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Issues of relevance. Topics for discussion Role of the lay member Fees Appraisals Website Health and safety Re-appointments Western Heritable appeal.

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Presentation on theme: "Issues of relevance. Topics for discussion Role of the lay member Fees Appraisals Website Health and safety Re-appointments Western Heritable appeal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Issues of relevance

2 Topics for discussion Role of the lay member Fees Appraisals Website Health and safety Re-appointments Western Heritable appeal

3 The role of the lay member! Term “lay member”used for a long time Not now much used in legislation Still used colloquially Should it be dropped?

4 Tribunals in the 21 st century Sir Andrew Leggatt: Tribunals for Users 2001 DCA White Paper: Transforming Public Services: Complaints, Redress and Tribunals

5 Changing legislation Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Bill published in draft on 25 th July 2006 Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007 received Royal Assent on 19 th July 2007 Part 1 requires the government to implement tribunal reform

6 What next? Consultation paper Closing date for comments – 22 nd February 2008 “lay member” term misleading – would term “member” suffice?

7 From “lay member” to…? Housing panel member was the name chosen by the “lay members” at their session. How do other members feel about that choice?

8 Fees Fee TypeChairmanSurveyorLaymember Full day fee£304.00£244.00£157.00 Half day fee£152.00£122.00£78.50 Pre-hearing fee£76.00£61.00£39.25 Decision/Statement Fee (half)£152.00 Decision/Statement Fee (full)£304.00 Post-Hearing Fee£76.00£61.00£39.25 Re-inspection fee £122.00 Cancellation Fee£152.00£122.00£78.50 Pre-Hearing Fee - to cover any interlocutary and preliminary work including liaising with prhp staff Decision/Statement Fees - covers decision, Statement and registering of order, fee dependant on length of Statement/complexity of case Post-Hearing Fee - Interlocutary work including revocation order, completion certificate and registering order Re-inspection Fee - To cover the surveyor's reinspection of the property. This may be a half or full day as appropriate by inspection time/complexity Reconvened Committees will get a half or full day as appropriate. Cancellation Fee - This fee is payable if the Committee is cancelled within 48 hours of the arranged date.

9 Appraisals A supportive process Opportunity to discuss issues Confidential

10 Appraisal process Once every 3 years Chairmen must be observed at a hearing; other members will usually be observed at a hearing Appraiser adopts “fly on the wall” approach

11 Website Is it fit for purpose? What else would you like to be there? What don’t you like?

12 Goodbye!

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