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MONDAY AUGUST 27. BREAKFAST Monday August 27 8:00-8:30 Breakfast Pizza, Cereal andToast Available Daily: Cheese Grits, Cereal & Toast, Orange Juice, Grab–N-Go.

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Presentation on theme: "MONDAY AUGUST 27. BREAKFAST Monday August 27 8:00-8:30 Breakfast Pizza, Cereal andToast Available Daily: Cheese Grits, Cereal & Toast, Orange Juice, Grab–N-Go."— Presentation transcript:


2 BREAKFAST Monday August 27 8:00-8:30 Breakfast Pizza, Cereal andToast Available Daily: Cheese Grits, Cereal & Toast, Orange Juice, Grab–N-Go Bags, Choice of Milk

3 LUNCH Monday August 27 Shrimp & Fish or Cheeseburger, Teriyaki Chicken Nuggets, Burrito w/Cheese, Rice, Stir Fry Vegetables, Carrot Sticks, Fresh Fruit, Elf Grahams, Roll

4 The payphone is the only phone available for student use. If you are sick and need to go home you must go to the Attendance Office.

5 Certificates of Attendance for a Drivers License need to be requested 24 hours in advance in the front office

6 7:20-8:20 Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday Mornings MEDIA CENTER No Reservations Needed

7 7:20-8:20 Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday MEDIA CENTER No reservations needed!

8 Guys Bible Study Monday & Friday Rm 118 Wednesday Rm 116 7:45-8:20

9 Girls Bible Study Wednesday & Friday Room 116 7:45-8:20

10 emission Galileo Password


12 SMOOTHIES FOR SALE!!! Tuesday and Thursday afternoons at the top of the 100 hallway ONLY $2.50

13 Help the OHS Academic Team Raise Money Cell Phones (no chargers or other paraphernalia) Ink Jet Printer Cartridges (can’t accept anything bigger than palm of your hand) DVD Movies & Videogames --- Portable DVD Players Laptop Computers --- MP3 Players X-Boxes, Sony Playstations, Wii Digital Cameras & Digital Video Cameras (DVRs) Digital Picture Frames Portable Navigation & GPS Devices (Garmin, Magellan, Tom-Tom) Put them in the box in the front office.

14 Happy Birthday to the following Faculty and Staff: Jen Tucker 9/2

15 Kort Calvert Thomas Cashon Kadeem Williams

16 Senior Night Thursday, September 6 th 7 PM in the Commons *Important information about college applications, scholarships & financial aid, & resources to help you! ATTENTION SENIORS

17 Academic team practices are Monday and Wednesday afternoons, 3:30-4:30, and Tuesday mornings, 7:45-8:25 in room 224 It’s not too late to join.

18 FCCLA is now collecting membership dues in Room 402 (Ms. Bryan) $20 is due by September 6 th. The first FCCLA meeting is September 7 th in Room 402 at 8:00am.

19 WE WANT YOU!  Do you have an interesting talent or hobby or job?  We would like to highlight you in this year’s yearbook.  Please contact any yearbook staff member or Ms. Turner in room 226 or by email  Deadline Aug. 30

20 Skateboard Club Permission Forms Available in Room 125 ALL members must have this year’s form signed (even if you were here last year). 1 st Meeting Tuesday, August 28 th 3:45 p.m. Room 125

21 Show Your Mustang Spirit!!! Purchase your OLA temporary tattoos from any SGA member!!

22 Senior Portraits Make-up portraits will be made on Aug. 29 & 30 in the ROTC suite Don’t be left out!

23 Senior News Senior Shirts are on sale in Ms. Ryan’s Room 119 before and after school. They are $15 and an extra $5 for your name on the back.

24 August 30 5:00 Ola will compete in a meet at Newton County

25 Congratulations to the Ola Cross Country Team. The boys finished 2 nd in the Spalding Invitational on Saturday and the girls finished in 4 th place.

26 Congratulations to the Ola Varsity Softball team Undefeated Battle of the “Boro Champions

27 August 28 Ola vs Union Grove HOME 5:30

28 August 28 Ola vs. Mary Persons AWAY 5:00

29 August 28 Ola at Henry County

30 August 27 Ola vs Perry/Woodland/ Stockbridge HOME

31 August 30 Ola vs Woodland/ Stockbridge HOME

32 Congratulations to the Ola varsity football team they defeated Woodland 39-0.

33 August 31 Ola vs North Oconee HOME 7:30

34 Have a great Tuesday Have a Great Monday

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