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Groundwater Chapter 16.

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1 Groundwater Chapter 16

2 Groundwater Aquifer Water beneath Earth’s surface
Body of rock or sediment that stores groundwater Allows flow of groundwater

3 Aquifers Need porosity and permeability Porosity Permeability
Percentage of aquifer total volume that is open spaces Permeability Connectivity of pores Allows water to flow through the rock

4 Aquifer Zones Zone of Saturation Zone of Aeration
Pore space completely filled with water Water table – upper surface of this zone Zone of Aeration Lies between water table & Earth’s surface


6 Water Table Depth Depends on
Surface topography (contours usually match local topography) Permeability of aquifer Rainfall amount Rate of human use of water

7 Groundwater Replenishment
May replenish slower than it is used Recharge zones Area where water enters an aquifer Sometimes labeled Near oceans, salt water can flow into an aquifer if too much pumped


9 Saltwater Can Infiltrate Fresh Water

10 Wells & Springs Wells Hole dug to the water table to get water
Pumping water forms cone of depression Well might run dry

11 Wells & Springs Springs
Natural flow of groundwater to Earth’s surface where the ground dips below the water table Usually found in rugged terrain Can dry up as water table changes


13 Artesian Formation Sloping layer of permeable rock sandwiched between 2 layers of impermeable rock Caprock – impermeable rock layers Can form artesian well Cone of depression: pumping water from the well lowers the water table around it

14 Artesian Wells Well through which water flows freely to the Earth’s surface (in normal wells, it has to be pumped) Artesian formation creates pressure to force water out of the ground If caprock cracks, can get an artesian spring or well

15 Artesian Well vs. Aquifer
In a normal aquifer, rock layers are horizontal and lack a cap. In an artesian formation, the permeable rock layer slopes and is covered by an impermeable layer called caprock.

16 Hot Springs Groundwater passes near magma ands heats up to above 37oC
Travertine – mineral deposits from cooled hot springs Mud pots - muddy hot springs clay Paint pots – brightly colored clay

17 Hot Spring

18 Deposits

19 Mud Pots

20 More Mud Pots

21 Paint Pot

22 Geysers Hot springs that periodically erupt from surface pools or through small vents Steam builds up underground and eventually erupts through the vent when the pressure builds up If there is no steam build up underground, there is no eruption (and therefore, no geyser).

23 Geysers

24 Weathering by Groundwater
Groundwater passes through soil and other organic minerals and forms carbonic acid Groundwater dissolves and breaks down minerals in the rock

25 Caverns A large cave Stalactites Stalagmite Column
Calcite deposited on cave ceiling Stalagmite Calcite deposited on cave floor Column Stalagmite meets stalagtite How caverns form: groundwater flows through cracks & carbonic acid dissolves limestone and makes cracks bigger. This eventually makes a cavern.

26 Stalactite Stalagmite

27 Sinkholes Circular depression that forms at the surface when rock dissolves , when sediment is removed, or when caves or mines collapse Subsidence sinkhole depression in ground Collapse sinkhole open hole in the ground

28 Florida River Runs Into Sinkhole

29 Sinkhole

30 Sinkhole

31 Sinkhole

32 Natural Bridges Uncollapsed rock between 2 adjoining sinkholes or when two sides of a cavern collapse


34 Karst Topography Type of topography characterized by sinkholes, caverns, and underground drainage Forms on LIMESTONE and other soluble rock

35 Karst Topography

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