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Chapters 7-10. NEGLECTED PAGE 45 Meaning : ignored; unnoticed Sentence: My neighbor’s neglected baby played dangerously close to our pool.

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1 Chapters 7-10

2 NEGLECTED PAGE 45 Meaning : ignored; unnoticed Sentence: My neighbor’s neglected baby played dangerously close to our pool.

3 REPROACH PAGE 49 Meaning : criticize; scold Sentence: After we reproach our puppy for having an accident in the house, it gives us this sweet, little, sad face.

4 VIGOROUSLY PAGE 53 Meaning : energetically; enthusiastically Sentence: This ball player plays vigorously and seems to really enjoy what he is doing.

5 SHRIEK PAGE 53 Meaning : a squealing sound; yell Sentence: You should have heard the shriek that came from my sister when we threw the mouse on her.

6 TRIPOD PAGE 53 Meaning : a three-legged stand used for holding something Sentence: I use a tripod to hold my camera, whenever I need to be in a picture that I happen to be taking.

7 EXTINCT PAGE 54 Meaning : vanished; non-existent Sentence : The first animal that comes to mind may be a dinosaur, when asked to think of an animal that no longer exists, but the Wooly Mammoth is also extinct.

8 SURVEYED PAGE 60 Meaning : inspected; examined; studied Sentence: My dad surveyed the woods, with binoculars, looking for deer.

9 SULKING PAGE 63 Meaning : pouting; feeling sorry for yourself Sentence: This little girl is sulking, or pouting, because she wasn’t allowed to go to her best friend’s birthday party.

10 MOPEY PAGE 63 Meaning : sad Sentence: The girl was very mopey because it was a rainy Saturday and she couldn’t go out and play.

11 CLIMATE PAGE 64 Meaning : surroundings; average weather conditions in a place Sentence: The desert climate is generally hot and dry during the daytime.

12 STUPOR PAGE 66 Meaning : trance; daze Sentence: After taking her cough syrup this morning, my baby sister wondered around the house in a medicated stupor.

13 CURATOR PAGE 66 Meaning : keeper; overseer; caretaker of a museum or exhibit Sentence: The curator of the Museum of Natural History makes sure that the Wooly Mammoth’s tusks are displayed so everyone can easily see.

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