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The Great Depression and the Causes of World War II 1929-1939.

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2 The Great Depression and the Causes of World War II 1929-1939

3 Objective  To understand the causes of the Great Depression  To understand the effects of the Great Depression  To understand how each country reacted to the Great Depression  To understand how Adolf Hitler came to power  To understand the causes of World War II

4 The Great Depression  The 1920s were a period of economic prosperity In Europe and the United States Role of US Fragile prosperity

5 “Dude, where’s my car?”

6 American Economic Expansion during the 1920s

7 Consumer Debt in the 1920s

8 The Crash of 1929  Major selling of stocks in Wall Street  Stock Market crash in Wall Street October 29, 1929

9 The Great Depression  Massive shutdown of businesses  Massive global unemployment in US, Europe, and elsewhere  Economic collapse threatened payments of reparations

10 The Great Depression  Britain Coalition government formed 2.5 million unemployed by 1931 Abandons the gold standard Raises tariffs

11 The Great Depression  France Affected France in 1931 Social and Political Paralysis

12 The Great Depression  The United States Expanded role of federal government The New Deal under Franklin Roosevelt

13 The Great Depression in the US and Europe

14 The Great Depression

15 Germany  Depression weakened support for the Weimar Republic  Torn between Communists and Nazis

16 Germany  1932 Elections held in 1932  Hitler appointed Chancellor on January 30, 1933

17 Germany  Hitler consolidates his power in 1933 Reichstag fire, February 27, 1933 Enabling Act passed March 23, 1933

18 Nazi Rally

19 Germany  Hitler eliminates internal competition “Night of the Long Knives” Hitler becomes both President and Chancellor on August 2, 1934

20 Germany  Hitler and Anti-Semitism “Stab in the Back Theory” Nuremberg laws (1935)

21 Germany  Hitler’s Economic Policies Tax breaks for families Heavy government spending on public works to eliminate unemployment

22 Italy  Mussolini and Fascists take over Italy in 1922 One-party state Fascists made deal with big business Signs agreement with the Vatican in 1929

23 Soviet Union  Centralized Planning Stalin takes over Soviet Union after Lenin’s Death New Economic Policy discarded Heavy industrialization begins Collectivization of agriculture

24 “Let’s all get to work, Comrades!”

25 Soviet Union  Stalin’s Purges (1936-38) Stalin eliminates potential rivals Millions of people arrested, deported, executed, or disappeared

26 Causes of World War II  Hitler begins to scrap Versailles after 1933 Rearms Germany past limits permitted by Versailles Hitler remilitarizes the Rhineland in 1935

27 Critics of Appeasement

28 Causes of World War II  Appeasement British came to the conclusion that Treaty of Versailles was unfair France goes along with Britain

29 Causes of World War II  Hitler redraws Germany’s borders Austria (1938) Czechoslovakia


31 German Takeover of Austria

32 Causes of World War II  Munich Conference Sudetenland Question British Prime Minister Chamberlain agrees to let Hitler have Sudetenland

33 “I have brought peace for our time.”  British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain returning from the Munich Conference in 1938

34 Causes of World War II  Hitler breaks his promise  Hitler sets his sights on Poland

35 Hitler and Mussolini

36 Conclusion  The Great Depression affects Europe and the United States  The Great Depression causes countries to look at other alternatives  The Great Depression leads to rise of Hitler and the Nazis  Hitler scrapped the Treaty of Versailles  British appease Hitler in hopes of getting him to cooperate  Hitler breaks his promises and begins World War II

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