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Published byNasir Huey Modified over 10 years ago
C hild protection training for school governors in Devon, (last revised 2005) This training should be delivered by the trained and designated person for child protection in the school. It is expected that this training will last about two hours. It would take longer if a case study and/or Q. and A. session are incorporated. Exact timings and customising are the responsibility of the person delivering training to determine. These training materials need to be carefully considered before delivery to ensure familiarity with them and the other resources referred to. Potential issues and queries which are likely to arise should also inform the planning of the session. This training pack provides additional notes beneath each slide for those designated people less accustomed to CP training. These could be printed off as a ‘Word’ document and used as prompts by the ’trainer’. Queries about these materials/contents can be made to Devon LEA’s Lead Officer for Child Protection. The presentation starts with the next slide.
Governor Training in Child Protection (Revised January 2005)
Introduction Fred and Rosemary West Sir William Utting “People Like Us” 1997 “Safeguarding Children” Joint Chief Inspector’s Report Oct 2002 Lord Laming’s Report on the Inquiry into the death of Victoria Climbie Feb 2003 The Soham murders These are examples of key incidents and reports which have heightened awareness that all organisations need cultures and systems which protect children
Lauren Wright Died in 2000 Attended school regularly Her stepmother was employed by the school Village primary school No designated teacher CP in place Staff had not received training No effective procedures (see handout)
“ Every Child Matters” ( originally a Green Paper Sept 2003 now incorporated into the Children Act 2004) “Every child is entitled to expect these outcomes: Staying Safe Being Healthy Enjoying and achieving Experiencing economic well-being Making a positive contribution
Safeguarding (1) In terms of “Staying Safe” that means the education service must Provide a safe environment for children and young people to learn in education settings; and, Identify children and young people who are suffering or likely to suffer harm, and, with partners where appropriate, take action with the aim of making sure they are kept safe both at home and at school.
Safeguarding (2) To do those things we need to: Prevent unsuitable people working with children and young people; Promote safe practice and challenge poor and unsafe practice; Identify where there are grounds for concern about a child’s welfare, and initiate/take appropriate action to keep them safe; and, Contribute to effective partnership working between all those involved with providing services for children.
Practical Implications A focus on outcomes – not policies or process; Arrangements/procedures are demonstrably effective and are implemented consistently; Staff have appropriate training, understand their role and responsibilities and are confident about carrying them out; and, Staff, pupils, parents feel confident that they can raise issues /concerns and that they will be listened to and taken seriously
Safeguarding –A Statutory Duty LEAs, schools and FE institutions must carry out their functions with a view to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of pupils; and, LEAs, Governing Bodies, and Proprietors of Independent Schools must have regard to relevant guidance issued by the Secretary of State.
Section 175 Education Act 2002 This came into force in June 2004 and the Guidance was published in September 2004 S175 means that schools should take into account the need to minimise risk of harm to pupils and where there are concerns that they act to remedy those concerns
GUIDANCE ON CHILD PROTECTION ARRANGEMENTS Safeguarding is about protecting children from harm. The section underpins the existing duty of care, and applies to a range of issues, for example bullying, as well as child abuse. There is other guidance that will need to be taken into account to discharge this duty
Some one may abuse or neglect a child by inflicting harm, or by failing to act to prevent harm May be within the family, by someone known to the family, a professional, another child, someone ‘met’ on the internet or more rarely a stranger Sexual abuse Physical abuse Neglect Emotional abuse What is abuse?
Child in Need of Protection Where a local authority has reasonable cause to suspect that a child…. Is suffering or is likely to suffer significant harm the authority shall make such enquiries… to decide whether any action should be taken to safeguard a child’s welfare. (Section 47 1989 Children Act)
National Commission of Inquiry Into the Prevention of Child Abuse 1996 At least 150,000 children annually suffer severe physical punishment Up to 100,000 each year have a potentially harmful sexual experience 350-400,000 children live in an environment low in warmth and high in criticism, and 450,000 are bullied at school at least once a week
Child Line 10th Anniversary 10,000 children try each day to contact Child Line - 3,000 get through Over the 1st 10 years 6 million calls have been answered - 77,425 sexual abuse 74,605 physical abuse
Children Who Are Abused Can Be: Either sex Any age - including babies In care In ‘respectable’ homes Those with learning / behaviour difficulties Physically disabled Bright Abused anywhere
Abusers Can Be: Any age Male or female (including sexual abusers) From any social class ‘Nice’ people Work in ‘helping professions’ Related to the child or not Damaged individuals, but very convincing liars. May appear to be “pillars of the community
Sources of Stress on Parents and Carers Drug and alcohol misuse Mental illness of parent or carer Social exclusion Domestic violence
Domestic Violence 33-78% of children have witnessed or become aware of domestic violence Witnessing domestic violence is very likely to have a detrimental impact on children, causing emotional or psychological abuse Children are more likely to be at risk of physical/sexual/emotional abuse from perpetrators of domestic violence Self help advice in the curriculum could help many of these children
What do you think? Activity (see handout)
Duties of governing bodies (1) Governors should not get involved or know details in individual cases (except disciplinary functions relating to allegations against members of staff) Collective responsibility or individual governor to champion?
They must ensure that the school; Has child protection policy and procedures- made available to parents Operates safe recruitment procedures and checks are carried out. Has procedures for dealing with allegations of abuse against staff and volunteers. Has a senior member of school’s leadership team who is designated to take lead responsibility for child protection Duties of governing bodies (2)
Duties of governing bodies (3) The Designated Person should have basic cp training multi agency training refresher training at 2 year intervals. All other staff ( including Head) should have training at 3 year intervals. All should be given the school’s CP policy / procedures and contact details of designated person when they begin work at the school.
Duties of governing bodies (4) Designate a Governor, usually the chair, in case of allegations against the head teacher Governing body should review its policies and procedures annually and provide information to LEA about them and how its duties have been discharged Remedy deficiencies or weaknesses in regard to CP arrangements without delay Extended schools – assurance about child protection procedures from independent companies to which activities are contracted
Duties of head teachers The policies and procedures of governing body implemented and followed by all staff. Sufficient time and resources allocated to designated person All staff and volunteers feel able to raise concerns about unsafe practice and that these are addressed in accordance with agreed whistle blowing policies
Protecting children from unsuitable people Safe recruitment Abuse of trust- Sexual Offences Act 2003 Physical contact with pupils /restraint Allegations against staff Long term work place placements- see next slide
Long term workplace placements Where pupils are on work experience for more than one day per week or for longer than one term in an academic year or are vulnerable, 7 safeguards must be in place: LEA, school, or FE staff who vet or monitor must be CP trained Employer must endorse child protection statement Anyone who has responsibility for supervising placements should be CRB checked That person should know who to contact if concerned Children placed should be given clear advice about what to do if they have CP concerns LEA/FE/School procedures should detail what actions need to be taken + by whom if CP issues are raised regarding the placement CRB checks may be appropriate for students on some types of work placement e.g. when working with younger children
A senior member of the leadership team who is responsible for Referrals and Record Keeping Training Raising awareness Role of Designated Person
When parents involve Governors in child protection issues Explain that governors do not / must not have an operational role in child protection- they have a strategic role only. They should not be advised of personal details of pupils’ lives. Refer any concerns to the Head. (If the concern is about the Head discuss this with the Lead Officer) Where criticisms are made of any aspect of a case (e.g. its progress or staff involved) tell the Head. Confidential or hypothetical advice can be given by the Lead Officer in the LEA.
Safeguarding Children in Education Guidance for the Education Service For advice and examples of good practice in child protection for schools, go to: ion
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