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Women in Engineering – The challenge Nicky Ensert 23 rd June 2014 Please note : Any resemblance to your company may not be purely coincidental.

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Presentation on theme: "Women in Engineering – The challenge Nicky Ensert 23 rd June 2014 Please note : Any resemblance to your company may not be purely coincidental."— Presentation transcript:

1 Women in Engineering – The challenge Nicky Ensert 23 rd June 2014 Please note : Any resemblance to your company may not be purely coincidental

2 January 1 2014

3 ‘It's definitely a very male orientated environment and I am often the only female in meetings. I am really looking for someone who can offer me support and encouragement to do well in this environment and to help me explore ways that I can challenge it.’ Director 2014 They talk about gender equality but it is all just noise’ Aspirational Project Manager 2014 ‘I have worked really hard to get to where I have got to. Having women’s networks or gender balance targets undermines that achievement – suggests women need special treatment’ Senior Manager 2014 What are women saying? ‘ My reasons for leaving are in part frustration and I am saddened that there are so few women at senior levels in the organisation.’ Senior Engineer 2014 ‘ There’s one guy who just talks over women in meetings. He did it the other day to me, twice, – ironically, just after we had both just come out of some behavioural training on collaboration!’ Senior Project Manager 2014

4 “We value diversity and celebrate individual differences, believing that……” Fine words, aligned behaviour? “We don’t look on “diversity” as a challenge for society. We sees it as a reality and an opportunity for ……..” “We promote an environment free from discrimination and …….” “We are committed to building an inclusive culture that……….”

5 Who owns this agenda? ‘This is about changing mind-sets and bringing about real behavioural and cultural change from the top down – with female champions but also, male champions pushing the agenda too’ CBI 2014 ‘The business case for gender diversity is rarely established at a local level. Women still feel that the burden of proving the case for change on this issue rests with them’ KPMG 2014. ‘We started by asking ourselves whether we were living up to our own aspirations to champion women in leadership. … whether our commitment gender balance is demonstrated in what we do, what we say, what we measure and what we prioritise’ 21 CEOs – Male Champions for Change 2013.

6 Worth reading/listening to Dr Margaret Byrne – In her Shoes – Part 1– CBI – ‘Building on progress: boosting diversity in our workplace’ - March 2014 Binna & Jo Kandola -‘The invention of difference’ 2013 KPMG – ‘Cracking the Code’ – March 2014 Male Champions of Change ‘Accelerating the advancement of women in leadership’ 2013 Mckinsey – Women Matter - Sheryl Sandberg – ‘Lean in’ – 2013 Sheryl Sandberg – ‘Why we have too few women leaders’ TED talk men_leaders men_leaders

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