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Vocabulary List 2 Q1 Palate, Partake, Delectable, Unsavory, Sustainable, Derision, Resolute, Gingerly, Transgression, Distorted.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary List 2 Q1 Palate, Partake, Delectable, Unsavory, Sustainable, Derision, Resolute, Gingerly, Transgression, Distorted."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary List 2 Q1 Palate, Partake, Delectable, Unsavory, Sustainable, Derision, Resolute, Gingerly, Transgression, Distorted

2 Standard ELACC8L4: Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words or phrases based on grade 8 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies. a. Use context (e.g., the overall meaning of a sentence or paragraph; a word’s position or function in a sentence) as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase. b. Use common, grade-appropriate Greek or Latin affixes and roots as clues to the meaning of a word (e.g., precede, recede, secede). c. Consult general and specialized reference materials (e.g., dictionaries, glossaries, thesauruses), both print and digital, to find the pronunciation of a word or determine or clarify its precise meaning or its part of speech. d. Verify the preliminary determination of the meaning of a word or phrase

3 1. Palate Palate (n.): a person's appreciation of taste and flavor; the roof of the mouth Ex. The chef has a well developed palate; it’s why the flavors in his food are delicious. Ex. I find this stew to be quite palatable. Word Forms: palatable

4 2. Partake Partake (v.): to have a part or a portion; to take part in Ex. Do you mind if I partake in a slice of that pie? Ex. The football team partook in a service project. Word Forms: Partaken, Partook, Partakes

5 3. Delectable Delectable (adj.): delicious; highly pleasing Ex. I have never had swordfish, but I hear it is quite delectable. Ex. We dined on delectable food like grilled shrimp and fillet mignon. Word forms: Delicacy

6 4. Unsavory Unsavory (adj.): unpleasant to taste or smell; morally reprehensible Ex. The detectives examined all the unsavory details of the murder scene. Ex. An unsavory smell drifted from the kitchen. Word Forms: Savory

7 5. Sustainable Sustainable (adj.): capable of being continued at a certain rate; able to be maintained; able to be kept up. Ex. The marathon runners kept a sustainable speed so that they would have enough energy to finish the race. Ex. Solar power is a more sustainable fuel source than gasoline. Word forms: sustain; sustained; sustains

8 STOP!! LOOK!! If you are not in Mrs. Pruitt’s 1 st or 2 nd period, you can stop now!! Complete your graphic organizer!!! If you are IN Mrs. Pruitt’s 1 st or 2 nd period, your last 5 words are following this slide! Keep WaTcHiNg!!!

9 6. Derision Derision (n.) Ridicule, mockery, scorn Ex. The teacher looked at the misbehaving children with derision. Word forms: deride

10 7. Resolute Resolute (adj.) determined Ex. The firefighters, resolute in their efforts to save the children, fought the huge flames. Word forms: Resolve, Resolutely

11 8. Gingerly Gingerly (adj.) in a careful, cautious way. Ex. The nurse gingerly lifted the newborn baby out of its cradle. Ex. Be sure to handle those eggs gingerly so that they do not break.

12 9. Transgression Transgression (n). A violation of the law or a violation of what is right. Ex. The judge had already let Sam off with a warning once, so he was unwilling to overlook his latest transgressions. Word Forms: Transgressions

13 10. Distorted Distorted (adj.) Twisted; bent out of shape; not representing the true meaning. Ex. The boy fell off the skateboard leaving his arm broken and distorted. Ex. You have distorted the truth so much that I no longer believe your stories. Word Forms: Distort; Distorts

14 Palate (n.): a person's appreciation of taste and flavor; the roof of the mouth Partake (v.): to have a part or a portion; to take part in Delectable (adj.): delicious; highly pleasing Unsavory (adj.): unpleasant to taste or smell; morally reprehensible Sustainable (adj.): capable of being continued at a certain rate; able to be maintained; able to be kept up. Derision (n.) Ridicule, mockery, scorn Resolute (adj.) determined Gingerly (adj.) in a careful, cautious way. Transgression (n). A violation of the law or a violation of what is right. Distorted (adj.) Twisted; bent out of shape; not representing the true meaning

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