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Planets By:Gabriel.

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1 Planets By:Gabriel

2 Mercury Mercury is about 36 million miles from the sun.
One year on mercury is only 88 earth days. One day on mercury is about 59 earth days. It is extremely hot on mercury because it is the closest to the sun. Mercury is made of rock and metal.

3 Venus Venus is the second planet from the sun.
It is about 67 million miles away from the sun. Venus is almost the same size as earth. One year on Venus is about 225 earth days A day on Venus is about 243 days on earth

4 Earth and moon Earth is about 93 million miles from the sun.
There is 365 days on earth. There is 24 hours in a day on earth. Earth only has one moon. The moon causes the tides to change.

5 Mars Mars is about 142 million miles away from the sun.
Scientist think that there was life on mars. 2 earth years is one year on mars. A day on mars is about the same as a day on earth.

6 Jupiter * Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system
Jupiter has what they call it Great Red Spot Jupiter is bigger than all the planets combined Jupiter has at least 63 moons The biggest is Ganymede Its also the biggest moon in the solar system Jupiter is the fifth planet from the sun It is 484 million miles away A year on Jupiter is 12 years on earth

7 Saturn Saturn is the sixth planet from the sun.
It is 887 million miles away from the sun. On Saturn its very, very, very, cold. Saturn has at least 46 moons. It takes almost 30 years for Saturn to go around the sun

8 Uranus Uranus is the seventh planet from the sun.
It’s about 1.8 billion miles from the sun. Uranus is third biggest planet. About 27 moons fly around it. Uranus orbits in just 17 earth hours.

9 Neptune Neptune is the 8th planet from the sun.
It is about 2.8 billion miles from the sun. It’s about the same size as Uranus. 164 years is about a year on Neptune

10 Pluto Pluto is often called a dwarf planet.
Pluto is 3.6 billion miles from the sun. Pluto was discovered in 1930. 248 years on earth is about one year on Pluto


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