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EYFS Co-ordinators Autumn Network Meeting 2013
Welcome !
Agenda General updates Writing ELG – moderation activity
EYFS profile 2013-evaluation EYFS profile handbook 2014 Swindon changes to profile moderation 2014 Data 2013 Transition document EYFS network meetings NQTs and new to EYFS Profile training
Early Years Outcomes Non-statutory guidance
Same contents within age/stage bands Individual choice-school-based assessments “If you want to get good outcomes use EYO alongside Development Matters”
Consultation on Assessment
Primary assessment and accountability under the new National Curriculum Closing date for responding: 11th October
Key Questions Should a new baseline check be introduced at start of Reception? Should schools be allowed to choose from a range of commercially available assessments? Should the baseline check be made optional? Should end of KS1 national curriculum tests become non-statutory?
Rationale KS1 tests at end of Y2 are not a genuine baseline
Measuring a baseline from end KS1 gives schools no credit for crucial work done in Reception/Y1 Baseline check could be used to measure each child’s strengths and weaknesses on-entry
To be administered by a teacher within 2-6 weeks of entering Reception, subject to external monitoring It would become a statutory baseline check and could replace the end of EYFS Profile assessment
Ofsted Subsidiary Guidance
V3 September 2013: This document gives more detail on evaluating achievement and progress, particularly within groups of pupils. Pages 8/9…. ‘There are no national data for attainment on-entry to nursery and Reception and no prescribed methods of assessing children when they start school’
‘typical development’ – now related more to age on entry (in months)
No national average and standardised expectations Inspectors should discuss with the school leaders how they measure children’s starting points and the proportions of children that demonstrate development that is typical for their age.
EYFS Co-ordinators need to report on progress by analysing and reporting on % children making ‘expected’ or ‘rapid’ progress across the year. p. 11 Subsidiary guidance
Identifying Starting Points
‘Typical’ for their age ‘Below’ that typical for their age ‘Significantly below’ ‘Above’ indicating the potential to exceed the ELG’s by the end of Reception p.8
Progress “Where children progress steadily against what is a typical level of development for their age, they can be said to have made ‘typical progress” “Children who meet all the ELG’s but who started at a lower level of development than is typical for their age might be said to be making rapid progress” “A child starting school at a higher level of development, who meets all the ELG’s but exceeds none of them is unlikely to have made enough progress”
Key findings-Profile data 2013
Swindon are overall in line with South West and slightly above England for most indicators. As across all other local authorities in England, the EYFSP Area of Learning that is keeping the GLD indicator down is Literacy (specifically the Writing subject). A considerable proportion of pupils achieve at least the expected level in all other Early Learning Goals but fail in Writing. No surprises here regarding Writing as it is the subject with lowest scores across the other stages of primary schooling.
Moderation activity ELG 10-Writing
Profile 2013 Evaluation Findings from STA external moderation
Findings from national evaluation survey DFE/STA areas for development Swindon moderator evaluation Swindon school evaluations
Core findings from EYFSP external moderation and evaluation events
Handbook is clear, easy to navigate and find answers to queries, moderation responsibilities clearly set out Increased internal and inter-school moderation ‘Expected’ – easiest band to moderate due to exemplification More reliance on practitioner knowledge
As practitioners become more acquainted with the characteristics of effective learning, this part of profile will become easier to complete Sample of children was selected on the day using interim judgements
Electronic EYFSP evaluation survey
127/153 LAs responded 60% - not enough relevant and appropriate exemplification examples to illustrate each ELG (will be addressed after outcome of consultation – no updates for this schools year) 60% - multi-form entry schools posed difficulties (greater guidance in EYFS Profile handbook 2014)
Areas for development These will not be considered until the outcome of the baseline consultation is known. Further guidance and exemplification for children on the threshold of attainment bands Further guidance and exemplification for SEN, EAL and children with S&L issues Revisit exemplification to ensure a consistent pitch and coverage of each part of the ELGs
Further guidance and exemplification for the ‘exceeding’ and ‘emerging’ bands of attainment
Further guidance and exemplification for reading, writing and number
Swindon EYFS Profile moderation 2013 feedback from evaluation
Better when all practitioners released for morning Good professional conversation Good practitioner knowledge of children and ELGs HT attending was good practice School summary sheets/tracking sheets helped
Moderating writing – exemplification did not match ‘expected’
Sometimes started late as school had not identified a suitable work space
Swindon school evaluations
Visits conducted in a very professional manner and were very purposeful and rigorous Good CPD opportunity for FS teachers and senior leaders Helpful suggestions made by moderators for future provision and practice HT and senior leaders found it to be a valuable and useful process Fair to moderate all goals for all teachers across all schools – consistency of practice Moderation visits well-planned and moderators very clear about how the process would be conducted
Updates to handbook 2014 2014 handbook reflects current government advice and policies (all references to ‘Development Matters’ removed – not endorsed by STA – just a tool like ‘Early Years Outcomes’) Consistency between handbook and ARA Web site reference changed to Annex 1-5 listed in contents
Page 12, 3rd bullet – Practitioners should ‘discuss with Y1 teachers whether a child is ‘exceeding’ in any ELG Page 14, section 3.1 – 1st bullet – ‘with the exception of ELG03, where the EYFS profile contains the word talks or speaks children can use their established or preferred mode of communication
Page 21, section 4.5, 4th paragraph – clarity on who completes the profile if a child moves school in the summer term Pages 24 to 26 – explanatory notes removed (STA no longer recommends use of these noted when making judgements – cannot be used to make final decision – were initially included to support Y1 teachers)
Page 28, section 6.3 – Inter-school moderation (not new, has been put into its own section)
‘Outcomes of discussions could be recorded and referenced during moderation visits’ – moderators may ask for this during moderation visit.
The moderation sample Page 31 – section 6.9
In single-form entry school moderators will moderate 17 ELGs from one practitioner. The moderator will expect to see some ‘emerging’, some ‘expected’ and some ‘exceeding’ outcomes from across the five children In a multi-form entry school the moderator will ensure that all 17ELGs are moderated across the sample with at least one judgement at each of the 3 outcome levels from each practitioner
Moderation plan Page 35 – Moderation visits to schools and settings
2nd bullet - Statutory – LAs ensure that practitioners are familiar with STA guidance materials and moderators reference these where relevant during the moderation visit (moved from example to key element) Effective practice, 5th bullet – moderators should adjust the size of the sample as appropriate
Page 36, 1st bullet – Statutory – Information concerning the characteristics of effective learning are an integral part of the moderation discussion (New) Page 36, 3rd bullet – Statutory - Outcomes of internal and cross-school moderation are considered within the moderation discussion. Moderators establish how settings develop and use internal moderation processes Page 36, last bullet – Statutory – Moderators refer to all the documents required to explore and validate exceeding judgements including the national curriculum key stage 1 attainment targets and level descriptors (not APP) (New)
Data collection – page 38 Advised completion window, 9th – 20th June
LA’s required to collect data by Friday 20th June Use of data to support planning in Y1 – page 39 Bullet 3, now statutory – Training is provided for Y1 teachers ……… (Note it is statutory for Y1 teachers to participate in internal profile moderation – bullet 2)
Swindon changes 2014 Y1 EYFS training at end of summer term 2014
Letter of notification of moderation visit to include asking schools to have a summary sheet / tracking sheet to make it easier to choose children Letter of notification to also include that best professional dialogue takes place if all teachers can be present throughout the whole morning Letter of notification to invite HTs to attend the whole morning
Letter of notification to emphasise that a suitable working space is required for the visit
System developed to follow up concerns raised at agreement trialling activities – school support?
Swindon moderator recruitment
Page 33 – Moderation team Statutory – Moderators are recruited who have appropriate skills and capabilities to carry out the role Most effective practice – recruitment process allows for all interested parties to apply Letter sent to HTs – expression of interest by 6th December 2013
Moderation plan 2013/2014 New to EYFS training – October 2013
Profile drop-ins – November 2013 Profile training – all FS2 teachers to attend – Jan/Feb/March 2014 (Y1, EYFS Co-ords, assess Co-ords) Agreement trialling meetings – March 2014, dates and venues to be confirmed (all FS2 teachers to attend) – Non-attendance -> school moderation visit
Schools notified if being moderated week beginning 30th March 2014
Moderation drop-in – April 2014, date and venue to be confirmed Moderation visits – May/June 2014
EYFS Profile data 2013
Transition Were the assessments reliable?
-If not, which areas were least accurate? 2. Are children entering school generally at age-related expectations for YR? 3. Any changes to the document for this year? Share good practice-working with feeder settings
Profile Training Mathematics and Communication & Language
Bring along 1 piece of evidence for 3 attainment levels for all 5 ELG’s if possible 4th March To book:
EYFS Network Meetings 2 year Progress Check 4th December 2-4pm
at Ladybirds CC Highworth 11th December 2-4pm at Moredon CC Book via : SEN referrals
Wednesday 12th February 1-4pm Stanton House Hotel
Next Network.. Wednesday 12th February 1-4pm Stanton House Hotel
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