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By: Samantha Doyle Over the past few weeks, you have been learning all about money. You have learned all about the different types of coins and how to.

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2 By: Samantha Doyle

3 Over the past few weeks, you have been learning all about money. You have learned all about the different types of coins and how to count them. Today you are going to learn about a different type of money, paper bills. You will learn how and where paper money is made. You can complete a puzzle of paper bills. You will even get to design your own bill.

4 1.You will learn about how and where paper money is made. 2.Complete at least 2 money puzzles. 3.Play The Underwater Shopping Mall game 4.Design your own bill.

5 It is important to read the directions for the four different activities. If you need help, please raise your hand and I will be with you as soon as possible.

6 Directions: Click the link to take you to a video about how paper money is made. After the video, click the X and continue with this WebQuest. HowStuffWorks Videos "How Money is Made"

7 Directions: Click on the link to take you to the puzzles. Pick a puzzle to complete. After you complete the puzzle, read the facts about the bill. Complete at least 2 puzzles. Press the X on the game after you have done 2 puzzles. Cash Puzzler

8 Directions: Click the link to get to the game. Choose either the Beginner or Intermediate level. Go into each store and buy the item from that store. Purchase all the items. After you have purchased all the items, click the X to end the game. /underwatershoppingmall.swf

9 Directions: Click the link to design your own bill. Click the picture that says “Design Your Own Bill!”. Change the features of the bill by sliding the pink dot until you get the picture you like. Add color by clicking on a color and then clicking on the bill. Don’t forget to add your name. Print your bill when you have finished. Design Your Own Bill - U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing

10 How did you do? Cash Puzzler Matched puzzle easily Had trouble putting puzzle together Didn’t complete puzzle The Underwater Shopping Mall Game Completed game with 90% or more accuracy Completed game with 80% accuracy Completed game with less than 80% accuracy Design Your Own Bill Well detailed bill with name on it Some detail on bill and name Very few details and no name

11 Great job! You learned how paper money is made, you learned facts about paper money, you played a game, and you designed your own bill. You have one more task before you are finished. Please write a four sentence paragraph telling me facts you learned about paper money or write a four sentence paragraph describing the bill that you have created. You may write your paragraph or you can type your paragraph using Kid Pix. Have fun and congratulations on a job well done!

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