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Health Safety & Wellbeing Awareness
Introduce self Introduce session Round the table from delegates
What’s your perception of Health and Safety?
Ask audience about their perception of H&S, do they think its all about “Conkers Bonkers” stories etc Explain about truth behind stories is that its rarely H&S behind bans etc……more likely that its people not knowing what to do and/or worrying about being sued if things go wrong Explain that by focusing on these myths it detracts us from real issues such as……… slide
What’s your perception of Health and Safety?
preventing…… Falls from height…….talk about 45 fatalities and 3350 major injuries……majority of the major injuries were from falls below 2mtrs….. Violence at work…….an increasing problem which could effect us all Or work related anxiety/stress……now one of the largest contributors to sickness absence rates and a key factor in other major illness’s such as Heart attacks Mention that last year 299,000 people were seriously injured at work…….229 died……….sensible H&S is about saving lives
Why is Health Safety and Wellbeing law important?
First and foremost it’s to ensure you don’t suffer any adverse health effects from your work activities Health Promotion! Accident Prevention! Health & safety legislation is in place to try and prevent us from getting hurt at work or falling ill because of what we may do at work by placing legally binding responsibilities on employers to prevent harm coming to their employees Much of the legislation is supported by approved codes of practice which provides guidance on safe working procedures with which to facilitate accident prevention and promoting the health of employees.
Why is Health Safety and Wellbeing important?
Reduce the number of accidents and incidents Reduced likelihood of litigation Reduced likelihood of enforcement action by Health and Safety Executive Reduced sickness absence, more timely return to work via occupational health Financial savings Morale/staff retention and recruitment For an organisation its important because…… from slide
Why is Health Safety and Wellbeing important cont..
= £2,067,898 3.5 Chief Executives, or 4 Directors, or 9 Senior Managers, or 13 Practice Managers, or 17 Social Workers, or 30 Community Support Assistants, or 22 Residential Workers, or 33 Administrators, or 20 Admin Officers…….. for the same period of time The Council does not generate its own finances. The budget allocated to directorates comes, in the main, from the general public through tax’s. All of us pay tax! Talk about how it effects us as individuals……. Anonymous council directorate total loses through sickness absence would pay for…… Council not a profit making organisation……..etc
Health and Safety legislation is not a new concept:-
History Health and Safety legislation is not a new concept:- 1830’s Factory Acts; 1860’s Factory Inspectors; 1870’s Chimney Sweeps; 1891 Relevant Case Law; 1974 H&S at work act. Talk through slides……. 1830’s………religious reformists forced changes to working life through the pulpit, small changes were introduced over time….Miners demanded better conditions, Chimney sweeps were required to be licensed in 1870’s finally putting an end to the use of small children in the industry……and factory inspectors were introduced. Led to a confusing myriad of safety related law which really didn’t do what its was designed to do…….I.E protect workers ’s Roben’s report led to the 1974 act which brought all the safety legislation under one banner.
H&S at Work Act 1974 The Six Pack
Workplace Health Safety & Welfare Regs DSE PPE Regs Manual Handling Regs Safe use of Work Equipment Regs Explain that the H&S at work act is an “Enabling Act” under which more detailed regulations are made…..the most widely quoted are collectively known as the six pack……describe what each is concerned with of these perhaps the most important is the Management of H&S at work regulations which places detailed requirements on employers including To assess and manage risks to their employees and others who maybe effected (or in lay mans terms carry out a Risk Assessment) Record the results of those assessments To make arrangements to ensure the health and safety of the workplace…I.E securing competent advice, training staff, the planning, organisation, control, monitoring and review of health and safety arrangements Management of H&S at Work Regs The Six Pack
Risk Assessment Regulation 3: Management of Health
“An assessment of risk is nothing more than a careful examination of what, in your work, could cause harm to people so that you can weigh up whether you have taken enough precautions or should do more” Talk about key factor in carrying out the requirements of the MHSW is the much maligned RA Contrary to popular belief is not a dark art……you don’t need any special skills….do mental risk assessments every day, crossing roads, driving cars, running baths…….don’t have to consider EVERY hazard……I.E paper cuts…..nor does it mean lots and lots of paperwork………. All an assessment is……read from slide Mention example from HSE, may not reflect what audience are doing but the point is how simple it is Regulation 3: Management of Health & Safety at Work 1999.
“Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown”
How does all this effect us as employees? “Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown” Traditional proverb.
H&S at work act 1974 Responsibilities
Section 2 : Employers must as far as reasonably practicable, safeguard the health, safety and welfare of employees. Section 7: (a) To take reasonable care for the health & safety of himself and others who may be affected by his acts or omissions (b) To co-operate with his employer, necessary, to enable his employer to comply with their H&S duty Section 37: A breach of provisions (law) with the knowledge of, connivance of or has been attributable to the neglect of a Director, Manager, Secretary, or other Officer of that organisation……. Talk through slide Explain section 37 ……other officer, includes admin officers, supervisors and implies that the main responsibility for H&S can be delegated.
Responsibilities Responsibility is proportional to the role you hold
Main responsibility lies here Responsibility is delegated down the “chain of command” but remains with Senior management For the council it would work something like this. The responsibility held by the CEO would be delegated down through the councils “Chain of Command” and your level of responsibility would be proportional to the role you currently hold.……. Note that the responsibility is delegated and not abdicated. Generally this would be personalised through individual job descriptions and an organisations safety policies, You can see how this has been done for council by looking at the policy examples from page 13 onwards in your hand outs Responsibility is proportional to the role you hold
Health, Safety and Wellbeing, the truth!
Explain that if still not convinced then maybe they will be after this short video
Health Safety and Wellbeing Team
Who we are and what we do The Corporate Health and Safety Team fulfil a statutory function by providing a pool of competent officers to provide health and safety assistance to the Council and aims to protect the health, safety and welfare of employees, as well as safeguarding others, principally the public, who may be exposed to risks from the council’s activities.
Health Safety and Wellbeing Team
Quick explanation of team structure How to access services, policies and guidance etc
Health Safety and Wellbeing Team
Advice and guidance Monitoring and Auditing Incident reporting and investigation Project work Representation on national and corporate working groups & committees Training Administration of Eye tests Liaison with enforcement agencies i.e. HSE Advice & Guidance The team provides specialist advice on the application of health and safety law in the workplace and on the development and review of policy and on the interpretation and implementation of the Council’s policies and procedures. Practical support is provided in assessing the risks to health and safety inherent in work activities and recommending methods to eliminate or adequately control such risks. This includes risk assessment pro formas and the EEC online risk assessment tool for schools. Monitoring and Auditing Auditing programmes may involve auditing of a particular health and safety element i.e. lifting equipment maintenance or involve full health and safety audits of a particular premise, groups of premises or a department. The various forms and levels of auditing include Auditing the quantity and quality of monitoring activities undertaken by directorates themselves The examination of documentation and records to ensure compliance with both legislation and departmental and corporate policies and procedures. Auditing of departmental procedures and working practices to ensure compliance with health and safety legislation Checks to ensure that training needs have been assessed and are being met Systematic inspection of premises, plant and equipment to ensure the continued effective operation of hardware controls. Systematic direct observation of work and behaviour to assess compliance with legislation, policies and procedures. Environmental monitoring is also carried out to check the effectiveness of health control measures and assess risk. This involves the monitoring of exposure to noise, dust and vibration and involves technically complex and expensive items of equipment, and the input of specially trained officers. Project Work The team is involved and often leads on the development of projects and policy with corporate safety implications. Over the last year this has included work related stress, the assessment of lone working systems and a review of the corporate smoking policy. Representation on corporate working groups and safety committees The team has standing membership on the Health Safety and Wellbeing Group, the Central Joint Safety Committee. In addition individual officers attend different departmental Senior Management Teams to provide strategic advice and guidance on Health and Safety matters. Training Courses The team provides specialist in house training in a number of areas and also sources specialist courses from a number of external providers. As well as the training provision itself, all training arrangements including correspondence and the provision of venues and refreshments are administered by the health and safety team.
Occupational Health Team
Pre employment medical screening Work related Health surveillance Advice and guidance to directorates relating to employee health and wellbeing Medical assessment of employees absent through ill health. Assisting management ill health referrals Training. Liaison with specialist groups i.e. Red Poppy, Relate. Liaison with local health partnerships
Confidential Counselling
Cornwall Council service for staff and members Relate Cornwall Access by phone and quoting the reference REL An appointment outside an individual’s normal working hours will be made at a centre chosen by the individual. Free The Council has engaged the services of Relate to provide a confidential counselling service for its employees. The Council realises that for some people the demands of the job, change and constant pressure can create situations of stress. Some pressure is good for us – it keeps us on our toes – too much is harmful and causes distress. Obviously, stress at work can make personal problems and relationship problems worse. How does this Service Work? Employees can contact a skilled counsellor from Relate by calling and quoting the reference REL. An appointment outside an individual’s normal working hours will be made at a centre chosen by the individual. Confidentiality is guaranteed - individuals will not be identified to the Council. What does it cost to use this Service? There is no cost to use the service, apart from the initial telephone call and the cost of travel to the centre chosen by the individual
How to obtain Health, Safety and Wellbeing advice
Contact your line manager/supervisor HS&W dept (01872) Fax : (01872) Occupational Health (01872) Fax : (01872)
ANY QUESTIONS? Any questions? “If You always do what you always did, You’ll always get what you always got" Forest Gump.
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