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MiPlan City of Miami’s Climate Action Plan City of Miami’s Climate Action Plan Reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the City of Miami Reduce greenhouse.

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Presentation on theme: "MiPlan City of Miami’s Climate Action Plan City of Miami’s Climate Action Plan Reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the City of Miami Reduce greenhouse."— Presentation transcript:


2 MiPlan City of Miami’s Climate Action Plan City of Miami’s Climate Action Plan Reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the City of Miami Reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the City of Miami Followed ICLEI template Followed ICLEI template Many participants Many participants Green Commission subcommittee Green Commission subcommittee Green Team city employees Green Team city employees City Department Directors City Department Directors Outside reviewers Outside reviewers

3 Source: Global Warming Art,


5 Miami With 4 Foot Rise in Sea Level Source: The 2030 Research Center, Nation Under Siege: Sea Level Rise at Our Doorstep.

6 Miami Citywide CO 2e Emissions by Source 4. 4. 4.8 Million Metric tons citywide

7 Miami Government CO 2e Emissions by Source 82,000 metric tons for Miami Govt.

8 Target Reductions by Sector

9 Buildings Existing government buildings Existing government buildings Existing private buildings citywide Existing private buildings citywide New buildings New buildings Alliance to address energy efficiency Alliance to address energy efficiency Heat island effect Heat island effect

10 Energy Distributed generation Distributed generation Renewable energy sources Renewable energy sources Utilities be greener Utilities be greener

11 Transportation Alternative transportation Alternative transportation Telecommuting, compressed work weeks and flexible hours Telecommuting, compressed work weeks and flexible hours Higher fuel efficiency in vehicles Higher fuel efficiency in vehicles Alternative fuels Alternative fuels Education and outreach Education and outreach

12 Land Use Modify land use strategies Modify land use strategies Begin process of planning for climate change impacts Begin process of planning for climate change impacts Adaptation

13 Thanks

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