In the Table toolbar (left corner), left click to expand.

30 30 In v. 9.3, click the Options button located at the bottom of the Attribute Table dialog box. “Options” in v. 9.x

31 31 Navigate to Add Field and left click.

32 32 In the Add Field dialog box for Name, type PARCELNO.

33 33 PARCELNO Is One Word, All Caps!

34 34 Expand the Type options and select Text.

35 35 In Field Properties, Length, replace 50 (a default value)....

36 36 … with 26; click OK.

37 37 Locate added field at end of table.

38 38 Left click the field header to activate.

39 39 Right click to invoke the dropdown.

40 40 Navigate to Field Calculator.

41 41 In the Field Calculator dialog box double click the field desired to populate PARCELNO =

42 42 Double Click

43 43 Note: this field must contain the number common to the NAL, or tax roll, Parcel_ID

44 44 Click OK

45 45 Note: this operation cannot be un-done however…

46 46 …any field may be deleted by right clicking on any field header and choosing Delete Field.

47 47 Be careful to delete the correct field!

48 48 Adding A Field To A Shapefile Additional information may be found in ArcGIS Help by searching “Adding Fields”.

49 49 Questions?

50 50 GIS Maps and Tax Roll Submission Changing Map Projection or Map Units

51 51 Changing Map Projection or Map Units The following ArcMap procedures have been developed to offer technical assistance to GIS/Mapping staff in Florida property appraiser offices in creating a correctly projected shapefile, with correct linear units, for submission to DOR.

52 52 Changing Map Projection or Map Units - Objectives Upon completion of this workshop, the participant will: Be familiar with opening a shapefile in ArcCatalog Be familiar with different methods to confirm or reset a map projection Be familiar with different methods to confirm or reset a map’s linear units Be familiar with resources for additional information about map projections

53 53 Open Catalog window or ArcCatalog.

54 54 Left click Connect To Folder icon.

55 55 Navigate to the folder that contains the desired shapefile.

56 56 Click OK to expose the shapefile.

57 57 Double click the shapefile which opens the Shapefile Properties dialog window.

58 58 Depress XY Coordinate System.

59 59 Confirm that Name indicates…

60 60 ~ Note~ There are three State Plane coordinate Zones for Florida; Consult Zone map to locate correct Zone for subject county…

61 61

62 62 Confirm that Details indicates…

63 63 …proper projection…

64 64 …correct Linear Unit…

65 65 …Geographic Coordinate System…

66 66 …Angular Unit…

67 67 …Datum…

68 68 …Spheroid…

69 69 If it is necessary to change any values…

70 70 …Import is easiest…

71 71 …Select or Modify may also be used…

72 72 Depress Import…

73 73 …which opens a Browse for Coordinate System dialog box…

74 74 …navigate to dataset containing correct values…

75 75 …Click file name, then Add…

76 76 Click Apply to finish!

77 77 Changing Map Projection or Map Units Additional information may be found in ArcGIS Help by searching “An overview of the Projections toolset”.

78 78 Changing Map Projection or Map Units DOR/PTO Internet property/cofficials/

79 79 Changing Map Projection or Map Units DOR/PTO Internet

80 80 Questions?

81 81 Technology Management Contacts Charles Russell Tom Canter

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