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Impact of Geography on Latin America

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1 Impact of Geography on Latin America
SS6G3 The student will explain the impact of location, climate, distribution of natural resources, and population distribution on Latin America and the Caribbean. a. Compare how the location, climate, and natural resources of Mexico and Venezuela affect where people live and how they trade. b. Compare how the location, climate, and natural resources of Brazil and Cuba affect where people live and how they trade.

2 Most people in L. America lives in cities.
Mexico City is one of the most populated cities in the world. Amazon River serves as a major waterway route for people in northern and central South America Larger populations and industries exist in cities and along rivers that provide access to travel and trade Extremely isolated areas (mountains and interior of the Amazon) tend to have smaller populations.

3 Geography’s Impact on Mexico
Many cities lie within the Mexican Plateau Region covers most of northern and central Mexico and surrounded by mountains Mostly desert…limited farming Fertile territory is further south (less dry land)

4 Most profitable natural resource is oil…exports produce the bulk of revenue
Land in south is good for agriculture. Mexico benefits from the close proximity of trading partners Free trade agreements with the US and Canada helped Mexico develop more business than any other Latin American nation.

5 Geography’s Impact on Venezuela
Borders the Caribbean Sea, so has access to coastline (ports) Also exports large amounts of oil…it is Venezuela’s most important natural resource Tropical climate supports agriculture Good for farming

6 Depends on oil exports to produce most of the revenue (major export)
The climate allows it to export agricultural products as well. Wheat, soybeans, corn, cotton

7 Geography’s Impact on Brazil
Most of the population and cities lie in the eastern and southern regions. Amazon and the tributaries connect the interior to the Atlantic Ocean Amazon is important to trade Warm, tropical climate Can grow crops year round

8 Has many fertile regions…produces many agricultural products
Coffee, soybeans, orange juice Coastline provide beaches for tourism/vacation spots.

9 Geography’s Impact on Cuba
Small island nation Threatened by hurricanes and tropical storms Tropical climate FEWER natural resources Depends on imports Due to an US embargo trade is not allowed between Cuba and the US Rich in nickel Recently discovered oil deposits offshore

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