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Census Data Workshop Data Access Tools
Genora F. Barber, Information Services Specialist Gale D. Brock, Information Services Assistant Data Dissemination Specialists: Gerson D. Vasquez Vicki Mack Kelly Karres Marilyn E. Stephens Thank you for participating. I want to encourage you continue to explore our website, and please feel free to give me or any one else on our staff a call, if you need further assistance. You can reach me directly at or ; I can also be reached via at Thank you, again. Request a Census Data Workshop: U.S. Census Bureau Atlanta Region
Census Data Workshop Agenda
Mission Overview of Key Data Sets Data Tools – A Quick Look American FactFinder, in depth Questions & Answers
U.S. Census Bureau Mission
The Census Bureau serves as the leading source of quality data about the nation's people and economy. We honor privacy, protect confidentiality, share our expertise globally, and conduct our work openly. We are guided on this mission by our strong and capable workforce, our readiness to innovate and our abiding Commitment to our Customers (after going over this slide…) I want to focus on the part that reads, “our readiness to innovate.” The Census Bureau continues to innovate, overall, and specifically regarding the data. Later on, you will see new data visualization techniques in the form of interactive maps, and quick methods of pulling data using an internet search-type setup. These are all things that benefit those trying to access data, of all types.
People, Places and Economy Key Data Collected
Income and poverty Employment status Health insurance coverage Housing values Costs of owning/renting Business information Economic indicators People Population size Age Sex Race & Hispanic origin Education Foreign-born Families Language ability Places – Localize!
Importance of the Census The foundation of a democracy
Congressionally mandated by Article 1, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution First Census was in 1790 Why do we conduct the Census? Congressional Apportionment Redistricting Data is used to allocate more than 435 billions of dollars in federal funds The Decennial Census is the product most people are familiar with, was last completed in The three top reasons why we do a Decennial Census are… Number 1, Census data is used in Congressional Apportionment every decade. The numbers are used to determine how many Congressmen and Congresswomen are allocated to each state. I’m sure many of you have been reading stories or hearing about certain states losing or gaining congressional seats; the decennial Census numbers determine that. (If a question arises about that process, presenter may opt to “go live” to Secondly, decennial figures are used by states and local officials in Redistricting. The drawing of voting districts and congressional districts are heavily dictated by census data. (If a question arises about that process, presenter may opt to “go live” to Thirdly, the data is used to allocate billions of dollars in federal funds to state and local governments through federal programs and grants. (If a question arises about that process, presenter may opt to “go live” to
Demographic Surveys Beyond the Decennial Census
Current Population Survey (CPS) – Primary source of labor force information and leading economic indicator of monthly employment/unemployment Consumers Expenditure Survey (CE)- Used to determine the Consumer Price Index National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS)- Used by law enforcement Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP)- Used for evaluating Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid National Health Insurance Survey (HIS)- Used by National Center for Disease Control National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS) – Provides information on the health problems of ambulatory patients National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NHAMCS) –Provides information on health problems of Ambulatory patients in the ER and outpatient departments. There are several other surveys that we conduct. Taking a look at this list - you may or may not know that data that you hear on a regularly basis comes from the Census Bureau. The most talked about might be the National Unemployment Rate, which comes from our Current Population Survey; we conduct this survey for the Department of Labor, and they put out the final numbers (hence, they get the spotlight). Another hot topic revolves around the Cost of Living, which is calculated using the Consumer Price Index, which is determined based on data from the Consumer Expenditure Survey - another survey that we do for the Department of Labor. We also conduct surveys for the Department of Health, the Department of Justice, etc. LINK:
Population Estimates U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division
base population (2) births to women residing in the U.S. (3) deaths to persons residing in the U.S. (4) net international migrants The base procedure to estimate population. The reference date for estimates is July 1. The Population Estimates Program publishes total resident population estimates and demographic components of change (births, deaths, and migration) each year. We also publish the estimates by demographic characteristics (age, sex, race, and Hispanic origin) for the nation, states, and counties. Estimates usually are for the present and the past, while projections are estimates of the population for future dates. We develop these estimates with the assistance of the Federal State Cooperative Program for Population Estimates (FSCPE). With each new issue of July 1 estimates, we revise estimates for years back to the last census. Previously published estimates are superseded and archived. The Population Estimates are also available on American Factfinder. LINK:
Decennial Census and ACS A Portrait of America
Demographic, and housing information: Complete counts from questions collected on both the short form and the long form. General Demographic Characteristics Population by Race and Hispanic or Latino origin: Counties, Places (cities) and smaller geographies Estimates based on the one-in-six sample of housing units that received the long form: - Social Characteristics - Economic Characteristics - Housing Characteristics To better understand where we are today, let’s look back a bit, to Census Census 2000 was the last decennial count that had two forms. The short form collected the same data you saw collected in 2010 – race, ethnicity (Hispanic or Non-Hispanic), age, gender, tenure and relationship (to Person 1)…on the way to the total count. The long form collected more detailed social, economic, demographic and housing characteristics. The 2010 Census only collected information found previously on the short form. We now collect information such as that found on the long form in our American Community Survey. 2010 Census Only 10 Questions
What is the ACS? A Closer Look
A large, continuous survey that: samples approximately 3.54 million resident addresses per year (about 290,000 per month) produces characteristics of population and housing produces estimates for small areas and small population groups ACS Facts: The ACS is a nationwide survey designed to provide communities a fresh look at how they are changing. It is a critical element in the Census Bureau‘s decennial census plan. The ACS collects information such as age, race, income, commute time to work, home value, veteran status, and other important data from the U.S. population. It is sent to 3.54 million households throughout the year. It produces annual demographic data within 9 months, and it is the world’s largest survey. --Addresses in the United States and Puerto Rico are randomly selected, all year, every year. Some American Community Survey questions have been asked by the census since it first began in 1790. Our obligation to answer, and the Census Bureau’s commitment to confidentiality, are in Title 13 of the U.S. Code. Go to for more info. Handbooks for ACS data users:
ACS and Decennial Census A Portrait of America
The American Community Survey (ACS) is a nationwide survey designed to provide communities a fresh look at how they are changing. It is a critical element in the Census Bureau's decennial census program. There are approximately 3 million housing units “in sample,” annually, and the estimates change the primary focus to more current estimates than the long form. The ACS collects information such as age, race, income, commute time to work, home value, veteran status, and other important data. As with the 2010 decennial census, information about individuals will remain confidential. The ACS collects the information that was previously asked on the Census 2000 long form. This offers the advantage of having yearly data, though there are thresholds that we need to go over. In December of 2010, the U.S. Census Bureau released the first 5-Year Estimate of the American Community Survey. This data set, due to its larger aggregated sampling base, allows data to be put out down to the Census block group level (note MOE volatility at smaller geographic levels).
2010 Census and ACS A Portrait of America
Population count Population characteristics Short form only Includes short form questions Only long form is for U.S. territories, except PR Conducted in Puerto Rico “Usual residence” rule “Current residence” rule Point in time Period of time The ACS was developed to: -Focus the Census on improving the population count -Provide characteristic data more than once every 10 years to frame policy issues The 2010 Census had 1 form sent to the entire U.S. population. The form asked questions similar to those contained in previous census short forms. The 2010 Census will provide a basic count of the U.S. population, collecting only the most basic demographic and housing information. Detailed demographic, social, economic, and housing data will no longer be collected as part of the decennial census. The data that were collected from the long form sample are now produced from the American Community Survey. Usual residence is defined as the place where a person lives and sleeps most of the time. Current residence: The basic idea behind this concept is that everyone who is currently living or staying at an address for more than two months is considered a current resident of that address.
American Community Survey Detailed Information, Delivered Annually
ACS Main: 2010 ACS Briefs: ACS Maps:
Data Tools A Quick Look Economic Indicators Dashboard QuickFacts
County Business and Demographics Map American FactFinder Other Resources
The NEW Your Gateway to Census Data
Top Navigation Bottom of the Page
Both provide similar choices (or more) as the center column of the old homepage Bottom of the Page
Homepage Slider Cycles through the latest news
Often links to press kits Click “See More” for more information
Census News Find the latest on news releases, data products, upcoming events and more
Economic Indicators Dashboard
Most recently released items at top 13 indicators about U.S. economy Click on name for more info Updated quarterly or monthly Scroll down using arrow at bottom Can embed on your website
QuickFacts Minimal clicks to a factsheet about your state, county or city Shows demographics, social characteristics and business statistics Social characteristics will soon be updated from the latest American Community Survey
Scroll down the homepage…
Interactive Map: County Business Patterns and Demographics County-level 2009 info on businesses, employees, industries 2010 Census info on population, race, ethnicity, age/sex, housing Options available for comparing counties and embedding on your website
Back at the top of the homepage…
American FactFinder More comprehensive Variety of datasets, topics and geographies available
The American FactFinder: Recent Enhancements
What is the American FactFinder?
Census Bureau’s on-line data tool One-stop shop (for most geographies) Contains large data sets from censuses & surveys Allows access to a variety of Census data Population Housing Economic Geographic
Sources of FactFinder Data
Decennial Census Population Estimates American Community Survey Economic Census Economic Surveys
Examples of available topics in AFF:
Population Sex Age Race Ethnicity Tenure Household Size Education Income Poverty Health Care School Enroll. Disability Status Marital Status Grandparents Fertility Benefits Commuting Industry Housing Costs Heating Fuel
Community Facts Guided Search Advanced Search
Accessing Data and Summaries – Community Facts
Advantages: Provide quick access for users searching for data products most frequently accessed on AFF
Accessing Data & Summaries – Community Facts & Popular Tables
Advantages: Provides users with a simple way to access data profiles and other summarized data
Accessing Data – Guided Search
Advantages: Guided Search helps you locate Census data products by letting you specify search criteria step-by-step. Guided Search is a helpful way to start searching for Census data if you are new to American FactFinder or are not sure where to begin.
Accessing Data – Advanced Search
Advantages: In Advanced Search you can search for all data using all features within American Factfinder. Use Advanced Search to find data: using text or keyword search using pre-defined topics, geographies, race/ethnic groups, industry codes, or EEO occupation codes
Geography Selection Improvements
Improvements to existing geographic selection options Provide guided geographic selection as an option These two changes work together to address concerns…
Geography Selection Improvement
Key Features Modify the selection options in the Geography Overlay to reduce confusion Refine the list of Geographic Summary Levels displayed in the default view
Geography Selection Improvements – Geography Assistant
Advantages: Provide a consistent, guided approach to geographic selection Provide a quick geographic selection for users not familiar with the Census geographic hierarchy
Enhanced Messaging Key Features
Updated messaging specific to user selections. Dynamic messaging: When default selections are made for geographies, industry codes, and race/ethnic groups When the maximum product selections are reached in the table view 34
Enhanced Messaging Key Features Other messaging enhancements:
Updated current messaging when the maximum number of geographies, industry codes, and/or race/ethnic groups are reached in a user’s search selections. 35
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