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Welcome Telework Training for Managers. 2 Objectives Review Teleworker selection criteria. Review FLSA applicability to Telework. Review Telework reporting.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Telework Training for Managers. 2 Objectives Review Teleworker selection criteria. Review FLSA applicability to Telework. Review Telework reporting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Telework Training for Managers

2 2 Objectives Review Teleworker selection criteria. Review FLSA applicability to Telework. Review Telework reporting requirements. Identify skills necessary for effective management of Teleworkers. Review Statewide Policy.

3 3 Telework Defined Telework is a management option that allows selected employees to perform some job tasks at home or another acceptable remote location for one or more days per week, month, or selected time period. Telework may be used in combination with alternate work schedules. Business decision. privilege

4 It Works Best with the “Right”… Employee qualities Management support Identified job Alternate workspace Work Away – Telework Training - 2010 4

5 Common Concerns How will I know teleworkers are working? How can I make sure that teleworkers are available when needed? Do I have to allow employees to telework? Telework Training - 2011 5

6 Addressing Concerns Use performance management guidelines. Discuss expectations with employee. Discuss outcomes following telework day. Telework = management option. Consider business needs. 6

7 Learning Check A good candidate for telework is an employee who: A - Is a self-starter. B - Is a good time manager. C - Completes projects on time. D – Has a job identified as eligible. E - All of the above. Telework Training - 2011 7

8 Home Office and Safety (57-58) Home workspace is extension of agency workspace. Agency workspace rules apply to home workspace environment. Employee signs certification. Work Away – Telework Training - 2010 8

9 Home Office and Safety (13-15) Office equipment Information security Fire safety Avoid injury Remember to take breaks. Work Away – Telework Training - 2010 9

10 Learning Check True or False? - An employee should contact his/her supervisor if the employee is injured while teleworking. Work Away – Telework Training - 2010 10

11 Learning Check True – If an injury occurs during teleworking hours, the employee shall immediately report the injury to the supervisor. Employee is covered under the Georgia Workers’ Compensation law. Work Away – Telework Training - 2010 11

12 Telework Agreement Telework requirement. Outlines terms and conditions of teleworking. Signed by employee and manager. Review or renew at least annually. (Attachment A of Manual.) Work Away – Telework Training - 2010 12

13 Telework Agreement Work Hours and Leave Work Schedule and Work Status Work Performance Standards of Conduct Supplies and Equipment Liability Inspections Work Away – Telework Training - 2010 13

14 Learning Check True or False True The Telework Agreement outlines the terms and conditions for the telework arrangement and may be amended as needed. Work Away – Telework Training - 2010 14

15 FLSA Considerations Employee agrees to follow work schedule. Manager adheres to FLSA rules on work hours. Exempt = FLSA exempt. Non-exempt = work hours, lunch followed. Work Away – Telework Training - 2010 15

16 Telework Requirements Did you sign these? Agreement Workspace Certification –Work Away Information Form (59) 16

17 Statewide Policy Review The Statewide Policy on Teleworking defines the guidelines and rules for the telework program. Policy begins on page 40. Refer to page 43. Item 7 Employee Participation. Work Away – Telework Training - 2010 17

18 Statewide Policy Review Eligible position Eligible employee Teleworker Workspace and work hours Work Away – Telework Training - 2010 18

19 Resources Telework. Training Manual, page 39. Agency Coordinator The Clean Air Campaign 19

20 Review Teleworker selection. FLSA applicability. Telework requirements. Management of teleworkers. Statewide policy. Work Away – Telework Training - 2010 20

21 21 ( Congratulations! You have completed Telework training for Managers. If you have questions, contact your Agency Coordinator Work Away – Telework Training - 2010

22 The End

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