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Annual Title I System Parent Meeting Title I Parent Involvement Warren County High School 2012-13.

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1 Annual Title I System Parent Meeting Title I Parent Involvement Warren County High School 2012-13

2 What is Title I? Federal program which helps all students meet the state’s challenging academic content and performance standards Provides additional teachers, extra instruction, materials, professional development, and opportunities for parents to be involved (FY13 Title I provides 5 teachers for Warren County Schools + additional support personnel)

3 Types of Title I Programs The Warren County School System is a Schoolwide Program – All students, parents and teachers are eligible for Title I services.

4 Title I Values PARENTS! Required to set aside 1% of budget for parent involvement if school allocation is $500,000 Warren County sets aside some funds for Title I Parent Involvement

5 Title I Parent Involvement (School Level) SIP and SWP – parent representatives serve on governing councils and are provided the opportunity to provide input (revised annually and throughout the school year) School Parent Involvement Plan – revised annually with parent input (Copies available on school website and school office) Compact – an agreement between student, parent and teacher accepting responsibility for child’s education

6 Title I Parent Involvement (System Level) Warren County Parent Involvement Policy is located on the system website. Input from annual parent surveys guide the direction of the Title I Parent Involvement Program. Comprehensive LEA’s Improvement Plan (CLIP)

7 Additional Parent Resources Parental Information and Resource Center (PIRC) The site provides information and resources that we hope you will find useful in your role as the primary educator of your children. There is valuable information here about the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act legislation and what it specifically means to your child or children, the schools they are attending, and the local school district.

8 Parent’s Right-to-Know To know the school improvement status of the school To know the level of achievement of their child To know the professional qualifications of their child’s teacher(s) To know if their child has been assigned, or has been taught for at least four consecutive weeks, by a teacher who does not meet the highly qualified definition To be involved in the planning and implementation of the parent involvement program in their school

9 To provide feedback or to receive additional information: Dr. Antonio Hill Warren County Schools 85 Edward D. Ricketson Jr. Street Warrenton, GA 30828 706-465-3383

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