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1 SATURATED FAT A NEW PLEDGE Nicole Redhead – Fat and Salt Strategy.

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Presentation on theme: "1 SATURATED FAT A NEW PLEDGE Nicole Redhead – Fat and Salt Strategy."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 SATURATED FAT A NEW PLEDGE Nicole Redhead – Fat and Salt Strategy

2 2 Public Health Case 1 in 3 of all deaths are from heart disease Clear evidence about public health: −High intakes raise blood cholesterol levels – associated with CVD risk National Diet & Nutrition Surveys show −UK average intakes 15% too high ~2600 premature deaths averted/yr RESPONSIBIILITY DEAL FOOD NETWORK

3 3 Sources in the diet Saturated fat is present in a wide range of foods −Meat −Dairy −Processed cereal products (biscuits, buns, cakes and pastries) −Fat spreads −Chocolate confectionery Need action across all sources to achieve public health goal Need to lower intake without affecting micronutrient status of at-risk groups of the population RESPONSIBIILITY DEAL FOOD NETWORK

4 4 Actions for Reducing Saturated Fat Reformulation Development of new lower saturated fat products Portion size reduction Change in balance of portfolio/menu Incentivise consumers to choose healthier options Activities intended to inform and educate consumers towards making health choices RESPONSIBIILITY DEAL FOOD NETWORK

5 5 Framing a Pledge NEW SAT FAT PLEDGE Take into account public goal Encompasses range of actions Captures and gives credit to those already taking action Initiate new activity Accessible to the widest range of signatories RESPONSIBIILITY DEAL FOOD NETWORK

6 6 Pledge Wording Recognising the role of over-consumption of saturated fat in the risk of premature avoidable mortality from cardiovascular and coronary heart disease, and public health recommendations to reduce saturated fat consumption (to less than 11% of food energy for everyone over 5yrs of age, compared to current levels of 12.7%) We will support and enable people to consume less saturated fat through actions such as product/menu reformulation, reviewing portion sizes, education and information and incentivising consumers to choose healthier options. We will monitor and report on our actions on an annual basis. Progress in reducing people’s saturated fat intakes will be measured via the National Diet and Nutrition Survey. RESPONSIBIILITY DEAL FOOD NETWORK

7 7 Good Practice Tool Supporting partners to identify the type and scale of activity relevant to them. RESPONSIBIILITY DEAL FOOD NETWORK

8 8 Maximising Sign Up Building signatories Invites to sign-up going out Looking to Trade Association’s to help promote the pledge to their members Hope to launch in autumn RESPONSIBIILITY DEAL FOOD NETWORK

9 9 Contact For further information or to get involved contact: Nicole Redhead Email - Tel - 0207 972 3026 RESPONSIBIILITY DEAL FOOD NETWORK

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