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Quiz: Friday, February 7, 2014 Test: Friday, February 14, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Quiz: Friday, February 7, 2014 Test: Friday, February 14, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quiz: Friday, February 7, 2014 Test: Friday, February 14, 2014

2 To make up for Syn: make amends for Ant: NA 1. ATONE - VERB

3 Slavery; any state of being bound or held down Syn: servitude, captivity, dependence Ant: freedom, liberty, independence 2. BONDAGE - NOUN

4 Believable Syn: plausible, acceptable, likely Ant: unbelievable, implausible, improbable 3. CREDIBLE - ADJ

5 To pay for Syn: settle, bear the cost, foot the bill Ant: NA 4. DEFRAY - VERB

6 Hardworking, industrious, not lazy Syn: focused, on task Ant: lazy, cursory 5. DILIGENT – ADJ

7 Sad; dreary Syn: sorrowful, mournful, melancholy Ant: cheerful, blithe, jaunty 6. DOLEFUL - ADJ

8 Frightful, horrible; deathly pale Syn: dreadful, appalling, gruesome Ant: pleasant, agreeable, attractive 7. GHASTLY - ADJ

9 To hold back Syn: hinder, obstruct, inhibit Ant: facilitate, ease, smooth the way 8. HAMPER - VERB

10 To shape or cut down with an ax; to hold to Syn: chop, hack, fell, adhere, conform Ant: NA 9. HEW - VERB

11 Poor, in a state of poverty; depleted Syn: poverty-stricken, destitute Ant: rich, wealthy, affluent 10. IMPOVERISHED - ADJ

12 Never stopping, going all the time Syn: ceaseless, constant, uninterrupted Ant: occasional, sporadic, intermittent 11. INCESSANT - ADJ

13 Complicated; difficult to understand Syn: complex Ant: simple, uninvolved, uncomplicated 12. INTRICATE - ADJ

14 Easy to understand, clear; rational, sane Syn: intelligent Ant: murky, muddy, obscure, unintelligible, opaque 13. LUCID - ADJ

15 Occurring or published after death Syn: postmortem Ant: prenatal 14. POSTHUMOUS - ADJ

16 Overly neat, precise, proper, or formal; prudish Syn: fussy, squeamish Ant: sloppy, untidy, lax 15. PRIM - ADJ

17 Grimly or scornfully mocking, bitterly sarcastic Syn: caustic, wry Ant: bland, mild, good-natured 16. SARDONIC - ADJ

18 Exceeding what is sufficient or required, excess Syn: surplus, extra Ant: necessary, essential, vital 17. SUPERFLUOUS - ADJ

19 To take the place of, supersede Syn: replace, displace Ant: NA 18. SUPPLANT - VERB

20 Holding fast; holding together firmly; persistent Syn: obstinate, stubborn, determined Ant: yielding, weak, gentle, slack 20. TENACIOUS - ADJ

21 To jeer at, mock Syn: ridicule, make fun off Ant: cheer, applaud, acclaim An insulting or mocking remark Syn: a jeer Ant: a praise VerbNoun 19. TAUNT

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