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 By LaVencia California California is a very exotic state to be in. There are purple leaves on trees,very delicious Asian food and shopping malls everywhere.

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2  By LaVencia

3 California California is a very exotic state to be in. There are purple leaves on trees,very delicious Asian food and shopping malls everywhere. I don’t recommend staying in the sun so much, you’ll fry!!!! California is a very exotic state to be in. There are purple leaves on trees,very delicious Asian food and shopping malls everywhere. I don’t recommend staying in the sun so much, you’ll fry!!!!

4 Milk and Honey Summer Camp Milk and Honey is a program created by two people, Mr. Gulley and Ms. Sonya who are still alive and help children all around the community. They are friendly and caring. Now they have a homework program at the Fricker Center. Next to this facility there is a community called Attucks Court where most of the kids come from to do homework when their parents aren’t home.

5 Places To Go Mondays we go to the library and the skating rink Tuesdays we go swimming Wednesdays we go bowling Thursdays we go swimming Fridays we stay at the center or take another trip, like the nature trail or Fort Pickens

6 Staying Home Staying Home After summer camp ends we have to stay home with my dogs Midnyght and Peanut. They are a lot of work. We have to take the dogs outside a lot and feed them twice a day. Then on Saturdays we have to wash them up.

7 Mom and Dad’s Anniversary »June 25,1994 was the day my parents got married »My great-grand mother’s anniversary is also the same day »Michael Jackson died on Mom’s 15th anniversary »June 25,2009 was my mom’s 15th anniversary »June 25,1994 was the day my parents got married »My great-grand mother’s anniversary is also the same day »Michael Jackson died on Mom’s 15th anniversary »June 25,2009 was my mom’s 15th anniversary

8 Cooking Food Cooking was big this summer. All this fancy food was not a huge waste. When it was about time to go to school my brother made a feast for us.

9 School Is Coming I was so crazy about going back to school. I wanted to skate more and swim more but I didn’t get the chance. When Sunday came I was busy getting ready. I was painting my nails and getting my hair done for this groovy new school year!!

10 Summer Improvements  Save money  Read more  Try not to lay hands on anybody  Be active  Threaten people less often (especially my brother and sister)  Remember to do my chores  Complain less often  Be less violent  Save money  Read more  Try not to lay hands on anybody  Be active  Threaten people less often (especially my brother and sister)  Remember to do my chores  Complain less often  Be less violent

11 Summer Vacation has Ended FNow I’m with the greatest teacher in teaching history Mrs. O’Neal FI have no time to swim and play outside FNow there’s more homework time FCrazy monkey business around the house FNFNow I’m with the greatest teacher in teaching history Mrs. O’Neal FIFI have no time to swim and play outside FNFNow there’s more homework time FCFCrazy monkey business around the house

12 Thank You Thanks for listening I had an incredible summer. Thanks for your cooperation. - LaVencia

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