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Presentation to Workplace Health Champions at [Workplace Name]

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation to Workplace Health Champions at [Workplace Name]"— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation to Workplace Health Champions at [Workplace Name]

2 Health of Australian workers Australians spend about 1/3 of their lives at work In 2011-12: 60% of Australian adults were overweight or obese Lifestyle-related diseases such as type 2 diabetes can be prevented through healthy lifestyle choices The workplace is an ideal place to promote good health.

3 Get Healthy at Work Get Healthy at Work supports our efforts to improve workplace health by focusing on: Healthy weight Physical activity Healthy eating Active travel Smoking Alcohol

4 Get Healthy at Work Program Cycle 1.Get the ball rolling 2.Work out your needs (Brief Health Check) 3.Prioritise your health issue and develop a plan 4.Implement your program 5.Monitor and review your program

5 Brief Health Checks 15 minutes Free and confidential Anonymous Immediate feedback and advice Conducted in a private space at our workplace by a professional health practitioner or online Voluntary Free referrals to supporting health services No blood or urine collected! The only measurement is of your waist

6 What happens to the results of our Brief Health Checks? Results remain anonymous Results are pooled and summarised for data (Get Healthy at Work and [Workplace Name] don’t receive any results that could identify workers) If more than 50 Brief Health Checks are completed at our workplace, an in-depth report is generated by the NSW Ministry of Health to give us a snapshot of the health of our workers

7 Worker Survey or discussion Short questionnaire for workers to complete Opportunity to tell our workplace what you want Completely confidential Anonymous Identifies individual health priorities and barriers to being healthy at work Voluntary Or a brief team discussion to identify health priorities

8 Workplace Health Program Helps us prioritise a health issue, write an action plan, implement the program and monitor results and progress

9 Your role Support the delivery and promotion of the program throughout [Workplace name] Raise awareness and encourage participation Promote upcoming activities and events Share information among your workmates Coordinate and support health activities at your worksite

10 Your role (cont.) Give updates at team meetings Lead by example, be the first to take part! Attend meetings Represent your workmates, provide feedback and input Share ideas and suggestions Have fun and enjoy!

11 Any questions? For more details visit WC01504 0414

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