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Cultural Heritage Asset Management Plan (CHAMP) Training Introduction to EnvIS, CHAMP and the HA business case for environmental management.

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Presentation on theme: "Cultural Heritage Asset Management Plan (CHAMP) Training Introduction to EnvIS, CHAMP and the HA business case for environmental management."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cultural Heritage Asset Management Plan (CHAMP) Training Introduction to EnvIS, CHAMP and the HA business case for environmental management

2 CHAMP within EnvIS “EnvIS consists of specific environmental data that is collated and displayed in the HA Geographical Information System (HAGIS)” – Interim Advice Note (IAN) 84/07 - Landscape - Air Quality - Cultural Heritage - Noise - Nature Conservation & Ecology - Water - Waste CHAMP

3 What is CHAMP? DMRB 10, sec 6 part 2 HA GIS system - HAGIS EnvIS Governance Cultural Heritage Management Plans

4 Access to the Cultural Heritage Inventory in HAGIS HAGIS screen shot CHAMP in HAGIS Telephone: 0845 3710 717

5 Cultural Heritage assets in EnvIS

6 CHAMP data Level 1 data: designated assets (building, monument or landscape with a special interest in a national context), e.g. Listed Buildings, Battle fields. Level 2 data: non-designated assets (non-statutory assets identified by local authorities), e.g. non-designated parks

7 Complete CHAMP Level 2 upload by March 2010 (Network Services) EnvIS Go-Live in April 2010 (CHE Memo) First EnvIS data upload in July 2010 (Service Providers) Development of EnvIS reporting tools (BSD) Next steps

8 Exercise Why must we undertake CHAMP?

9 Benefits to Highways Agency Inform decision making - efficiency in time - prioritisation of funding - identification of risks Improve knowledge on areas and schemes Active role in the protection and enhancement of the historic environment HAIL inquiries Assist in Key Performance Indicators (KPI) validation

10 Benefits to Service Provider Assist in decision making Assist in development of cultural heritage programmes, strategies and plans Inform on constraints on the ground Knowledge on assets, projects, areas can be held Support in demonstrating performance against environmental objectives

11 Benefits to Highways Agency: case studies

12 Scheduled Monuments M25 Runnymede Bridge Scheduled Monument on EH “at risk” register

13 Historic Buildings A21 Bantony Manor. Listed Grade II

14 Historic Buildings: setting M1 Junctions 28-31. View from roof of Hardwick Hall

15 Clearance schemes A46 Newark to Widmerpool. Listed Grade II bridge

16 Technical schemes

17 Those engaged in the assessment, design, construction, operation and maintenance of the existing and proposed highway network, Service Providers, HA personnel - performance managers and Lands Who CHAMP applies to?

18 Atos EnvIS Management Team (EMT) Regional Environmental Advisors (REA)/Focal Point Advisor (FPA) CHAMP Users Network Delivery and Development (NDD) Service Provider CHAMP key-players

19 Roles in CHAMP Check heritage data supplied by EnvIS Prepare CHAMP and identify appropriate management actions Submit CHAMP to NDD Agreed CHAMP with NDD Undertake management actions Update EnvIS data Send updated data to HA NDD responsibility Preparation of CHAMP by Service Providers

20 Cultural Heritage data is on the system REAs provide advice to Network Delivery and Development (NDD) and Service Providers for each area Review loaded dataset and existing data Point of contact with Focal Point Advisors (FPA) Regional Environmental Advisors (REA)

21 Service Provider role Role Check and Use data to prepare proposals for cultural heritage management plans Identify priorities for management Implement recommendations Provide new information and update data Monitor the effectiveness of actions Manage maintenance works Requirement: Appropriate professional qualifications and experience “service providers are required to collect, record, submit and utilise available EnvIS data in the course of network management…” (Network Management Manual 2.15.3)

22 Network Delivery and Development (NDD) role Role Responsible for CHAMPs to be produced in each area: - Ensure area teams have access to CHAMP core data - Instruct service providers to carry out recommendations Consider existing CHAMP when undertaking road improvement, maintenance and technical communication works Monitor Service Providers performance

23 Roles in supplying & updating data Supply Level 1 and 2 data Update Level 1 and 2 data Identification of condition rating and management actions Network Servicesyesno Atosno MPmaybe MACnoyes DBFOnoyes English Heritage/ local authorities yes no

24 Cutting of grassland has been planned to be undertaken for visibility and safety purposes. Example Outcome Prior to undertaking any maintenance works, CHAMP should be consulted to identify any cultural heritage assets which may be affected by maintenance works, and to avoid damage to cultural heritage resource A38 Carminow Cross Scheduled Monument

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