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Presented by Year 10.  You may be worried about moving from Year 9 to Year 10, You have asked us questions such as: Your Worries What is the.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by Year 10.  You may be worried about moving from Year 9 to Year 10, You have asked us questions such as: Your Worries What is the."— Presentation transcript:

1 KS4@BVS Presented by Year 10

2  You may be worried about moving from Year 9 to Year 10, You have asked us questions such as: Your Worries What is the difference between BTEC and GCSE? How much homework are we expected to do? What equipment do you need in Year 10? When do I need to start revising? What is the main difference between Year 9 and Year 10? How much course work will be expected from me?

3 BTECs vs GCSEs BTEC  Lots of Course work  Equivalent to A*-C at GCSE  On going assessment.*  Includes some vocational element  Assessed through coursework and portfolio  Pass, Merit, or Distinction *You maybe required to do a small exam* GCSE  Exam based  Some Course work  Can get A* - G  Includes controlled assessments  Controlled assessments Assessed through school

4 Equipment and Homework You will be required to have the following:  Pens, Pencils, Ruler etc.  Resources specific to your subject e.g. Spanish dictionary, Revision guides  You are going to have 2 homework tasks a day!  This is set by the school.  The homework will normally be due in 3-7 days.

5  If your attendance is below 80% then you can not sit your GCSE external exams  If you miss school work then it is crucial that you catch up or you will be missing out huge parts of the course  You will not be allowed to miss school for term time holidays Attendance Poor attendance keeps adding up!

6  You will be sitting your first external exams in May/June 2015  It is recommended to start revising as soon as possible (around Feb/March)  Don’t leave until last minute, you won’t pass your GCSE’s based on one nights work!  Attend after school revision lessons if you can  Keep yourself organised with homework and revision for each subject  Set away one evening or afternoon each term to review the terms work in each subject- this way you can make a list of what you don’t understand and tell your teachers so it won’t build up before the exams. Revision/Preparing for external exams

7  Talk to the subject teachers or Director of Learning  Talk to your parents/guardians  Talk to your tutors and Senior Tutors. Who to talk to

8 “It is our choices...that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” – Albus Dumbledore

9 “Failing to prepare, is preparing to fail.”

10 Don’t panic! …and finally

11 KS4@BVS Thank you for listening! Please remember to take a booklet as you leave!

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