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Developing Leaders Warwick Jones Australian Institute of Police Management.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing Leaders Warwick Jones Australian Institute of Police Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing Leaders Warwick Jones Australian Institute of Police Management

2 The End of Leadershi p

3 “whatever the (leadership) industry’s small generally narrow successes, humankind writ large is suffering from a crisis of confidence in those who are charged with leading wisely and well” (Kellerman, 2012)

4 Relative importance of leaders to followers 201 2

5 “part of the problem is with mistaken assumptions. We think that leadership can be learned quickly and easily and that one form of leadership can be taught, simultaneously, to different people in different situations - a stretch at best.” (Kellerman, 2012)

6 Complexity

7 “Even deep expertise is not enough to solve today’s complex problems” (Harford, 2011)

8 “no problem can be solved with the same level of thinking that created it”

9 The Problem with many of our systems

10 The more senior we become: “We are used to having the answers to more and more things, We become surrounded, more and more, by others who are used to being right or would like to appear so, Our authority can be difficult to challenge by those who report to us or who might have confronting yet valuable information to give us.” (Aigner, 2011)

11 “Trial and error is a tremendously powerful process for solving problems in a complex world, while expert leadership is not.” (Harford, 2011)

12 Moving from fail safe organisations to safe fail experimentation

13 Adult Mental Development Self-transforming mind Self-authoring mind Socialised mind Team Player Team Player Aligning Aligning Shapable Shapable Faithful Faithful True Believer True Believer Dependence Dependence Team Player Team Player Aligning Aligning Shapable Shapable Faithful Faithful True Believer True Believer Dependence Dependence Can take charge Can take charge Own compass, own frame Own compass, own frame Set direction Set direction Problem solving Problem solving C2 Leader C2 Leader Learns to lead Learns to lead Independence Independence Can take charge Can take charge Own compass, own frame Own compass, own frame Set direction Set direction Problem solving Problem solving C2 Leader C2 Leader Learns to lead Learns to lead Independence Independence Meta leader Meta leader Multiframe, holds contradictions Multiframe, holds contradictions Dialectical Dialectical Problem finding Problem finding Leads to learn Leads to learn Interdependenc e Interdependenc e Meta leader Meta leader Multiframe, holds contradictions Multiframe, holds contradictions Dialectical Dialectical Problem finding Problem finding Leads to learn Leads to learn Interdependenc e Interdependenc e (Kegan, 2009) Complexity Ability to take simultaneous perspectives

14 Adult Mental Development Self-transforming mind Self-authoring mind Socialised mind (Kegan, 2009) Complexity 1%2%8%47%>1%7%35%Implications?


16 “Think and act anew”

17 Mindshift One

18 Distributing leadership

19 Diagnose the political landscape

20 Authority is not the same as leadership

21 “Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other” John F. Kennedy, 1963

22 Adaption

23 Technical and adaptive work

24 Mindshift Two

25 Collaboration and trust

26 “Collaborative leadership works best if there are systems in place that allow its ready exercise.” (Shanahan, 2011)

27 “Collaboration is about much more than simply making information available. It’s about action that leads to results.” (Bratton and Tumin, 2012)

28 Keep?

29 Remove?

30 Add?

31 Your thoughts.....

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