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Access database AO-6. Use a database for a business purpose Task 5: Business Database The owner of Downloadable Tunes has created an electronic database.

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Presentation on theme: "Access database AO-6. Use a database for a business purpose Task 5: Business Database The owner of Downloadable Tunes has created an electronic database."— Presentation transcript:

1 Access database AO-6

2 Use a database for a business purpose Task 5: Business Database The owner of Downloadable Tunes has created an electronic database to record customer details. The database will be used to efficiently store and maintain customer details and to target advertising to specific customer groups. You have been provided with an electronic version of the database (in the public drive and on the VLE). You will need to use it to complete the task: A Open the database and carry out the following tasks: 1. A new order has been received, enter the following customer details into the database 2. A Smith has asked to be removed from the database. Delete this record. 3. T Park has recently married and is now T Forrest. Amend this record, to reflect this change. B Create one query showing all of the customers that live in Leeds. InitialSurnameAddress1Address2Address3PostcodeAge MKhan31 Haystings CloseYorkYO4 2TT14

3 Task 5: Business Database To achieve the higher grades you will also need to: B create a new query showing all the customers that live in Durham and who are within the age range of 16 to 25. Sort this query on the Age field (ascending or descending order) C create a report using the query for the customers living in Durham and who are aged between 16 and 25 D create a new report using the query for customers living in Leeds. This report must be in the form of address labels E create a third report, printing information about your customers, using a format of your choice Use a database for a business purpose

4 The database is incomplete, you have to find the missing data

5 EDIT data in a database Screenshot before the changes Screenshot after the changes Save the database (you will use it again)


7 Create and use a SIMPLE QUERY Load the database

8 Create and use a SIMPLE QUERY Click here to use all fieldsThen click on “Next >”

9 Create and use a SIMPLE QUERY Give your QUERY a sensible name, one that explains what it does. You don’t need to do anything on this screen Between 15 and 25

10 Create and use a SIMPLE QUERY This icon, which does change, swaps you between the table of answers and design the query.

11 Create and use a SIMPLE QUERY This Query will find all customers in Durham who are aged between 16 and 25... The search criteria MUST be in the “Criteria” row Click this to see your results

12 Create and use a SIMPLE QUERY Save your query so that you could use it again, in the real world You should end up with a number of your own queries listed here.

13 The Queries… “Leeds” + “>15” all of the customers that live in Leeds. “Durham” + “between 16 and 25” Living in Durham and who are within the age range of 16 to 25. (sort it according to age) “?”+ 1 other query of your choice Distinction + You will need to run a report for both of these queries. The Durham query will need a report in the form of address labels

14 SORTING the results of a query You can SORT the results of the query on any field you choose. These are in alphabetical, or ascending, order of the title.

15 Printing out the database in special formats

16 REPORTS. Create and print a report.

17 Choose: a Table or a Query Select all fields Choose how to group the fields...

18 REPORTS. Create and print a report. If you want:- you can sort the data by any field

19 REPORTS. Create at least THREE reports. Examples Address labels for envelopes One report for each query you created, printed with a different style Make a graph using Access

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