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Published byJason Stuart Modified over 11 years ago
PRECINCT OFFICIALS The precinct team consists of:The precinct team consists of: Republican One Inspector One Judge One Poll Clerk One Assistant Poll Clerk at Van Buren ONLY Democrat One Judge One Poll Clerk One Assistant Poll Clerk at Van Buren ONLY
DUTIES Inspector administers oath to other officialsInspector administers oath to other officials Inspector picks up Election Day supplies from Clerks Office on Saturday, October 30, 2010 between 9:00 am and 2:30 pm.Inspector picks up Election Day supplies from Clerks Office on Saturday, October 30, 2010 between 9:00 am and 2:30 pm. Inspector schedules and meets with both Judges and Poll Clerks at the precinct for Monday evening set up.Inspector schedules and meets with both Judges and Poll Clerks at the precinct for Monday evening set up.
DUTIES Process absentee ballots as bi-partisan teamProcess absentee ballots as bi-partisan team Inspector and Democratic Judge return all elections supplies to Clerks OfficeInspector and Democratic Judge return all elections supplies to Clerks Office Both Judges may assist voters with disabilities or voters who are unable to read or write the English language after completing the PRE-3 – Affidavit of Voter Assistance at the Polls.Both Judges may assist voters with disabilities or voters who are unable to read or write the English language after completing the PRE-3 – Affidavit of Voter Assistance at the Polls.
DUTIES Inspector provides meals for precinct officials - d aily allowance is $95.00 (VB $125)Inspector provides meals for precinct officials - d aily allowance is $95.00 (VB $125) Any precinct official checks photo identificationAny precinct official checks photo identification Inspector or Judge challenges voters and accepts voter challengesInspector or Judge challenges voters and accepts voter challenges Inspector provides Poll Clerks with ballots.Inspector provides Poll Clerks with ballots.
ELECTION PREPARATION Inspector contacts precinct contact person to schedule the time and ensure building access for Monday night and Tuesday morning arrival.Inspector contacts precinct contact person to schedule the time and ensure building access for Monday night and Tuesday morning arrival. Inspector contacts all precinct election officials, Judges and Poll Clerks, to notify them of the time of the Monday night setup and Tuesday morning arrival.Inspector contacts all precinct election officials, Judges and Poll Clerks, to notify them of the time of the Monday night setup and Tuesday morning arrival. Inspector notifies Clerk if any problems arise.Inspector notifies Clerk if any problems arise.
MONDAY NIGHT Set up voting area so all machines are in the same room with precinct board and the area is accessible to voters with disabilities.Set up voting area so all machines are in the same room with precinct board and the area is accessible to voters with disabilities. Designate 50 foot chuteDesignate 50 foot chute Post voting instructions in each voting boothPost voting instructions in each voting booth Post Voters Bill of Rights in English and Spanish and sample ballots in the pollPost Voters Bill of Rights in English and Spanish and sample ballots in the poll Ensure you have all materials neededEnsure you have all materials needed
OATH OF PRECINCT OFFICIALS Inspector administers an oath to all other precinct election officials.Inspector administers an oath to all other precinct election officials. One Judge then administers oath to Inspector.One Judge then administers oath to Inspector. Use form PRE-1, Precinct Oath Book for administering oaths.Use form PRE-1, Precinct Oath Book for administering oaths.
OPENING POLLS You should arrive at 5:00 amYou should arrive at 5:00 am Compare sample ballots to official ballots, including touch screen machine using zero tally tape – if no errors are found Inspector and Judges complete Certificate of Ballot Agreement – PRE-1.Compare sample ballots to official ballots, including touch screen machine using zero tally tape – if no errors are found Inspector and Judges complete Certificate of Ballot Agreement – PRE-1. Check that the seal is intact on all machines and ballot bags.Check that the seal is intact on all machines and ballot bags. Ensure all machine read zero votes castsEnsure all machine read zero votes casts
OPENING POLLS Polls must be open continuously from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm.Polls must be open continuously from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm. No precinct election official may leave the polling location until the canvas is complete.No precinct election official may leave the polling location until the canvas is complete.
ELECTIONEERING Electioneering is defined as expressing support or opposition to any candidate or political party or expressing approval or disapproval of any public question in any manner that could reasonably be expected to convey support or opposition to another individual.Electioneering is defined as expressing support or opposition to any candidate or political party or expressing approval or disapproval of any public question in any manner that could reasonably be expected to convey support or opposition to another individual. A person who commits electioneering within the polls or the chute commits a Class A Misdemeanor.A person who commits electioneering within the polls or the chute commits a Class A Misdemeanor.
BALLOT STYLES Standard Official Ballot – used for most voters in the precinct Washington 2 and 3: – –County Ballot: For voters not residing in Nashville limits. – –Town Ballot: For voters residing in Nashville limits.
BALLOT CONTROL It is recommended that you give the Poll Clerks fifty (50) of each ballot style at a time.It is recommended that you give the Poll Clerks fifty (50) of each ballot style at a time. Always confirm the ballot count prior to distributing to Poll Clerks.Always confirm the ballot count prior to distributing to Poll Clerks. Ballots are packaged in large quantity.Ballots are packaged in large quantity.
WHO IS ALLOWED IN POLLS? Voters casting ballots and minor children accompanying voter under eighteen.Voters casting ballots and minor children accompanying voter under eighteen. Precinct Election Officials.Precinct Election Officials. Deputy Election CommissionersDeputy Election Commissioners Challengers, watchers, and poll book holders with CREDENTIALSChallengers, watchers, and poll book holders with CREDENTIALS Individuals assisting voter.Individuals assisting voter. County Election Board member acting on behalf of the BoardCounty Election Board member acting on behalf of the Board Voting machine technician with CREDENTIALSVoting machine technician with CREDENTIALS County chairman or county vice-chairman of political party with CREDENTIALS.County chairman or county vice-chairman of political party with CREDENTIALS. Secretary of State – unless that person is a candidate.Secretary of State – unless that person is a candidate. Credentials are issued by various authorities – see page 7 of Election Day Handbook for guidance on who should issue credential for specific positions.
PHOTO ID -What is acceptable? Acceptable photo ID must meet ALL of the following requirements: – –1. The voters ID displays the voters photo. – –2. The voters name on the ID must conform to the name on the voter registration record. Conform does not mean match identically. – –3. The voters ID must contain an expiration date, and either still be current or have expired sometime after November 4, 2008. – –4. The voters ID must be issued by the State of Indiana or the U.S. government.
PHOTO ID – Review Results My Photo ID was acceptable! What if mine is not acceptable? I dont have a photo ID!
Photo ID – Not Acceptable Voter is unable or unwilling to present photo ID, the inspector or one of the judges shall challenge the voter Photo ID presented by the voter does not meet all of the requirements, the inspector or judge shall challenge the voter. HAS THE VOTER SIGNED THE POLL BOOK? NO Voter may choose to leave and return with acceptable Photo ID YES Voter is challenged and may cast a provisional ballot
RESIDENCY Look at flow chart on page 22 of the Election Day Handbook.Look at flow chart on page 22 of the Election Day Handbook. This will help you determine the correct procedure for voters who have moved.This will help you determine the correct procedure for voters who have moved. Do not deny the voter the right to vote.Do not deny the voter the right to vote. Voter can always cast a provisional ballot.Voter can always cast a provisional ballot.
VOTER NOT ON POLL BOOK FAIL SAFE PROCEDURES Attempt to determine if voter is at the wrong precinctAttempt to determine if voter is at the wrong precinct In a nutshell – if the voter is not on the poll book, contact the County Election Board. Voter may be eligible to cast a regular ballot.In a nutshell – if the voter is not on the poll book, contact the County Election Board. Voter may be eligible to cast a regular ballot.
WHO MAY CHALLENGE A VOTER? Inspector or either JudgeInspector or either Judge Poll Clerk – only based on a questionable signature by voter on poll listPoll Clerk – only based on a questionable signature by voter on poll list Challenger appointed to candidate or political party with proper credentialsChallenger appointed to candidate or political party with proper credentials
WHEN IS A CHALLENGE USED? Photo ID does not meet requirementsPhoto ID does not meet requirements Voters name does not appear on poll list and voter does not qualify using fail safes in Chapter Five.Voters name does not appear on poll list and voter does not qualify using fail safes in Chapter Five. Additional Documentation required and voter does not present – see Chapter FourAdditional Documentation required and voter does not present – see Chapter Four Voter is not a U.S. CitizenVoter is not a U.S. Citizen Voters signature on poll list does not match registration.Voters signature on poll list does not match registration.
HOW IS A CHALLENGE ISSUED? The challenger fully completes the PRE-4 form.The challenger fully completes the PRE-4 form. The voter then completes their section of the PRE-4 form.The voter then completes their section of the PRE-4 form. This form must be completely filled out and signed in front of a precinct official authorized to administer oaths.
PROVISIONAL BALLOT Once the challenge affidavit (PRE-4) has been completed please follow the step-by-step instructions in the Election Day Handbook or provisional ballot supply envelopeOnce the challenge affidavit (PRE-4) has been completed please follow the step-by-step instructions in the Election Day Handbook or provisional ballot supply envelope NOTE – kept separate from all other voted ballotsNOTE – kept separate from all other voted ballots A Provisional Ballot will have, Provisional stamped on the ballot along with the Clerks signature and sealA Provisional Ballot will have, Provisional stamped on the ballot along with the Clerks signature and seal
THROUGHOUT THE DAY Compare with Poll Clerks the number of ballots issued to the number of ballots cast.Compare with Poll Clerks the number of ballots issued to the number of ballots cast. No more than three voters may be voting at any one time. Except, Van Buren may have six active voters due to having assistant poll clerks.No more than three voters may be voting at any one time. Except, Van Buren may have six active voters due to having assistant poll clerks. –Includes casting provisional ballots or on the touch screen machine
ABSENTEE VOTING Absentee ballots will be delivered on election day to the polls.Absentee ballots will be delivered on election day to the polls. Ensure that you received the correct ballots before acknowledging receipt of the absentee ballots.Ensure that you received the correct ballots before acknowledging receipt of the absentee ballots. Once received, the ballots may be processed at any time.Once received, the ballots may be processed at any time. Confirm that each ballot envelope is complete, signed and dated.Confirm that each ballot envelope is complete, signed and dated.
Disputed Absentee Ballots Some absentee ballot envelopes may appear with hand written notes indicating that the signatures of the voter have been challenged by the Absentee Board or County Election Board. These ballots warrant extra consideration before acceptingSome absentee ballot envelopes may appear with hand written notes indicating that the signatures of the voter have been challenged by the Absentee Board or County Election Board. These ballots warrant extra consideration before accepting –Signature Disputed indicates members of the election board question the validity of the signatures. –The county election board has questioned the genuineness of the signature of this voter indicates the Election Board unanimously question the validity of the signatures.
CHALLENGING AN ABSENTEE BALLOT An absentee ballot may be challenged as any other ballot. After challenge affidavit is completed by the challenger, the absentee ballot secrecy envelope is marked provisional. The ballot and documentation is then placed with the other provisional ballots that have been cast for return to the County Election Board.An absentee ballot may be challenged as any other ballot. After challenge affidavit is completed by the challenger, the absentee ballot secrecy envelope is marked provisional. The ballot and documentation is then placed with the other provisional ballots that have been cast for return to the County Election Board.
REJECTING AN ABSENTEE BALLOT The inspector SHALL reject an absentee ballot if: –Voter has already voted in person. –Voter is not legally a qualified voter of the precinct –Voter died before Election Day – proof required –No voter signature on ballot envelope or signature does not match the application –Envelope is open or has been resealed –Affidavit is insufficient or ballot has not been initialed. –More than one ballot in the envelope.
REJECTING AN ABSENTEE BALLOT Write the word rejected on the back of the ballot and state the reasons for the rejection.Write the word rejected on the back of the ballot and state the reasons for the rejection. All rejected ballots and associated materials are placed in the envelope labeled Defective Absentee Ballots.All rejected ballots and associated materials are placed in the envelope labeled Defective Absentee Ballots. Return to the County Election Board after the close of polls with the other voted ballots.Return to the County Election Board after the close of polls with the other voted ballots.
ABSENTEE VOTING Confirm that the voter has not voted in person on election day and is eligible to vote in your precinct.Confirm that the voter has not voted in person on election day and is eligible to vote in your precinct. Note on the poll list that the voter has voted absentee.Note on the poll list that the voter has voted absentee. Remove ballot, protecting confidentiality of the vote, confirm placement of Clerk seal and appropriate initials on the ballot.Remove ballot, protecting confidentiality of the vote, confirm placement of Clerk seal and appropriate initials on the ballot.
ABSENTEE BALLOTS Place valid ballots in holding bin until all ballots have been reviewed.Place valid ballots in holding bin until all ballots have been reviewed. Once complete, run all valid ballots through the voting machine for processing.Once complete, run all valid ballots through the voting machine for processing.
ABSENTEE - VOTE IN PERSON A voter may vote in person at their precinct on election day as long as their absentee ballot has not been processed.A voter may vote in person at their precinct on election day as long as their absentee ballot has not been processed. If their name has already been marked with absentee on the poll book, the voter may not cast another ballot.If their name has already been marked with absentee on the poll book, the voter may not cast another ballot. If the voter cast a new ballot on election day you will mark the absentee ballot secrecy unopened because voter appeared and voted in person.If the voter cast a new ballot on election day you will mark the absentee ballot secrecy unopened because voter appeared and voted in person.
ABSENTEE - VOTE IN PERSON If the voter wants to cast their original ballot, the absentee ballot can be opened in their presence and placed in the voting machine after determining the voter is meets all other voting requirements..If the voter wants to cast their original ballot, the absentee ballot can be opened in their presence and placed in the voting machine after determining the voter is meets all other voting requirements.. If the voter still has their original ballot, they may vote in person. They must give the inspector their original ballot, which will be marked cancelled and place in the defective ballot envelope.If the voter still has their original ballot, they may vote in person. They must give the inspector their original ballot, which will be marked cancelled and place in the defective ballot envelope.
WHO MAY ASSIST? Voter with disability or unable to read or write English may designate an individual to assist them, including a relative or friend. Voter requests assistance but does not designate someone else to help the, BOTH judges must accompany the voter into the voting booth to assist voter. Must complete the affidavit of voter assistance at the polls (PRE-3) BEFORE ENTERING THE VOTING BOOTH WITH VOTER
WHO MAY NOT ASSIST The voter may NOT designate their employer, an officer of the voters union or a union representative to assist them when voting.The voter may NOT designate their employer, an officer of the voters union or a union representative to assist them when voting.
ACCESSIBILITY Each voter regardless of disability must be the given opportunity to vote privately unless they request assistance in boothEach voter regardless of disability must be the given opportunity to vote privately unless they request assistance in booth Speak directly, slowly, and calmly to a voter or write a note to voterSpeak directly, slowly, and calmly to a voter or write a note to voter Ask before providing assistance to voter Ask before providing assistance to voter Let a voter know who you are and where you are.Let a voter know who you are and where you are.
ACCESSIBILITY There will be temporary handicap accessible equipment at some polls on election day.There will be temporary handicap accessible equipment at some polls on election day. Voters must enter the polls to voteVoters must enter the polls to vote
CLOSING THE POLLS Announce close of polls at 6:00 pmAnnounce close of polls at 6:00 pm Anyone in chute must be allowed to voteAnyone in chute must be allowed to vote Tally both machines and balance to number of ballots issued – Tally write-in votes castTally both machines and balance to number of ballots issued – Tally write-in votes cast Process paperwork to finalize tabulationProcess paperwork to finalize tabulation Inspector and Democrat Judge bring materials to Clerks Office.Inspector and Democrat Judge bring materials to Clerks Office.
NOTE WORTHY Judges assist the Inspector in making decisions throughout the day.Judges assist the Inspector in making decisions throughout the day. All ballots issued to voters must be initialed by both Poll Clerks.All ballots issued to voters must be initialed by both Poll Clerks. Washington 4 will vote at the County Office Building due to the destruction of the Little Nashville Opry.Washington 4 will vote at the County Office Building due to the destruction of the Little Nashville Opry.
YOUR VOTING RIGHTS If you are working outside your own precinct be sure to vote absentee.If you are working outside your own precinct be sure to vote absentee. You can not leave your poll throughout election dayYou can not leave your poll throughout election day Absentee Voting Hours in Clerks Office:Absentee Voting Hours in Clerks Office: –Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm through Friday, October 29, 2010. –Saturday, October 30, 2010- 9:00 to 3:00 pm –Monday, November 1, 2010- 8:00 am to 12:00 noon.
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