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ContactPoint CYPD Information Support Team ContactPoint Presentation June 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "ContactPoint CYPD Information Support Team ContactPoint Presentation June 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 ContactPoint CYPD Information Support Team ContactPoint Presentation June 2007

2 Content CYPD Information Support Team Every Child Matters Projects ContactPoint

3 CYPD Information Support Team Mark Rickard – Project Manager Peter Harwood – Project Officer (ICS and eCAF) Kevin Mannion – Project Officer (ContactPoint and BHLP) Jason Christopher – Data/System manager (ContactPoint/Softsmart) Responsible for: establishing robust, accessible information systems to ensure services to children are joined up and meet needs by supporting multi-agency working at strategic, planning and operational levels.

4 Every Child Matters Projects (1) ContactPoint (Information Sharing Index) – It is a tool that will enable practitioners delivering services to children to identify and contact one another easily and quickly so they can, where appropriate, work together for the benefit of children, young people and families. Electronic Common Assessment Framework (eCAF) – Electronically record Common Assessment Frameworks that have been carried out by a practitioner when a baby, child or young person has additional needs that their current provision is not addressing. Currently a manual process in Gloucestershire.

5 Every Child Matters Projects (2) Integrated Children’s System (ICS) – An applied conceptual framework for working with children in need to manage detailed information requirements. ICS supported by Information Technology is the core of the electronic social care record for children. Budget Holding Lead Professional (BHLP) – An IT solution to support the Budget Holding Lead Professional pilot currently taking place in Gloucestershire. 14 Multi Agency Groups have been created with an allocated budget enabling lead professionals to buy services to meet the needs of children that cannot be met without additional funding following a CAF.

6 What is ContactPoint? It is a tool that will enable practitioners delivering services to children to identify and contact one another easily and quickly so they can, where appropriate, work together for the benefit of children, young people and families. It will store very basic information for all children living in England – no case information. It will be a national system to enable a more complete record for a child who accesses services in more than one local area. Developed nationally, implemented locally.


8 The legal framework Duties placed by Children Act 2004:  A Director of Children’s Services and a lead council member for children, to ensure clear accountability politically.  Duties to co-operate to improve the well-being of and to put in place arrangements to safeguard and promote welfare of children.  Set up of Local Safeguarding Children Boards and a duty for key partners to take part  An index containing basic details about children and young people

9 Technology change is only one part of the picture… ICS Contact Point (e)CAF Technology Change + Business Change + Culture Change Bichard Integrated Working ECM agenda Improved information sharing Early & holistic identification of needs Coordinated service delivery

10 Information Sharing Guidance Common Assessment Framework Lead Professional Tools and processes Benefits of integrated working Benefits Earlier, holistic identification of needs Earlier, more effective intervention Improved information sharing across agencies Better service experience for children and families Multi-Agency Working Faster, more co-ordinated delivery of service for the Child Contact Point

11 Who is affected? Children, young people and families Central Government Local authorities Children’s workforce – statutory services Children’s workforce – non statutory services

12 The History The idea: Lessons from Laming Report – Victoria Climbie ‘Experimenting’: the Trailblazers Defining, refining and developing: extensive stakeholder engagement lessons from local indexes Where are we now: detailed design

13 Lessons learnt It can work Must be national and a record of all children in England Must be a simple, secure tool, with accurate information Must contain no assessment or case data – just basic contact information Needs to provide a broader picture of people working with a child

14 ContactPoint Benefits More effective service delivery and intervention More timely response to needs Increased productivity and effectiveness Better identification of children not receiving universal services Better management information – planning service delivery Children, young people and families Able to quickly see who else is providing services to a child Reducing time spent on admin frees up time to focus on service delivery Reduction in number of duplicated referrals PractitionersManagers Reduced number of repeat assessments and referrals

15 Information held Parent / Carer Contact Details Child’s Name Gender Date of Birth Address BASIC DEMOGRAPHICS General Practice Contact Details Health Visitor Contact Details UNIVERSAL SERVICES Educ/School Contact Details School Nurse Contact Details CAF Who, when, where? “Info to Share” Contact Details “Taken action” Contact Details Sensitive Service Contact Details Youth Worker Contact Details Social Worker Contact Details SENCO Contact Details ADDITIONAL INVOLVEMENT Lead Professional Contact Details Unique Identifier CONTACTPOINT WILL NOT HOLD CASE DATA OR ASSESSMENT INFORMATION

16 The Big Picture other DWP DfES ONS National NHS D A T A S U P P L Y No IT Access Mediated Access P R A C T I T I O N E R A C C E S S Web Access Modified CMS CP 150 ‘accountable’ LAs Data matching Access Controls Support services (national and local) SECURITY Local D A T A S U P P L Y (tbc)

17 Who will have access? Authorised practitioners in children’s services Role based access controls Security checked - including enhanced Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) clearance. Training to include: safe and secure use of ContactPoint Data Protection Act and Human Rights Act Audit trail

18 Practitioners view ContactPoint information directly or indirectly via a specified contact point Authorised practitioner views ContactPoint information directly – ideally via their case management system Contact Point Records Mediated access - local or organisational contact views ContactPoint information on behalf of the authorised practitioner Management Information Practitioner is involved with a child or young person

19 ContactPoint will be updated from case management systems wherever possible Practitioner is involved with a child or young person automatic update of involvement and contact details Practitioner updates case information Contact Point Records ContactPoint Administration updates ContactPoint Mediated access - alternative route where no system link is possible Case Mgmt System

20 ContactPoint – high level timeline* *Based on current thinking as of October 2006 and may be subject to change.

21 CMS modification CMS should allow the practitioner to enter information on ContactPoint, without having to re-key information. Two major levels of integration: Partial Full CMS supplies its own internal reference number for the child in the query request. In most cases ContactPoint will locate the child record based on this identifier; otherwise ContactPoint will perform fuzzy matching.

22 Source A A Source B B Record structure Source C C Name Address Most likely New data reflected into “most likely” view

23 Accountabilities for data Responsible LA ~ Data source ContactPoint Observed discrepancies X matching LA liaises with sources about data problems

24 What Next – Stakeholder Engagement/Workforce Analysis Stakeholders to complete documentation to indicate: Total No. Of Workforce Total No. of users ContactPoint Information No. of Users who have access CMS all working times or part-time No. of Users who have access to a web-enabled computer all working times or part-time Users who have access to no ICT all working times or part-time No. of Users who have Enhanced CRB No. of Users with no Enhanced CRB check

25 Further information Local Authority Information – ContactPoint Information Pack GCC CYPD Information Support Website – Every Child Matters website - Latest updates on ContactPoint, ICS and other ECM projects Guidance and training materials for key integrated working processes Fact sheets, case studies, Making It Happen LARA – online tool to support ContactPoint implementation. If access is required contact Kevin Mannion Information Sharing Training –Multi-agency information sharing training carried out in 2006. Now developing an e-learning package. Contact Mary Holland for further information.

26 Question and Answers ContactPoint Any Information Support Projects Comments

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