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Monday (Read 2 Samuel 21: 1- 14) Joshua had vowed not to kill the Gibeonites (Joshua 9), however Saul killed them out of and ignorance and zeal. Now while.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday (Read 2 Samuel 21: 1- 14) Joshua had vowed not to kill the Gibeonites (Joshua 9), however Saul killed them out of and ignorance and zeal. Now while."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday (Read 2 Samuel 21: 1- 14) Joshua had vowed not to kill the Gibeonites (Joshua 9), however Saul killed them out of and ignorance and zeal. Now while everyone seems to have forgotten what Saul had done, God did not forget and brought a famine on the land for 3 years. It was only when David inquired of the Lord that it was revealed the reasons behind the famine. Thus we see how God allows for chastisement, for all the people to realise that what happens is not random, nor due to mere natural factors; but, behind it there was the hidden hand of God. God did this to instruct His people. This is a really good reminder for us when we go through time times it because we are His children and it is out of His love: “For whom the LORD loves He chastens, and scourges every son whom He receives. If you endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom a father does not chasten? “ Hebrews 12:6-7 David delivered seven men of the descendants of Saul to the Gibeonites, to hang them, not as a sacrifice, but to realise justice. Name: Year: Wednesday (Read 2 Samuel 22: 1-7) This song sang by David, is very similar to Psalm 18. Fr Tadros Malaty describes this song as “We can say now that it is the song of the Church, victorious by Christ the leader of her procession; seeing in God the secret of her salvation, her light, and her strength...; By Him, she draws the nations to faith, to partake of her joy of salvation.” With every conquest, David feels the faithfulness of God, as though new every morning (Lamentations 3: 23); he realises the amazing power of God working in his weakness; granting him the holy life, and the conquest over evil; and opens his heart to others with love... That is why, he feels himself indebted to offer the sacrifice of thanksgiving and praise. Like King David, the Lord never leaves us and always comes to our resuce when we ask Him- Do realise the amazing things God has done for you? How often do you thank Him or give Him praise? As verse 4 says “I will call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised”. Tuesday (Read 2 Samuel 21: 15-22) David together with his men went down from the mountain of Judah to the plains, and fought against the Philistines; He was almost killed, as he grew faint, if not rescued by Abishai. Then the men of David swore to him, saying, ‘You shall go out no more with us to battle, lest you quench the lamp of Isreal’. The mean of Judah show their loyailty and care for their King, St John Chrysostom says “In physical and spiritual war the enemy endeavors to overthrow the leader while his soldiers strive to protect him. Therefore, prayer is sought on behalf of spiritual leaders so that they and their charges will be preserved”. We too should always pray and love our Pope, the Bishops and the preists. Summary of David’s song (2 Samuel 22) 1- The occasion of the song 1 2- The Lord is my Rock 2-4 3- The waves of death encompassed me 5-7 4- He bowed the heaven, and came down 8-16 5- The realization of deliverance 17-21 6- Walking blamelessly 22-25 7- What we do to others, will be done to us 26-28 8- God, the lamp of the soul 29 9- God, strength and power of the soul 30-43 10- Calling the Gentiles to salvation 44-56

2 Saurday (Read 2 Samuel 22: 30-56) Father Tadros Malaty says “The Psalmist ends the song of deliverance, by inviting the Gentiles to salvation. That was what brought joy to David’s heart; that his fight against the Devil, has not saved him alone, but also saved the Gentiles together with him; to bring to the Messiah, people he did not know; people who did not enjoy the law; who did not speak with the prophets, and did not come to know the divine promises... Those people, of heathen origin, came to worship God; having heard about Him only through the word of preaching; but have not seen Him by their eyes, as the Jews did, from among whom the Saviour came; before whom He made wonders without number; and talked to them mouth to mouth; Yet they opposed and denied Him, instead of believing in Him.” In verse 50 King David thanks God for all He has done for Him. We too must always thank God, no matter what we go through for He never breaks His promises to us. Do you remember to thank Him? Thursday (Read 2 Samuel 22: 8-25) The psalm of deliverance, deals in essence, with the work of salvation of God. The prophet David proclaims in his psalm of deliverance, the goal of God’s incarnation to deliver man from affliction, and lifting him up to heaven, to the Father’s bosom: “He sent from above, He took me; He drew me out of many waters. He delivered me from my strong enemy... He also brought me out into a broad place” (Verse 17-20). Friday (Read 2 Samuel 22: 26-30) St. Augustine believes that God, the holy in His nature, shows Himself holy to the saintly man, as He makes him holy; Namely, whoever seeks perfection, the perfect God will grant him perfection; while the devious man, although God will not harm him, yet, “his own iniquities entrap him” (Proverbs 5: 22). David realises that if the enemy comes to oppose like a strong army, The Lord was His strength, is like a wall of fire for protection and is like a shield to confront all the arrows of the enemy. How often do we trust the Lord to deliver us from any of our troubles? Did you know… During wilderness battles soldiers often hid behind rocks for protection. In the Bible God is often compared to a rock because He protects the people who obey him.

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