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Let’s get digital A strategy for Cornwall Jason Williams.

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Presentation on theme: "Let’s get digital A strategy for Cornwall Jason Williams."— Presentation transcript:

1 Let’s get digital A strategy for Cornwall Jason Williams

2 I have all the answers He is lying!

3 Current evolution of digital Website had 7.7m visits last year - 3.7m unique visitors 56k submitted forms £12m in online payments Mobile 15% usage av. over last year – 11% growth so far this year = 26% 10k followers on Twitter - Social CRM – Facebook and Twitter Customer journey work – Adult care, youth services

4 enable customers… to serve themselves… and interact where necessary… …in a space that reflects their lifestyles and preferences We want to….

5 How do we make this happen? A distinct change to how we approach digital services A culture of developing with and for the customer Online systems that are customer focused and not service focused Cutting the red tape Developing an infrastructure in Cornwall for digital Freedom and training to use techniques and tools

6 Why now?

7 Infrastructure

8 What are we trying to achieve? Digital business thinking how to deliver online for a customer thinking how we can cut the costs  = digital evolution! Engagement – co-design the customer journey

9 What about outcomes? Advocates Member champions Customer access strategy Development framework and standards An infrastructure in Cornwall to support digital Social inclusion

10 Benefits More online services that customers will use Utilise existing high usage Customer experience Give confidence with digital channels increase return visitors Save money from our back-office by making more efficient use of digital Better access to services

11 Cornwall Council County Hall Truro TR1 3AY Tel: 0300 1234 100

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