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Take out your writing notebook (this is the first prompt you will be responding to this year; label it as such) and answer the following question: How.

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Presentation on theme: "Take out your writing notebook (this is the first prompt you will be responding to this year; label it as such) and answer the following question: How."— Presentation transcript:

1 Take out your writing notebook (this is the first prompt you will be responding to this year; label it as such) and answer the following question: How was the world we live in created? How did all of “this” come into being? Be as specific and detailed with your answer as you can. If you need to use your BYLDevice to look up necessary information you wish to add to your response, go right ahead and do so. Today’s Agenda: 1.Short Response #1: Creation of the World 2.Complete Notes on Early America HMWK: Read and annotate Cherokee Myths and Legends for tomorrow, 8/12/14! 11 AUGUST 2014

2 Take out your BYLDevice. (If you do not have one, take out a separate sheet of paper and put your name on it.) Either download the Socrative application or go to In a moment, we will be taking a quiz on the notes we have been reviewing. Today’s Agenda: 1.POP Quiz on Early America Notes (Let’s see how much information you’ve retained.) 2.Native Myths and What They Show Us about the Native View of the World HMWK: Read and annotate more Native myths and legends for tomorrow, 8/13/14! 12 AUGUST 2014

3 Get your computer number from Mr. Ingham. Then, acquire the proper machine, logon, and go to “The 218”, Mr. Ingham’s website. When there, click the American Literature tab and wait. Today’s Agenda: 1.Technology Protocol 2.The Internet Deception: Sourcing Material to Use in Any Argument! 3.Researching Tribal Myths and Legends HMWK: Continue your research; be ready for Friday when you will have to use it. 13 AUGUST 2014









12 Get your assigned laptop and get right to work. Remember the following from yesterday: 1.) Make sure your information comes from a credible/reliable source. 2.) Take notes on the information you choose to use (think you might need). 3.) Keep track of where the information comes from. Today’s Agenda: 1.More Research on Native Myths and Legends 2.What to Expect for Tomorrow (as Well as the Eventual TEST on Early America) HMWK: Continue your research; be ready for TOMORROW when you will have to use it. 14 AUGUST 2014

13 Take out your writing notebook, date the page, and label this as “Response #2”. Then, respond to the following questions: What makes the Native myths and legends unusual and strange? When confronted with such tales, how do you believe Europeans responded? Why would they have reacted that way? Today’s Agenda: 1.Short Response #2: Reactions to Native Myths and Legends 2.How the original points of view could affect how Natives are treated now HMWK: Read and annotate “Indian Education” by Sherman Alexie for Monday, 8/18/14 15 AUGUST 2014

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