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Early Years Quality and Outcomes Advisers
Revised EYFS Briefing Early Years Quality and Outcomes Advisers Summer 2012 THIS BRIEFING CAN BE DELIVERED IN SETTINGS AND SCHOOLS TO BRIEF STAFF ON THE REVISIONS TO THE EARLY YEARS FOUNDATION STAGE FRAMEWORK FROM SEPTEMBER 2012: PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS BRIEFING IS AN INTRODUCTION TO THE REVISED FRAMEWORK AND IT IS CRUCIAL THAT ALL EARLY YEARS PRACTITIONERS FAMILIARISE THEMSELVES WITH THE FULL CONTENT OF THE REVISED DOCUMENTATION. THE TRAINER MUST HAVE COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS: Overall reforms to the 2012 EYFS framework (2 sides a4) Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage Development Matters in the Early Years Foundation Stage A Know How Guide – The EYFS Progress Check at Age Two All the above can be downloaded from the DFE or Foundation Years Websites (see final slide/page for contact details).
Objectives To share Key Messages from the revised EYFS
To support all Early Years Practitioners in implementing the revised EYFS To share information about how Kent Early Years Quality and Outcomes team will continue to support practitioners in the effective implementation of the revised EYFS This briefing is entitled the “revised” EYFS rather than the “new” EYFS. This is because this title captures more accurately the changes that you are being asked to implement from September 2013.
Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water!
There has been a very common sense approach to “tweaking” what was already a strong framework in response to the experiences and views of children, parents and practitioners and in the light of best practice and the most recent research evidence. All that is best in the EYFS has been preserved and brought together in a more manageable and comprehensive version. The essence of the EYFS has been distilled so that all that is most precious – the key person approach, the importance of outdoor learning, children pursuing their own interests and leading their learning, an inclusive approach – is captured in simple English in a few user-friendly documents. It is important to emphasise that if your practice is good or outstanding today then it will remain good and outstanding in the revised framework. If your practice is satisfactory now then this new framework will present you with an opportunity to work with your staff teams to plan for improvements that will benefit the children in your care without feeling that you have to trawl through reams of documentation before you know where to start. Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water!
Park your questions. You may want to make notes of any questions that occur to you during this briefing. Some of your questions will be answered as the presentation goes on but if you have any questions left unanswered at the end of the session then you can refer to the “Frequently Asked Questions” document on the Early Years pages of Kent Trust Web.
Aims of the revised EYFS
Reduce paperwork and bureaucracy; Strengthen partnership between parents and professionals; Focus on the three prime areas of learning most essential for children’s future learning and healthy development; Simplify assessment at age five; Provide for early intervention where necessary, through the introduction of a progress check at age two. The two sided document “Overall Reforms to the 2012 EYFS Framework” that can be downloaded from the DFE an Foundation Years websites (the address for which are displayed on the final slide/page of this briefing). This document summarises the aims and changes of the revised EYFS. This briefing will explain how these aims (above) are to be achieved.
Revised EYFS documents
Statutory Framework 2012 Development Matters A Know How Guide - The EYFS progress check at age two Overall Reforms to the 2012 EYFS Framework These are the key documents that are currently available and that all practitioners will need to successfully implement the revised EYFS (if you only admit children to your school or setting after the age of 3 then the Know how guide to the progress check at age 2 will be less relevant to you – although much of the guidance that this contains about formative and summative assessment and the relationship between observation, assessment and planning is relevant to all ages and stages). The DfE has been clear that there is no intention to provide practitioners with hard copies of these documents. However: the National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA) are selling copies of the Revised Framework and Development Matters (you do not need to be a member to order copies) Early Education, the organisation who were commissioned to write Development Matters, are selling copies of Development Matters Contact details for these organisations are on the final slide/page of this briefing.
This is the statutory document produced by the DfE
This is the statutory document produced by the DfE. The word STATUTORY means that it is a legal requirement – a MUST DO document. The other documents provide additional guidance on how to effectively meet the statutory requirements. We will begin with a quick look at the few significant changes that have been made between the two version of the EYFS before moving on to explore the new guidance.
Changes to the Learning and Development Requirements
Areas of learning and development Early Learning Goals and assessment Progress Check at age two Play and teaching English as an Additional Language Wrap-around and holiday care Points 1 -5 will be explored in detail in this briefing. The Key message for wrap-around and holiday care providers is very simple – the Framework makes it clear on page in section 1 paragraph 1.3 that “Wrap around and holiday providers should be guided by but not necessarily need to meet, all the learning and development requirements” – in other words the framework liberates these providers to decide, in discussion with parents and carers, how to complement the learning that children are accessing in other settings. This is a clear example of the “common sense” approach of the revised EYFS – of course it makes sense that, if a child has been in a reception class all day and then goes to a childminder or afterschool club, it would not be appropriate for them to have “more of the same” – they need to be in an environment that is responsive to their changing needs.
Changes to the Welfare Requirements
Child protection Use of mobile phones and cameras must be included in safeguarding policies Suitable people Staff qualifications, training, support and skills Childminders must now complete training before they register with OFSTED Clarification of exceptions to Staff: Child ratios for childminders Risk Assessments While Out of Hours Learning providers are not required to meet all of the Learning and Development requirements – they MUST meet all of the Welfare Requirements along with all other EYFS Providers. The safeguarding and welfare requirements are clearly set out in Section 3 (paragraphs 3.1 to 3.77) of the Statutory Framework. They are unequivocal about what settings MUST do to be compliant with the EYFS. The safeguarding and welfare requirements are given legal force by the 2006 Childcare Act. The word “must” appears over 200 times in the framework and 180 of these “musts” appear in the safeguarding and welfare requirements with over 40 more musts in the Education and Learning requirements. Having said that, however, the bottom line is that there are very few CHANGES to what you MUST do and all of these are summed up under the above 7 points: With regard to child protection, the revised EYFS includes examples at paragraph 3.6 on of adult behaviours that may be signs of neglect or abuse that staff must respond appropriately to in order to safeguard children. The safeguarding policy MUST now cover the use of mobile phones and cameras (paragraph 3.4). From September 2012 providers will be responsible for obtaining CRB checks on managers (currently OFSTED obtains these disclosures) (paragraph 3.10). Paragraphs & 3.20 now include a requirement that all providers must put appropriate arrangements in place for supervision of staff (including support, coaching and training and confidential discussion of sensitive issues). Childminders are now required to complete training in the EYFS before they register with OFSTED (paragraph 3.23). Kent already have in place pre-registration training and is already meeting this statutory requirement. Paragraph 3.40 clarifies exceptions to the ratio requirements for childminders. Paragraphs 3.63 and 3.64 clarify that it is for providers to judge whether a risk assessment needs to be recorded in writing. Setting will need to reflect carefully on this. Considering whether they are confident that all staff are aware of potential risks and how they must be manage if there are no written risk assessments. You may also wish to check with your insurers whether they expect you to have any written risk assessments. Kent’s Safeguarding and the Market Development teams provide advice and support in relation to many of these areas and the Quality and Outcomes team will be working closely with them to ensure that providers are supported in adjusting to these changes.
Development Matters in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
This non-statutory guidance material supports practitioners in implementing the statutory requirements of the EYFS. Children develop quickly in the early years, and early years practitioners aim to do all they can to help children have the best possible start in life. Children have a right, spelled out in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, to provision which enables them to develop their personalities, talents and abilities irrespective of ethnicity, culture or religion, home language, family background, learning difficulties, disabilities or gender. this guidance helps adults to understand and support each individual child’s development pathway. Other guidance is provided at The EYFS statutory framework is available on the Foundation Years website as well as the Department for Education website: This is the other key document that practioners will need to really familiarise themselves with in order to effectively meet the statutory Learning and Development requirements. You may want to take advantage of ordering copies of this from those organisations that are making this available as, whilst it does print in black and white, a colour copy does work better. This first page flags up one of the central Message of the EYFS with regard to the rights of ALL children. All practitioners should read this carefully and reflect on whether their practice is compliant with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. This is a fully inclusive document and providers must be fully inclusive in their provision for young children. The Statutory Framework emphasises the importance of the practitioner’s role in supporting early intervention and is clear that “throughout the early years, if a child’s progress in any prime area gives cause for concern, practitioners must discuss this with the child’s parents and/or carers and agree how to support the child. Practitioners must consider whether a child may have a special educational need or disability which requires specialist support. They should link with, and help families to access, relevant services from other agencies as appropriate. “ (Paragraph 1.7)
+ + = Now we can begin to explore the Learning and Development requirements in greater detail. This diagram in Development Matters reminds us of the Overarching principles (set out in the Introduction to the Statutory Framework) that should shape practice in Early Years settings: • every child is a unique child, who is constantly learning and can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured; • children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships; • children learn and develop well in enabling environments, in which their experiences respond to their individual needs and there is a strong partnership between practitioners and parents and/or carers; and • children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates. The framework covers the education and care of all children in early years provision, including children with special educational needs and disabilities. You will recognise the same principles and themes that appear on the current EYFS poster and principles into practice card that you should be very familiar with. It reminds us that these themes and principles have as much relevance in the revised framework. Practitioners should take time to read and discuss this page, reflecting on how their own practice is underpinned by these themes and principles.
3 Characteristics of effective learning
ACTIVE LEARNING CREATING AND THINKING CRITICALLY PLAYING AND EXPLORING The revised EYFS places great emphasis on the three characteristics of effective learning. Playing and Exploring are the ways in which children engage with their learning – through finding out and exploring, playing with what they know and being willing to have a go. Active learning is what motivates children – being involved and concentrating, keeping trying and enjoying achieving what they set out to do. Creating and thinking critically – children need lots of opportunities to think, have their own ideas, make links and choose ways of doing things. These characteristics are HOW children learn and they represent the CONTEXT in which the Early Years curriculum (WHAT children learn) should be delivered indoors and out (the revised EYFS continues to emphasise the importance of daily outdoor opportunities for learning).
Creating and Thinking Critically
Playing and Exploring Active Learning Creating and Thinking Critically 3 characteristics of effective teaching and learning These characteristics were all there in the original EYFS, but might have got lost in the copious paperwork. Now we are reminded again of how crucial they are to effective early learning. You may want to revisit these Principles into Practice Cards as they will help you to reflect on your practice. [In September 2012, you will need to throw away the Statutory Framework and the Practice Guidance books from the 2008 EYFS Pack as they have been superseded by the new Statutory Framework and Development Matters, BUT you may want to hang on to the Principles into Practice cards as they are all still relevant to ongoing good practice]. These are how children learn
This summary of the Characteristics of Effective learning appears of page 5 of the revised Development Matters. The statutory requirement with regard to the characteristics of effective learning is at paragraph 1.10 of the statutory framework. These characteristics are now recognised as so significant that there is a new statutory duty to include a commentary on each child’s skills and abilities in relation to these key characteristics as part of the EYFS profile in the child’s final term in Reception. Pages 6 and 7 of Development Matters Explain the Characteristics of Effective Learning in terms of the Unique Child (observing how a child is learning), Positive Relationships (what adults could do to support children in developing these characteristics) and Enabling Environments (what adults could provide to enable children to develop these characteristics). Providers should read these pages in detail and reflect of what they do well already and the things that they may need to do more of in the future.
3 Prime areas of learning
Communication And Language CREATING AND THINKING CRITICALLY ACTIVE LEARNING Personal Social and Emotional Development Physical Development Within the context of the characteristics of effective learning we can now begin to look at the revised Areas of Learning. The revised statutory framework identifies 3 PRIME areas of learning that are from birth onwards “crucial for igniting children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning and for building their capacity to learn, form relationships and thrive” (paragraph 1.4) Recent research and evidence from the ECAT (Every Child a Talker) project has led to the recognition that Communication and Language is so crucial to children’s future learning and success that it should not be simply an aspect of CLLD but a prime area of learning in it’s own right. Each of these prime areas links to and supports the other areas. PLAYING AND EXPLORING
4 Specific areas of learning
LITERACY MATHEMATICS Communication and language Personal and Social development Physical development CREATING AND THINKING CRITICALLY ACTIVE LEARNING Around these prime areas that are CENTRAL to children’s learning are 4 SPECIFIC areas of learning. UNDERSTANDING THE WORLD EXPRESSIVE ART AND DESIGN PLAYING AND EXPLORING
Prime areas applied in specific areas
MATHEMATICS LITERACY Communication and language Personal and Social development Physical development CREATING AND THINKING CRITICALLY ACTIVE LEARNING Providers must also support children in these four specific areas in which the prime areas are applied (Statutory Framework paragraph 1.5). In planning for the experiences that you offer to children in the specific areas it is important to consider opportunities for them to apply their prime skills [For example: In LITERACY – giving children opportunities to talk to you and each other about what they read and write and to be involved in physical role play. And they are going to need lots of gross and fine motor experiences before they can begin to write using a pencil. In MATHEMATICS – children need to be supported in developing the vocabulary of size , shape and number and to have opportunities to work collaboratively and to solve practical hands on problems in for example, large, block play. In UNDERSTANDING of the WORLD children can develop the vocabulary of , for example, plant, and have opportunities to use tools to plant and weed and prepare, cook and share their produce with each other. In EXPRESSIVE ART AND DESIGN – children need to be supported in developing the language to express their feelings and preferences, they need to develop the physical skills to dance and use tools and techniques. UNDERSTANDING THE WORLD EXPRESSIVE ART AND DESIGN PLAYING AND EXPLORING
Prime areas applied in specific areas
Ruari has decided to make a robot – What physical, language and personal and social development skills will he need to do this?
Experiences in specific areas strengthen learning in prime areas
LITERACY MATHEMATICS Communication and language Personal and Social development Physical development CREATING AND THINKING CRITICALLY ACTIVE LEARNING But it is important to recognise reinforcing learning is a two way-process The experiences that children have in the specific areas actively strengthen their learning in the prime areas (Statutory Framework paragraph 1.5). When the initial consultation on the EYFS came out there was concern that the emphasis on the prime areas for the youngest children could lead to limited experiences for those children. The final version is much clearer: “Practitioners must consider the individual needs, interests and stage of development of each child in their care and must use this information to plan a challenging and enjoyable experience for each child in all of the areas of learning and development.” (Statutory Framework paragraph 1.7) UNDERSTANDING THE WORLD EXPRESSIVE ART AND DESIGN PLAYING AND EXPLORING
Specific areas strengthen prime areas
So a very important message is: please don’t stop your baby rooms and outdoor areas being rich and vibrant with opportunities across all areas of learning – don’t stop singing number songs, sharing books, investigating, exploring and creating with your youngest children. What the revised EYFS is emphasising is the importance of supporting our youngest children in developing those prime skills through a range of experiences. Specific areas strengthen prime areas
The Statutory Framework states that “All areas of learning and development are important and inter-connected” (paragraph 1.4). On page 4 of the Development Matters guidance there is this helpful graphic representation that illustrates the interconnectedness of the characteristics of effective learning and the prime and specific areas of learning and development. Practitioners should reflect on this page and consider whether they provide a learning environment that enables children to access experiences and learning across all areas of learning holistically. We divide children’s learning and development into different areas to support our observation, assessment and planning but children do not make these distinctions and need opportunities to learn and apply knowledge and skills in lots of different areas at the same time.
The six areas of learning to be replaced with seven areas
3 prime areas 4 specific areas Personal, Social and Emotional Development Expressive arts and design Communication and Language Literacy Physical Development Understanding the world Mathematics In simple summary the six areas of learning have been replaced with seven areas of learning. These are what children learn
As we said at the beginning the revised EYFS has “tweaked” the current EYFS and on this chart we have drawn out the tweaks to the names of the different areas and aspects. You will see that there has been a common sense approach to bringing together in one place some aspects that were previously stand alone. Dispositions and attitudes is no longer an aspect on its own but these dispositions and attitudes are implicit both in the characteristics and across many aspects of learning.
This At a Glance Guide to the Revised Areas of Learning is available on Kent Trust Web. This should help practitioners to recognise that the Revised Framework does not take away any of the learning and development that is identified in the 2008 Practice Guidance, it has simply organised it under different headings. There is one Early Learning Goal for each of the new Aspects of Learning: 17 aspects of learning and 17 related goals that indicate “the level of progress children should be expected to have attained by the end of the EYFS” (Statutory Framework paragraph 1.13).
The Areas of Learning and aspects are set out clearly on page 5 of Development Matters.
Pages 8 to 46 of Development Matters provide guidance on Learning and Development in each of the Aspects of Learning. Just as in the current framework, the aspects are divided into rows that indicate typical development at different ages and stages. The ages and stages remain unchanged. There is still the recognition that “Children develop at their own rates, and in their own ways. The development statements and their order should not be taken as necessary steps for individual children. They should not be used as checklists. The age/stage bands overlap because they are not fixed age boundaries but suggest a typical range of development.” – and this is now emphasised at the bottom of each page. There are now three columns: A Unique Child – observing what a child is learning. The statements in this section represent the “learning intentions” that underpin the opportunities that we provide for children. Some of them will be familiar to you from the current EYFS but they are often written with more practicality and clarity. Positive Relationships – this column emphasises what adults can do to support this learning. Enabling environments- this column suggests the provision in terms of time, space, resources and activities to support this learning. Practitioners should take time to really familiarise themselves with the content of these pages, reflecting on each of the three columns before September From September 2012, these pages will be essential to practitioners’ observation, assessment and planning. Children develop at their own rates, and in their own ways. The development statements and their order should not be taken as necessary steps for individual children. They should not be used as checklists. The age/stage bands overlap because they are not fixed age boundaries but suggest a typical range of development.
Child-initiated Learning
Each area of learning and development must be implemented through planned, purposeful play and through a mix of adult-led and child-initiated activity. Children learn by leading their own play, and by taking part in play which is guided by adults. There is an ongoing judgement to be made by practitioners about the balance between activities led by children, and activities led or guided by adults. Practitioners must respond to each child’s emerging needs and interests, guiding their development through warm, positive interaction. As children grow older, and as their development allows, it is expected that the balance will gradually shift towards more activities led by adults, to help children prepare for more formal learning, ready for Year 1. The above statements come from the Statutory Framework paragraph 1.9 In order for children to have opportunities to develop the characteristics of effective learning, they need lots of opportunities to be involved in self-initiated learning. Child initiated learning is the action of a child choosing to extend, repeat or explore an activity. This activity may or may not have been introduced or prompted by an adult – it is the child’s innovation which makes it self-initiated. Child-initiated learning provides practitioners with a opportunity to observe what children are able to do consistently and independently, but practitioners should not spend all of their time during child-initiated learning just observing children. We know that adult interactions help children make links in their learning and practitioners need to respond with fluidity and sensitivity and actively seek out opportunities for meaningful interaction with children. Adults can and should be present and supportive during child-initiated learning but not directive. For example an adult may be supporting a child to realise an idea by providing necessary resources or by engaging in thought provoking conversation. There is still a place for adult directed and adult led teaching but in the early stages of the EYFS this is likely to be limited to short key person and small group activities such as stories, songs and games. In reception there will be an increasing balance of adult-led and child-initiated activities – for example explicit teaching of literacy and mathematical skills but children will still needs lots of opportunities to apply and rehearse these skills in their child initiated learning in order to embed and apply their knowledge and understanding.
English as an Additional Language
Providers must take reasonable steps to provide opportunities for children to develop and use their home language in play and learning, supporting their language development at home. Providers must also ensure that children have sufficient opportunities to learn and reach a good standard in English language during the EYFS, ensuring children are ready to benefit from the opportunities available to them when they begin Year 1. When assessing communication, language and literacy skills, practitioners must assess children’s skills in English. If a child does not have a strong grasp of English language, practitioners must explore the child’s skills in the home language with parents and/or carers, to establish whether there is cause for concern about language delay. Paragraph 1.8 of the Statutory Framework clarifies the expectation in relation to Children whose home language is not English. Practitioners will need to bear the final two bullet points in mind as we now go on to consider observation, assessment and planning
Observation, Assessment and Planning
“Ongoing assessment (also known as formative assessment) is an integral part of the learning and development process. It involves practitioners observing children to understand their level of achievement, interests and learning styles, and to then shape learning experiences for each child reflecting those observations” This quote is from page paragraph 2.1 of the revised framework. The purpose of observation, remains, as it always has been, to inform planning for next steps in children’s learning.
Those of you who have attended Observation, Assessment and Planning training will be familiar with this diagram which now appears on page 3 of Development Matters. It captures simply and effectively the observation and assessment cycle. This cycle is explained in clear and simple terms in the left hand column. Practitioners should take time to read this and check that they understand how the different columns in the Aspects of Learning sections of Development Matters will help them to observe and plan for children’s learning. We need to plan for lots of opportunities to strengthen and deepen children’s current learning as well as challenge and extend their learning further. This is why we must be careful not to use the development statements as simple checklists – ticking that a child has done something a few times does not mean that they have had opportunities to embed their learning. The message that ongoing formative assessment is at the heart of effective practice is still there but there is an important supplementary message:
Reducing paperwork “Assessment should not entail prolonged breaks from interaction with children nor require excessive paperwork.” “Paperwork should be limited to that which is absolutely necessary to promote children’s successful learning and development” These quotes come from paragraph 2.2 of the Statutory Framework. The evidence from EPPE research is clear that high quality adult-child interactions (involving 'sustained shared thinking' and pertinent open-ended questioning to extend children's thinking) have a profound impact on children’s capacity to learn. It is common-sense that we need to maximise the opportunities for such interactions and that unreasonable amounts of time spent recording observations are counterproductive. The message is clear – put away your clipboards and get involved. Skilled practitioners recognise learning when it happens without needing to remove themselves from it. A limited time spent on focussed observation and a few minutes at the end of the session to scribble notes of the significant learning that has taken place for individuals may be sufficient. You need to build in opportunities to talk as a team about progress that individuals have made and how you can strengthen and deepen learning and help children achieve next steps. Just as the revised EYFS is easier to negotiate because there is less of it – your own documented observations and planning should be simple and easy to negotiate in order to easily make those links between significant observations and plans for future learning.
Summative Assessment “Development Matters might be used by early years settings throughout the EYFS as a guide to making best fit judgements about whether a child is showing typical development for their age, may be at risk of delay or is ahead for their age.” [this suggestion is on page 3 of Development Matters] Many Kent settings have begun to use the Kent Progress Tracker to track children’s progress at summative points and use this information to reflect on ways to improve the learning opportunities that they offer to individuals, groups of learners and all the children in the setting. Similarly, in our schools, teachers have become increasingly adept at analysing profile data on a seasonal basis to identify gaps in learning and plan to address these. The Kent Quality and Outcomes team will be looking at ways to adapt the current systems being used by settings and schools to track children’s progress in response to the revised EYFS . A revised Kent Progress Tracker will be available to download from Kent Trust Web is September 2012.
Summative Assessment “Summative assessment supports information sharing with parents, colleagues and other settings.” [again page 3 of Development Matters] The Kent My Unique Story document is now widely used by settings and has ensured that parents’ views and their expert knowledge of their child are valued and are an integral part of the assessment and planning process. My Unique Transition has been used effectively as part of the transition process so that teachers do not waste valuable teaching time re-assessing children on entry to school. And many settings now use the transition grid on a seasonal basis to capture summative progress data. The Kent Quality and Outcomes team has revised these documents so that they reflect the new framework and these will be available for download from Kent Trust Web in September 2012.
Statutory Assessments
The EYFS requires early years practitioners to review children’s progress and share a summary with parents at two points: In the prime areas between the ages of 24 and 36 months (the Progress Check at Age 2). At the end of the EYFS (the EYFS Profile). Summative assessment to inform planning is embedded in ongoing good practice through a child’s learning journey. Good practice in early years involves regular summative reviews and dialogue with parents. The revised EYFS identifies two STATUTORY summative Assessment points when practitioners MUST record and share these assessments with parents (read from slide).
This comprehensive non-statutory guidance on the 2 year check can be downloaded from the Foundation Years Website.
Aims of the Progress check at 2
The aims of the progress check are to: review a child’s development in the three prime areas of the EYFS ensure that parents have a clear picture of their child’s development enable practitioners to understand the child’s needs and plan activities to meet them in the setting enable parents to understand the child’s needs and, with support from practitioners, enhance development at home note areas where a child is progressing well and identify any areas where progress is less than expected describe actions the provider intends to take to address any developmental concerns (including working with other professionals where appropriate). These are the aims of the Progress Check. It is up to practitioners to decide what information over and above the prime areas should be included in this summary.
The key principles of the progress check at 2
The check: should be completed by a practitioner who knows the child well and works directly with them in the setting. This should normally be the child’s key person arises from the ongoing observational assessments carried out as part of everyday practice in the setting is based on skills, knowledge, understanding and behaviour that the child demonstrates consistently and independently takes account of the views and contributions of parents takes into account the views of other practitioners and, where relevant, other professionals working with the child enables children to contribute actively to the process. These are the principles that should underpin the progress check.
Principles for the progress check
This diagram from page 4 of the Know How guide captures how a clear picture of the child is formed through the drawing together of different evidence strands – you will spot the similarities between this approach and My Unique Story.
The relationship between ongoing observational assessment and the progress check
The progress check is underpinned by high quality ongoing, observational assessment: It can be shown as a cycle: The next two diagrams on pages 5 and 6 of the Know How guide demonstrate clearly how the 2 year check should be part of the ongoing observation, assessment and planning cycle.
The progress can therefore be included in the cycle as follows:
And this diagram shows us how the summative assessment fits in to the cycle. Although this diagram relates to the 2 year Progress check it could equally well apply to the EYFS Profile at the end of the Foundation Stage. It is important to note that the Progress Check at age two undertaken by Early Years Practitioners is in addition to the 2 year check undertaken by Health Visitors. The statutory framework states that it “should be provided in time to inform the Healthy Child Programmed health and development review at age two whenever possible” (paragraph 2.5) however this may not always be possible as in Kent the health and development review undertaken by Health Visitors is normally offered soon after the child’s 2nd birthday. The Quality and Outcomes team will be liaising with colleagues in health to explore how these two reviews can be alligned in the future. There is no prescribed format for the Progress Check – The revised version of My Unique Story and My Unique Progress that will be available on Kent Trust Web from September 2012 can be used as your Year Progress Check.
The Early Learning Goals and the EYFS Profile
Instead of 69 goals there are now only 17. Instead of the current set of judgements against 117 scale points, teachers will make judgements against the 17 goals. For each goal teachers determine whether children are meeting expected levels, exceeding or not yet reaching them (emerging). Share results of Profile with Year 1 teachers along with a commentary on each child’s skills and abilities in relation to the three characteristics of learning. Share the results of the Profile with parents. Take part in all reasonable moderation activities specified by the Local Authority. Report profile results to the Local Authority. The Early Learning Goals are set out on pages 7 to 9 of the statutory framework and appear in bold in the Unique Child column of the months row for each aspect of learning – i.e. 17 aspects and 17 goals.
Guidance on the EYFS Profile
EYFSP Handbook is being trialled by a group of Local Authorities. Handbook and moderation requirements will be evaluated as part of the trial and any changes put in place by the Autumn Term. Final versions will be published on the Foundation Years Website in Autumn 2012. Nothing changes for the current academic year and it is important to continue to work with the current profile in order to serve the best interests of your current cohort. The Early Years Quality and Outcomes team has rescheduled the Early Years ITN Twilights for Reception Class Teachers until early July in order to share any new information on the revised profile. Look out for the new date on CPD on line.
What the Early Years Quality & Outcomes Team will do next:
Create a frequently asked questions document in response to these briefings and publish this along with this powerpoint presentation on Kent Trust Web. Deliver full day Implementing the Revised EYFS training that can be booked through CPD online. Review Observation, Assessment and Planning Training. Review policy guidance that is available on Kent Trust Web. Update My Unique Story. Update the Kent Early Years Progress Tracker Plan training and support for schools in the EYFS Profile and agree a strategy for moderating the new profile. Ensure that the Setting Improvement Partner programme takes account of the revised EYFS – including the Welfare Requirement checklist. Many providers will feel that they have sufficient information to go away and implement the revised EYFS after this briefing – for those who feel that they would like further training in how to implement the revised EYFS then full day sessions can be booked through CPD on line Those new to the EYFS should attend Observation, Assessment and Planning training that both of the above can be booked through CPD on line. Policy guidance is available on Kent Trust Web and over the Summer this will be adapted to take account of the revised EYFS and made available from 1st September. The Revised My Unique Story and My Unique Progress (previously the Transition Grid) will be available on Kent Trust Web from September – in the meantime continue A revised Kent Progress Tracker should also be available from September. to use the current versions which are compatible with the current EYFS. Reception Class Teachers should book on to their area Early Years School ITN Twilight (early in July) when we will be sharing any new information about the new profile. The Welfare checklist has been reviewed and SIPs will be sharing this with their settings shortly.
What the Early Years Quality & Outcomes Team will do next:
Liaise with other colleagues: in Market Development to align their advice and support with the revised framework. in Health to provide guidance for settings on timing of the Healthy Child Programme health and development review at age two. in KCC Management Information to agree how EYFS Profile data should be submitted by schools and to review the format of the EYFS section of Making Figures Speak for Themselves.
What you can do next: Download or order copies of documentation
Explore the Foundation Years Website Cascade to your staff team Consider implications for your practice from September 2012 Consider any CPD needs for your staff Consider what paperwork is essential to your practice or a statutory requirement and tweak it in line with revised EYFS Share information on the new EYFS with parents The Foundation Years website will shortly be adding an information booklet for parents to their downloadable resources. If you register for alerts on the Foundation Years website, you will be sent an e mail to tell you when new information appears on the site.
And finally……. Carry on helping every child reach their full potential.
You are the most important resource.
Thank you.
Useful Websites
To download documents and articles relating to new EYFS: To purchase printed copies of documentation: Information for Childminders: information on becoming a childminder) or call Kent NCMA enquiry line:
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