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Vanderlyn Elementary Teaching and Learning 4 th Grade Mission & Vision Created by Denise Saltman.

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Presentation on theme: "Vanderlyn Elementary Teaching and Learning 4 th Grade Mission & Vision Created by Denise Saltman."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vanderlyn Elementary Teaching and Learning 4 th Grade Mission & Vision Created by Denise Saltman

2 4 th Grade Mission To provide 4 th grade students with the age appropriate tools to master skills as well as apply skills, solve problems academically and socially, pursue excellence in all scholastic and social areas, and to become active, successful members who contribute in their local and global communities.

3 4 th Grade Vision Instruction Teachers will assist in facilitating a love for learning that will inspire students for their lifetime. Instruction will be grounded in real world terms and experiences that will challenge students to think creatively with cross-curricular understanding. The student will be able to apply knowledge during academic as well as real world experiences.

4 Methods Various methods will be used to achieve student’s level of excellence. Technology Print medium Written expression Hands on manipulatives Experiments Critical thinking/ oral discussions

5 Support The 4 th grade teachers will support and provide an ongoing commitment to every student’s progress towards independent learning. The 4 th grade teachers will communicate with the student’s parents in a variety of ways and in a timely manner (agenda, e-mail, VIP, telephone, scheduled conferences).

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