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Keeping it in Perspective Key Learning Points Next steps.

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Presentation on theme: "Keeping it in Perspective Key Learning Points Next steps."— Presentation transcript:

1 Keeping it in Perspective Key Learning Points Next steps

2 Activity No. of IncidentsHospital Visits Playing field/ grounds1310 Dormitory95 Stairs72 Medical emergency65 Drama/ Music53 Corridor32 Own activity32 Recreation Rooms30 Chapel21 Adventure Playground21 Wheelchair11 Violence11 Door11 Disco10 Dining room10 Where the Actual Dangers Lie Example of an Outdoor Centre accident record for one year from 15,000 visitors/50,000 people days: 83 accident forms completed in 12 months of which 58 were incurred during non- adventurous activities/ down time


4 Attack of the killer bunks!

5 School trips: 1-2 deaths per 30,000,000 (approx) pupil days, per year Road traffic accidents: 700 deaths per year Accidental and sudden deaths each year – 18yrs and under



8 Keeping It in Perspective “... being alive is dangerous…… In the UK every year: 20 people are electrocuted by their bedside light or alarm clock 20 are killed falling over as they get out of bed 30 drown in the bath 60 are seriously injured even just putting on their socks 600 (nearly 2 per day) die from falling down stairs. (Gerald Wilde C4 TV 1999)

9 Common Ingredients of Successful Visits A self-evaluation exercise for EVCs EVC training group 2010 (based on original by Paul Airey & Bill Taylor)

10 Common Ingredients of Successful Visits An EVC Setting Evaluation Questionnaire Key StatementsScore 1Establishments that support successful visits have a trained, experienced and influential EVC. 2 Establishments that support successful visits have an establishment policy which makes clear links to the employer guidance and clarifies internal procedures. 3Successful visits have clear aims and targeted outcomes 4Successful visits are staffed by leaders who are clear about their specific roles and responsibilities. Young people are also aware of their responsibilities 5Successful visits have sensible and proportionate risk management, understood by both staff and young people 6Successful visits have been formally approved to ensure that they have been planned in accordance with establishment policy and employer guidance 7Successful visits have been overseen by the EVC and an opportunity created for imparting further advice and guidance 8Establishments that organise successful visits have a system for monitoring quality, safety and good practice on a sample basis There are 23 questions in total.

11 How to use the scoring system 1 Very poor requires attention in many areas 2Unsatisfactory requires attention in some areas 3Satisfactory meets required standards but room for improvement 4Good exceeds required standards in several areas 5Excellent a model of good practice

12 The Exercise Create small discussion groups (2-3) Focus on one of the 23 aspects e.g. #3 ‘Aims and outcomes’ Run through the indicator questions / statements for the chosen aspect to clarify understanding Score own establishment using the score- sheet handout provided

13 3. Aims and outcomes Successful visits have clear aims and targeted outcomes Areas for discussion to help score: Staff, young people and parents have a clear understanding of the learning outcomes and benefits involved? There is a clear link between the aims of the activity/visit and young peoples’ needs?

14 Name of EVC: Date of EVC Training AREA / TOPIC OF CONCERN TRIPS & GROUP LEADERS AFFECTED ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED target date for completi on DATE MEASURES IN PLACE e.g. Transport of Young People in Private Cars Yr 13 Gold DofE, KMJ, PCW Yr 12 Shakespeare, Stratford on Avon. BMW LA guidance on transport in private cars, minibuses, and public transport followed. Drivers 25+, clean licence, Fully Comp Insurance with relevant cover. Written consent of other parents involved Additional paragraph in school health & safety / ed. visits policy May 2011 before next trip Sep 2010 Educational Visit Co-ordinator Action Plan

15 The Outdoor Gamble From Managing Risks in Outdoor Activities Cathye Haddock NZMSC 1993

16 Life With Lemons

17 A beach visit could mean two very different things to two different people. Have you as EVC gathered enough information? How can you ensure that visits are of a high quality? Experienced, competent, appropriately trained visit leaders Good planning Appropriate levels of monitoring Celebrate high quality visits!

18 Desired outcomes from EVC training To encourage more high quality visits/activitiesTo encourage more high quality visits/activities To establish competent and confident EVCsTo establish competent and confident EVCs To develop EVCs who are able to inform, enable and support colleagues to plan, organise and lead educational visitsTo develop EVCs who are able to inform, enable and support colleagues to plan, organise and lead educational visits To raise awareness of both Employer/ Local Authority Guidance and National GuidanceTo raise awareness of both Employer/ Local Authority Guidance and National Guidance To share current good practice in the supervision of young people on educational visits.To share current good practice in the supervision of young people on educational visits.

19 1. Review your establishment policy in light of today? Next steps 2. Make sure all staff are aware of and comply with the new procedures 3. If you delegate administrative aspects of the role make sure you keep an overview 4. If you are not the Head, you must let your Head know if you feel you can’t fulfil any part of the role 5. Get in touch if you have any problems 6. I’ll inform you about future training

20 Lord Adonis Thanks Teachers who organise visits. At the Risk & Redress Conference 17-11-05 Lord Adonis said at the end of his speech: ‘ I'd like to pay tribute to those thousands of teachers who organise visits & activities for their pupils, enriching and often transforming their lives.’ ‘Everyone remembers a good teacher and most of us also remember the good teacher who led activities outside the classroom’

21 Who wants to be an EVC? So, who needs to thank an EVC? Tout le monde!

22 It is really important that EVCs strive to foster a positive culture in relation to Educational Visits. You might not always get the thanks and recognition you deserve ……but it is nice when you are appreciated!

23 It’s always good to remember why we have Educational Visits and EVCs!

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