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Welcome to: Forsyth County Schools Transportation Professional Development 1021/1037
VCMS Lead Team Information
District Supervisor-Deanna Bowen-Office ext County Cell or personal cell Team Leader-Jan Wilson-Assigned to VCMS-County cell or personal cell Kelly Mohnkern-Lead Driver-Assigned to West Forsyth High-Cell phone Melonie Lingo-Lead Driver-Assigned to Vickery Creek Elem.-Cell phone Mary Lioiti-Lead Driver-Assigned to Midway Elem.-Cell phone
Radio Dispatch Codes
What should I call in to Dispatch?
I observed during my pre-trip inspection that my headlight is not working? No radio transmission to base, indicate on pre-trip sheet with an X. Circle the X when repaired after routes. I observed during my pre-trip inspection that my eight way system is not working? Yes radio to base and wait for instructions. During my route I came up on an auto accident that was not blocking my lane of travel? No radio transmission to base. ONLY transmit if you are in a rural area and no other cars or people are on the scene. Most everyone now days has a cell phone. Continue with your route. During my route I observed and witnessed an auto accident? Yes, you witnessed it . Call base and report. During my route I have a KK student that has permission to get off the bus without a parent to receive them but tells me they don’t have their key to get in the house. What should I do? Think before you speak. Prepare your transmission in your head for code one. Give only the necessary information. Radio to base: code one, school name, first name of student and their last name initial in alpha code. If base has a question, they will ask you. Don’t supply additional information unless asked to do so by base. Should I radio to base if I need a bus lane attendant or Administrator to my bus in the bus lanes? No radio transmission to base. AM – Sound your horn and activate your hazards upon your arrival to the bus lanes if you need an administrator to your bus. There is always an administrator or bus lane attendance in the bus lanes to receive students. No need for radio transmission. PM – During loading sound your horn and activate your hazards for assistance from an administrator or bus lane attendant. RADIO TRAFFIC SHOULD BE KEPT TO A MINIMUM!
Seating Charts Floating students are assigned daily. Assign them to seat 25 noted at the bottom of your seating chart. A floating student should only ride occasionally and be assigned to an open seat that you note daily in your log book.
Seating Charts Seating charts can be submitted electronically or hand written, but must be on a seating chart. Only assign students that ride your bus. Names should be listed as their legal name as shown on student list. Indicated the name they go by in (parenthesis). List all three names if they go by their middle name. List both hyphenated last names if this applies. Indicate helpers with a capital H to the right of the students name. These are route helpers when you have a sub and emergency evacuation helpers. Indicate am, pm or both of their ridership Infrequent riders should be listed as floaters. Log their seat assignment daily in your log book. On your seating chart these should be assigned to seat 25. Write these assignments in at the bottom of your chart. Changes can be sent by or hand written indicating the student’s name and new seat assignment. All permanent changes should be reported in a timely manner.
Seating Chart TIOS Entry
Student Info/Special Instructions
Student List continued…
The time listed on your student list is the time the student should be at the bus stop. You should service your first stop at the time indicated by your district supervisor for your route. This time should be five minutes after the time listed on your student list. Refer to your am list for authorized students to transport on your am route. If you have a student that boards that is not listed on your student list, get their name, have them sit in the front seat and turn them over to a bus lane attendant/administrator upon your arrival to the bus lanes. Then please send an to your supervisor after your am route requesting direction or an addition to your student list. Refer to your pm list for authorized students to transport on your pm route. Stand at your seat, know who is boarding your bus. When a student boards, refer to your pm student list for authorization and bus stop assignment. If the student is not listed on your student list, activate your hazards and sound your horn for assistance. Inform the bus lane attendant requesting assistance and/or authorization. If an administrator gives you verbal direction to transport this student for one day, log this in your log book. Upon completion of your afternoon route, please send an to your supervisor requesting direction or an addition to your student list. Parent permission letters/notes: Record on your student list then send in upon receipt to be input in our system. These permissions roll over year to year.
Student Information/Joint Custody
Student Information
Accidents Any time your bus comes in contact with another vehicle or object you must report it by bus radio at the scene of the accident to dispatch.
Immediately following the accident…
Retrieve the student list that matches your run. Pull the am list if the accident occurs on the am route, pm list if the accident occurs on the pm route. Begin indicating by check mark, the students that are on the bus at the time of the accident.
Extra Pay 7 minutes or less will be rounded down to the nearest quarter hour 8 minutes or more will be rounded up to the nearest quarter hour Time is calculated for the entire week, not daily Travel time to and from (home) parking location will not be paid 10 minutes paid for pre-trip and 5 minutes paid for post-trip
Extra Pay Reason (only necessary for "other")
Driver Last Driver First Hours Week Ending FC Bus # Parking Location My signature indicates that the times I am submitting for payment are for hours I have actually worked and are based on my duties as assigned. Reason (only necessary for "other") Date Routes Only! All Other Code Start End Route Total Other Total
Pre-trip/Post-Trip Documenting pre-trip & post-trip form:
N/A = not applicable to your bus = properly working = not properly working = repaired Always complete your form at the time you do your pre-trip and post-trip inspection.
Emergency Evacuations
WHY – Fire, accident or mechanical failure WAYS TO EVACUATE – Front door Rear/Side door Front and Rear door Windows/Roof-Hatches WHAT DRIVERS NEED - First aid kit/Fire extinguisher (if needed) Place two-way radio microphone out driver’s window Set reflective triangles for road conditions (if needed) HOW TO EVACUATE - Remain calm *Leave personal belongings Use the emergency evacuation method For AM evacuation: Please explain to the students if this was an actual emergency, they would leave all personal belongings on the bus, in their seat but at this time take everything with them. For PM evacuation: Please explain to the students that they will leave all of their belongings in their seat that in an emergency the most important thing is to evacuate the bus quickly. EVACUATION PROCEDURE Stop the bus, activate hazards, set the parking brake, place the bus in neutral, turn off engine and turn the key to accessory to remain in radio contact with base. Place microphone out driver’s window. Open the door, stand, face the children, get their attention, and remain standing by driver’s seat during evacuation. Give the command: “Emergency drill, remain seated, front door evacuation. Quiet Please.” Advise helper to guide students to designated area 100 feet away from the bus. Instruct second helper to stand outside the front door to assist passengers as they leave the bus. Use the emergency evacuation method. Tell the students to “Walk-Don’t run-Use the hand rails.” Start with front right seat and direct them to exit the bus. Alternating - one seat on the right, one seat on the left until the bus is empty. When the last seat is empty, walk the bus checking to see that everyone is out. Let the students know of improvements to be made or tell them of the job well done. After the evacuation, the observer will ask you to name the locations you have identified along your route to evacuate in the case of a real emergency. (schools, fire department, churches, etc.) Please complete and sign form, have observer initial, keep the driver’s copy then return copies to the observer or your District Supervisor.
Skills Assessments 2014 Skills assessment will be performed between Tuesday, April 8th and Wednesday, April 23rd this year. We ask each driver to please adhere to their scheduled skills assessment time which will To prevent delays and drivers having to wait (unless rescheduled with Sylvia or Cindy). All monitors with CDL’s need to come with their driver at the scheduled appointment time to perform their skills assessment. Mirrors will be properly adjusted before beginning skills assessment. The following skills will be performed this year (total score 450): First skill – Straight Line Forward and Back 100 feet – Drive forward 100 feet and then back 100 feet without touching cones. Second skill – Offset Backing to the Right – Offset back to the right without touching cones. Third skill – Offset Backing to the Left – Offset back to the left without touching cones. Fourth skill – Railroad Crossing – Properly perform the railroad crossing procedure. Fifth skill –Student Loading – Properly perform student loading procedures. Sixth skill – Student Unloading – Properly unload student and two-finger sweep procedures. Seventh skill – Forward Serpentine - Maneuver bus forward around cones without touching them. Eighth skill – Reverse Serpentine - Maneuver bus in reverse around cones without touching them. Please adhere to your scheduled appointment time for the skills assessment. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Sylvia at (x220126) or at
Email Accounts Password must be changed every 28 days.
Set calendar for reminder to change password Recommendation to change password every 25 days Do not forward personal to county If locked out contact DS immediately After third try to log on, wait 30 minutes, then try again. County is to be used for work purposes only
Technology on Buses The list below identifies which schools support technology on school buses. Lambert High – Yes South Middle – Yes Brookwood Elem – No Daves Creek Elem – No West High – Yes Vickery Creek Middle – Yes Vickery Creek Elem – No Midway Elem – Yes Riverwatch – Yes Settles Bridge Elem – Yes Sharon Elem – Yes Johns Creek Elem – Yes Whitlow Elem-No South Forsyth High – Yes Piney Grove Middle – Yes Shiloh Point Elem – No Big Creek Elem – No Lakeside Middle –Yes Haw Creek Elem – Yes Technology on buses consists of music and games. Games only become a problem when surrounding students start leaning over the seats, across the aisle or turn around to watch what someone is playing – driver has the discretion to ask the student to put it away. Technology does NOT include: Video recordings, picture taking, phone calls or texting. In order to prevent you from being liable for an electronic device, you should not, at any time, take a cell phone or other electronic item from a student. Even if you intend to return it at their stop. If something happens to it after you take it, you may be held liable for replacement or repair.
Model your expectations…
Stand at your seat loading and unloading at the schools. Speak to students as they enter and exit. Know who rides your bus. Know their names. Drink only water. Only drink water when your bus is at a complete stop, preferably without students. Do not drink while driving Be the authority figure on your bus. Build effective relationships. Put your personal phone away during route time. Give your family your supervisors cell number for emergency purposes. We will come relieve you from your route if you are needed for an emergency situation.
Parent Phone Calls… Greeting & Introduction:
Hello! My name is Deanna Bowen. I am Luke’s bus driver. This is a courtesy call to you. I would like your help with Luke on the school bus. Statement of Problem: State the specific problem, including “language or terminology“ used by the student. Relate the problem to the specific safety rule for the bus using safe, orderly and respectful expectations. Information/Consequences: I have already spoken to Luke about this and have written this incident I my bus log as directed. I have also reassigned his seat to the front of the bus. (state any other action taken) Request for Support: I wanted to let you know about this problem before it becomes more serious and ask for your support in talking with your child about this. Warning for Future Offenses: If the problem continues, the next step will be a written parent notification form sent home to you. Thanks/Closing: Thank you for your cooperation and support. Together, I feel we can resolve this problem
What should I log everyday?
Individual student behaviors Phone calls Parent notifications Bus discipline form referrals Odd occurrences that you might want to remember in the future. Example: My bus hood was open upon my arrival, yet I found no damage. Journal some good stuff too!
Does Garry Puetz ride your bus?
Thank you for protecting 100% of our students, 100% of the time!!!
You are the greatest! Thank you for protecting 100% of our students, 100% of the time!!!
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