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What Color Is Your Worldview? Understanding Your Self and Others Dr. Rodney H. Clarken Northern Michigan University Presented at the Upper Peninsula Reading.

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Presentation on theme: "What Color Is Your Worldview? Understanding Your Self and Others Dr. Rodney H. Clarken Northern Michigan University Presented at the Upper Peninsula Reading."— Presentation transcript:

1 What Color Is Your Worldview? Understanding Your Self and Others Dr. Rodney H. Clarken Northern Michigan University Presented at the Upper Peninsula Reading Association Conference, Marquette, MI, October 14, 2005

2 © Rodney H. Clarken 2005 2 Abstract: This session will explore eight major worldviews and how they influence what we think, feel and do. By understanding how and why we think, feel and act differently we should be better able to transform ourselves and those with whom we work. Participants should leave with a deeper understanding of development, diversity, unity and evolution.

3 © Rodney H. Clarken 2005 3 Based on Clare Graves Theory …the psychology of the mature human being is an unfolding, emergent, oscillating spiraling process marked by progressive subordination of older, lower- order behavior systems to newer, higher- order systems as man's existential problems change. This and key points from

4 © Rodney H. Clarken 2005 4 Key Points, 1-2 1. Human nature is not static, nor is it finite. Human nature changes as the conditions of existence change, thus forging new systems, yet the older systems stay with us. 2. When a new system or level is activated, we change our psychology and rules for living to adapt to those new conditions.

5 © Rodney H. Clarken 2005 5 Key Points, 3-4 3. We live in a potentially open system of values with an infinite number of modes of living available to us. There is no final state to which we must all aspire. 4. An individual, a company, or an entire society can respond positively only to those managerial principles, motivational appeals, educational formulas and legal or ethical codes that are appropriate to their current level of human existence.

6 © Rodney H. Clarken 2005 6 Key Points, 5 5. A spiral vortex best depicts this emergence of human systems as they evolve through levels of increasing complexity. Each upward turn of the spiral marks the awakening of a more elaborated version on top of what already exists. The human spiral, then, consists of a coiled string of value systems, worldviews and mindsets, each the product of its times and conditions. In other words, new times produce new minds.

7 © Rodney H. Clarken 2005 7

8 © Rodney H. Clarken 2005 8 LEVELS COLOR THEMEFOCUSVALUE SYSTEMS LEVEL 1BEIGE SurvivalSense "ME"Group bands together to stay alive LEVEL 2PURPLEKinSpirits"WE"The sense of family-tribe with time honored LEVEL 3REDPowerGods"ME"Power-action driven, egocentric LEVEL 4BLUETruthForce"WE"Purposeful, absolutist, "one right way" LEVEL 5 ORANGE StriveDrive"ME"Entrepreneurial,materialistic,success-driven LEVEL 6GREENHumanBond"WE"Community,harmony,equality,relativistic LEVEL 7 YELLOW FlexFlow"ME" Natural processes, mutual realities; live for mutuality LEVEL 8 TURQU OISE GlobalView"WE"Harmony, holism, spirituality

9 © Rodney H. Clarken 2005 9 Eight Worldviews Summary 1 based on biological urges/drives; physical senses dictate the state of being 2 threatening and full of mysterious powers, spirit beings which must be placated and appeased 3 like a jungle where the tough and strong prevail while the weak serve; nature is an adversary 4 controlled by a Higher Power that punishes evil and eventually rewards good works and Right living 5 full of resources to develop and opportunities to make things better and bring prosperity 6 the habitat wherein humanity can find love and purposes through affiliation and sharing 7 a chaotic organism where change is the norm and uncertainty a usual state of being 8 a delicately balanced system of interlocking forces in jeopardy in human hands (adapted from

10 © Rodney H. Clarken 2005 10 What we seek in life 1 survival; biogenic needs satisfaction; reproduction 2 safety/security; protection from harm; family bonds 3 power/action; asserting self to dominate others; control 4 stability/order; obedience to earn later reward; meaning 5 opportunity/success; competing to achieve results; influence 6 harmony/love; joining together for mutual growth; awareness 7 independence/self-worth; fitting a living system; knowing 8 global community/life force; survival of Earth; consciousness (adapted from

11 © Rodney H. Clarken 2005 11 What is rational? 1 as natural instincts and reflexes direct; automatic existence 2 according to tradition and ritual ways of group; tribal; animistic 3 asserting self for dominance, conquest, and power; exploitive; egocentric 4 obediently as higher authority and rules direct; absolutist; conforming 5 pragmatically to achieve results and get ahead; multiplistic; achievist 6 responds to human needs; affiliative; relativistic; situational 7 build functional niche to do what one chooses; existential; systemic 8 experiential to join with other like thinkers; holistic; transpersonal (adapted from

12 © Rodney H. Clarken 2005 12 Transitions between levels 1.Survival/meeting biological needs/instinctive drives & urges Awakening of a sense of dependent self in a mysterious and frightening world where being with others means safety 2.Safety/tribal needs/adherence to ritual/obeying chief(s)/harmony/reciprocity Awakening of an egocentric self determined to break the shackles of the family or tribe and become a powerful individual 3.Power/action/excitement/proving individual prowess/shame/cunning dominance Awakening of a purposeful self with guilt in search of meaning in a purposeful existence and reasons why we live and die 4.Purpose/obedience to authority/stability/rules/meaning/guilt/duty Awakening of a pragmatic, independence-seeking self who challenges higher authority and scientifically tests possibilities

13 © Rodney H. Clarken 2005 13 5. Competition/success/making things better/autonomy/adroit control/growth Awakening of a sociocentric self who strives for belonging and acceptance and needs to discover spirit, inner harmony, peace 6. Affiliation/sustainability/collaboration/consciousness/ fulfillment/sharing/connections Awakening of an inquiring, interdependent self who no longer needs approval yet can collaborate when appropriate with diminishing compulsions or fears 7. Being/functionality/discovery/integralism/responsibilities of living/connections Awakening of experiential self who seeks ways of being that use knowledge to restore natural harmony and balance 8. Experience of holism/accept existential realities/integration of life energies--the open-ended Graves theory continues as new thinking systems awaken and coping with life's existential dichotomies activates new neuronal systems

14 © Rodney H. Clarken 2005 14 Clarkens Eight Worldviews in Mnemonics 1.Mammalian 2.Magic 3.Might 4.Myth 5.Mental/Models 6.Multicultural 7.Melded 8.Mystic

15 © Rodney H. Clarken 2005 15 BEIGE - Instinctive/Survivalistic Basic theme: Do what you must just to stay alive (starting 100,000 years ago) Uses instincts and habits just to survive Distinct self is barely awakened or sustained Food, water, warmth, sex, and safety have priority Forms into survival bands to perpetuate life Lives "off the land" much as other animals This and following first slides for each color level from:

16 © Rodney H. Clarken 2005 16 Archaic-Instinctual, Physiological Satisfaction, Mammalian, Survival Sense, me Material and physical self identity; pre- social, -mental, -moral, -logical and –verbal First human societies, seeking power over nature, simple hunting and gathering Seen in infants, senility, survival situations, some primitive hunter-gatherer societies, high conflict and disaster areas

17 © Rodney H. Clarken 2005 17 PURPLE - Magical/Animistic Basic theme: Keep the spirits happy and the tribe's nest warm and safe (starting 50,000 years ago) Obeys the desires of the spirit being and mystical signs Shows allegiance to chief, elders, ancestors, and the clan Individual subsumed in group Preserves sacred objects, places, events, and memories Observes rites of passage, seasonal cycles, and tribal customs

18 © Rodney H. Clarken 2005 18 Animistic-Tribalistic, Safe Mode of Living, Magical, Kin Spirits, we Strong kinship/tribal bonds, symbiotic, trust vs. mistrust, autonomy vs. shame and doubt Preoperational, magical and animistic thinking Emotional self and punishment/obedience morality emerging Seen in superstitions, rituals, athletic teams, gangs and some tribal societies

19 © Rodney H. Clarken 2005 19 RED - Impulsive/Egocentric Basic theme: Be what you are and do what you want, regardless (starting 10,000 years ago) The world is a jungle full of threats and predators Breaks free from any domination or constraint to please self as self desires Stands tall, expects attention, demands respect, and calls the shots Enjoys self to the fullest right now without guilt or remorse Conquers, out-foxes, and dominates other aggressive characters

20 © Rodney H. Clarken 2005 20 Egocentric, Heroic Status, Might, Power Gods, me Powerful, impulsive, egocentric, heroic; 1 st person perspective, initiative vs. guilt and anxiety, naïve hedonism morality Might makes right, underlings obey for protection Seen in terrible twos, rebellious youth, frontier mentality, John Wayne, rugged individual types, heroes, feudal kingdoms and empires

21 © Rodney H. Clarken 2005 21 BLUE - Purposeful/Authoritarian Basic theme: Life has meaning, direction, and purpose with predetermined outcomes (starting 5,000 years ago) One sacrifices self to the transcendent Cause, Truth, or righteous Pathway The Order enforces a code of conduct based on eternal, absolute principles Righteous living produces stability now and guarantees future reward Impulsivity is controlled through guilt; everybody has their proper place Laws, regulations, and discipline build character and moral fiber

22 © Rodney H. Clarken 2005 22 Absolutist-Religious, Ultimate Peace, Myth, Truth Force, we Mythological and concrete operational thinking, industry vs. inferiority, conventional approval of others and law and order morality, ethnocentric one right way Seen in fundamentalism, patriotism, Boy/Girl Scouts, moral majority, codes of chivalry and honor, ancient nations, Puritan America, Confucian China, horticultural and agrarian societies, rigid social hierarchies, paternalism

23 © Rodney H. Clarken 2005 23 ORANGE - Achievist/Strategic Basic theme: Act in your own self-interest by playing the game to win (starting 300 years ago) Change and advancement are inherent within the scheme of things Progresses by learning nature's secrets and seeking out best solutions Manipulates Earth's resources to create and spread the abundant good life Optimistic, risk-taking, and self-reliant people deserve success Societies prosper through strategy, technology, and competitiveness

24 © Rodney H. Clarken 2005 24 Individualistic-Achiever, Materialistic Pleasure, Mental/Models, Strive Drive, me Social contract morality and formal operational thinking, 2 nd and 3 rd person perspectives Rational, achievement-oriented, individualistic, seeks objective scientific truth and meaning Science rules, use to advance interests Seen in liberal self-interest, materialism, cosmetics & fashion industries, the Enlightenment, the Cold War, Wall Street, colonialism, corporate states, Industrial Revolution, capitalism

25 © Rodney H. Clarken 2005 25 GREEN - Communitarian/Egalitarian Basic theme: Seek peace within the inner self and explore, with others, the caring dimensions of community (starting 150 years ago) The human spirit must be freed from greed, dogma, and divisiveness Feelings, sensitivity, and caring supersede cold rationality Spreads the Earth's resources and opportunities equally among all Reaches decisions through reconciliation and consensus processes Refreshes spirituality, brings harmony, and enriches human development

26 © Rodney H. Clarken 2005 26 Relativistic, Affectionate Relations, Multicultural, Human Bond, we Formal operational thinking; Pluralistic, relativistic, communitarian, networking, ecological, bonding, subjective; 4 th person perspective, universal ethical morality emerging Emphasis on dialogue and relationships: Community, harmony, equality and relativity Seen in diversity, politically correct and human rights movements; collective communities; post modernism; humanistic psychology; World Council of Churches; socialized health care; Greenpeace; post colonialism

27 © Rodney H. Clarken 2005 27 YELLOW - Integrative Basic theme: Live fully and responsibly as what you are and learn to become (starting 50 years ago) Life is a kaleidoscope of natural hierarchies, systems, and forms The magnificence of existence is valued over material possessions Flexibility, spontaneity, and functionality have the highest priority Differences can be integrated into interdependent, natural flows Understands that chaos and change are natural

28 © Rodney H. Clarken 2005 28 Systemic-Integrative, Respect Self, Meld, Flex Flow, me Post formal operational thinking, universal ethical morality, autonomous integrated self, world centric Differences integrated into one interdependent order, n atural processes, mutual realities; live for mutuality, flexible, unity in diversity Seen in cutting edge thinkers, visionaries, leaders of thought

29 © Rodney H. Clarken 2005 29 TURQUOISE - Holistic Basic theme: Experience the wholeness of existence through mind and spirit (starting 30 years ago) The world is a single, dynamic organism with its own collective mind Self is both distinct and a blended part of a larger, compassionate whole Everything connects to everything else in ecological alignments Energy and information permeate the Earth's total environment Holistic, intuitive thinking and cooperative actions are to be expected

30 © Rodney H. Clarken 2005 30 Global-Holistic, Peace Within, Mystical, Global View, we Beyond most models of psychological development as few examples exist for study, self-actualization, universal holistic system thinking, multiple levels interwoven and interacting together Unites feelings with knowledge, harmony, holism, spirituality Seen in Gandhi, Dalai Lama, Universal House of Justice

31 © Rodney H. Clarken 2005 31

32 © Rodney H. Clarken 2005 32 Some material taken from the following web sites: m m Others sited in the presentation.

33 © Rodney H. Clarken 2005 33 Contact information Dr. Rodney H. Clarken Director of Field Experiences and Professor, School of Education, Northern Michigan University, 1401 Presque Isle Avenue, Marquette, MI 49855-5348 Tel: 906-227-1881 (o), 226-2079 (h), Fax: 227-2764 Email: Website with info on courses, papers, Bahá'í, China, this and other presentations:

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