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Week 3: Native American Creation Stories & Puritan Writings

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1 Week 3: Native American Creation Stories & Puritan Writings
Unit 1: A Growing Nation Week 3: Native American Creation Stories & Puritan Writings

2 Monday Sponge: Context Clues - Definitions
Use clues in the sentences to write the meaning of the underlined word. Company employees are usually reimbursed for their expenses when they make business trips; that is, they are repaid for money they spend for business purposes. reimbursed means: _____________________________ You could see how repugnant the bitter medicine was by the way she shuddered and made a face when she swallowed it. repugnant means: _______________________________

3 What is an origin myth?

4 Work Period: Native American Origin Myths
Read one Native American origin myth with your group. Create a Circle Map explaining the cultural values and beliefs of this Native American tribe. In the Frame of Reference, cite examples of words or passages from the story that indicate cultural values or beliefs.

5 Groups & Myths Group 1: “The Earth on Turtle’s Back,” pages 18-20
Group 2: “When Grizzlies Walked Upright,” pages 21-23 Group 3: “The Navajo Origin Legend,” pages, 24-25 Group 4: “The Lenape Creation Story,” handouts

6 Tuesday Sponge: Context Clues - Definitions
Use clues in the sentences to write the meaning of the underlined word. I could tell that he considered himself a gourmet, not only by the way he enjoyed his food, but also by the way he studied the menu before he ordered. gourmet means: _____________________________ Many octogenarians, that is, people in their eighties, are still healthy, active community members. octogenarian means: _____________________________

7 Gallery Walk Use your classmates’ work to create a Tree Map!
Use the information on each Circle Map to determine: The name of the tribe Cultural values and beliefs Symbols or images from the creation myth that indicate these cultural values

8 Discuss: What similarities do you see among all the cultural values and beliefs?

9 Support a Claim Claim: A statement that sounds true, but doesn’t have any evidence. Examples: American people like hamburgers. Toyotas are excellent cars. Math is important. What evidence could you give for each example?

10 Claim: Native Americans had a spiritual relationship with nature.

11 Support a Claim Read and respond to the claim about Native American values. Use what you learned from the reading and Gallery Walk as evidence for the claim. Write 1 paragraph that states the claim and provides evidence.

12 Claim: Native American groups had a spiritual relationship with nature. The origin myth “ ____(title)_____ ” explains that the (tribe name) valued/believed ___________________. For example, the myth explains, “ ______________ ___________________________________________ __________________________.” In other words, __ ________________________________________.

13 Wednesday Sponge: Context Clues - Opposites
Use clues in the sentences to write the meaning of the underlined word. He tried to smile, because the mood of the party was not somber, but happy. somber means: _____________________________ His brother had been an A student, but Howard was just mediocre. mediocre means: _______________________________

14 Early Colonial Writers 1600-1760
Who were they? Early European Settlers Puritans African slaves What did they write? Tales of adventure Diaries

15 Early Colonial Writers 1600-1760
Themes: Religious, focused on Bible and Church issues. Good vs. Evil God vs. Devil Slave Narratives Stories of slaves from Africa brought to America

16 Early Colonial Writers 1600-1760
Authors: John Smith Anne Bradstreet Cotton Mather

17 Puritans Religious long as it’s OUR way. Fun is sketchy. Maybe sinful. Your job in life is to know God and be “right” with God. How do you know? Success! If you don’t succeed, maybe you are not right with God.

18 http://player. discoveryeducation. com/index. cfm
AssetId=7EBD17B C6- E41ED93F2F60&blnFromSearch=1&productcode=U S

19 Literary Terms Puritan Plain Style = Writing style characterized by short words, direct statements, and references to ordinary everyday objects. Sermon = Speech given from a pulpit in a house of worship. Allusion = Reference to a another famous text, such as the bible or an older, popular story. Apostrophe = A figure of speech in which a speaker directly addresses a person who is dead or not physically present, a personified object or nonhuman thing, or an abstract quality or idea.

20 Compare & Contrast Compare and contrast the Puritans with the Native Americans. Frame of Reference: Answer the question How could it have been possible for these groups of people to coexist (live together)?

21 Thursday Sponge: Context Clues - Opposites
Use clues in the sentences to write the meaning of the underlined word. I don’t know how those suave and courteous parents could have such rude and disrespectful children. suave means: _____________________________ The homes on the north side of the tracks were poor and run-down, but the homes on the south side were obviously affluent. affluent means: _______________________________

22 Translate the Standard on Your Paper:
Standard(s): ELACC11-12RL4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone, including words with multiple meanings or language that is particularly fresh, engaging, or beautiful.

23 Anne Bradstreet Mocked for being a woman and a writer.
Supported family while husband was travelling. Explored the theme of love from a Puritan female point of view.

24 Edward Taylor Minister & Physician in Massachusetts Hardships
War with Native Americans 5 of his 8 children died in infancy Wife died Poetry = A form of personal worship (prayer)

25 Literary Terms Extended Metaphor = A metaphor, or comparison, that continues from the beginning to the end of a poem Puritan Plain Style =

26 Spinning Wheel

27 “Huswifery” Imagery yarn / twine Dye = Make colored reel spool

28 Work Period: Puritan Poetry
Read “Huswifery” (Housework), p. 95 Complete Task Card 1 Read “To My Dear and Loving Husband,” p. 96 Complete Task Card 2 After completing 1-4, answer the question: How do both poems show evidence of the “Puritan Plain Style?” Give at least 4 examples.

29 Task Card 1: “Huswifery”
This poem uses an extended metaphor. What are the two things being compared? An important feature of Puritan Plain Style is that the author writes about everyday objects. Today, most of us do not have spinning wheels in our homes. Write a modern version of “Huswifery” by changing the metaphor from a spinning wheel to a machine we use today. (HINT: Use a complicated machine that has many parts.)

30 Task Card 2: “To My Dear and Loving Husband”
Complete a TPCAST Chart: T – Title P – Paraphrase (Tell the poem in your own words) C – Connotation (Look for deeper meaning) A – Attitude of the Writer S – Shifts (Does the poem change? How so?) T – Theme (What should we learn from this poem?)

31 How do both poems show evidence of the “Puritan Plain Style
How do both poems show evidence of the “Puritan Plain Style?” Give at least 4 examples.

32 Friday, Oct. 26 Sponge – Context Clues (NO DICTIONARY)
Complete work for “Huswifery” (p. 95) and “To My Dear and Loving Husband” (p.96) Answer the question about BOTH poems: How do both poems show evidence of the “Puritan Plain Style?” Give at least 4 examples.

33 Monday Sponge: Context Clues - Opposites
Use clues in the sentences to write the meaning of the underlined word. You don’t have to concur with my ideas, but at least listen with an open mind. concur means: _____________________________ I know it’s safe to climb to the top of Stone Mountain, but if you’re dubious about it, then stay home. dubious means: _______________________________

34 Review: Puritan Sermon
With a partner, think of 3 adjectives to describe a Puritan sermon

35 “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” p. 102
While we read, watch for words, images, and symbols that Edwards uses to describe God’s wrath (anger). Make a Bubble Map. Cite words from the text (with page number) in the Frame of Reference

36 Take it Off the Map! What is the tone of the sermon, “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,” by Jonathan Edwards? Write a paragraph to answer the question. Use at least one specific example from the text.

37 Sentence Frames: Tone The tone of “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,” by Jonathan Edwards, is ___________________ . Throughout the sermon, Edwards uses _____________ descriptions, images, and symbols, such as __________, _________________, and ________________________. He writes, “____________________________________ _____________________________________________.” In other words, _________________________________ ______________________________________________. This is effective because it made his audience feel _____ ______________________________________________.

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