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BACK TO SCHOOL 4 August 2014. PARA EMPEZAR What were the highlights of your summer?

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Presentation on theme: "BACK TO SCHOOL 4 August 2014. PARA EMPEZAR What were the highlights of your summer?"— Presentation transcript:

1 BACK TO SCHOOL 4 August 2014

2 PARA EMPEZAR What were the highlights of your summer?

3 HANDBOOKS (1 ST PERIOD) I will pass out the handbooks and have you sign that you received them. The handbook acknowledgement forms on the last page of the handbook should be returned tomorrow (5 th August) with parent signature. Your 4 th period teacher will review the handbook this week.

4 FORMS (1 ST PERIOD) Lunch forms should be returned ASAP Lockers: will be assigned this week during lunch. You must have the locker letter with parent signature and pay the 5 dollar locker fee in cash.

5 OTHER Location of rooms, commons, band room, media center, gym, main office, counseling office, and assistant principals’ offices. Attendance is taken during every class period. 3 rd period will be your homeroom. Bring excuse note to first period teacher the day following an absence Late check-ins, tardiness to school report to Attendance Office


7 MATERIALS Materials: Teacher Wish List  Composition notebook  Kleenex  Glue stick  Hand sanitizer  Pencil/pen  Expo markers  Folder Instructor: Srta. Sánchez Room 404 Email: Syllabus will be posted on my school website

8 IN CLASS Be respectful to your peers and your teacher Do not talk while your peer or teacher is talking Raise your hand to ask a question and/or to add to the conversation Come to class ON TIME prepared with your notebook, pen/pencil, homework Stay organized!

9 ABSENCES/MAKE UP WORK/LATE ASSIGNMENTS It is your responsibility to get make up work after being absent. Before asking me, check my teacher website for handouts you may have missed. I will try to update the site daily. Assignments turned in late will have 10 points taken off for each day late


11 Soy reservada y paciente.

12 Programas de televisión: Doctor Who, Firefly, Castle, CSI, Law & Order Películas/Libros: Harry Potter, El Señor de los anillos (Lord of the Rings), Orgullo y prejuicio (Pride and Prejudice) Me gusta pintar las uñas.

13 MI FAMILIA Tengo un hermano y una hermana. Nacimos en Georgia. Mis padres son de México.

14 EDUCACIÓN Atendí la Universidad de Georgia Mi certificación principal es en la educación de ciencias.

15 ¡ES TU TURNO! Escribe1-2 párrafos describiéndote. como eres? gustos (música, comida, películas, programas de televisión, libros etc familia (hermanos, padres etc) Puedes trabajar con un compañero. Vas a presentar tu descripción

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