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1 Influenza Pandemic Keith Soper Associate Director of Quality & Risk.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Influenza Pandemic Keith Soper Associate Director of Quality & Risk."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Influenza Pandemic Keith Soper Associate Director of Quality & Risk

2 2 What could it mean for St Mary’s? DoH predicted clinical attack rate of 25-35% with 2.5% mortality Possibility of coping with over 100 patients requiring admission a day at height of pandemic Unique position in London makes predicting activity accurately difficult Possible we will see some of the first cases Staffing absence rate of 25-35% Cancelled routine and other elective surgery Cancelled routine clinics Potential supply problems

3 3 What are our plans? Developed formal contingency plan with senior clinician and executive director ownership Established clinical guidelines Where possible provide treatment and advice to be followed at home Designated Flu Centre and admission wards Identified areas (other than ITU) where patients can be ventilated Sector-wide work on supplies Liaison with University and volunteers to assist with workforce Links with primary care

4 4 What else needs to be done? Continue to take account of latest guidance Consideration to be give to relocation of staff and some services Ethical issues to be considered further when difficult decisions about treatment need to be taken Clarity on availability of critical care across London Further work on patient pathway Clear staff vaccination plan Training of voluntary staff (timing important) Finalise stockpiling of supplies

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