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2 This Presentation is run Under Windows Power Point. Every effort has been made to ensure that it is virus free so if you have any concerns please terminate the presentation now. MASTER QUOTE….. Simply Press “Page Down” now on your Keyboard to begin...

3 MASTER QUOTE …providing Superior Quoting Systems for Australian Industry ! Press “Page Down” when ready...

4 MASTER QUOTE Welcome to the Master Quote OVERVIEW OVERVIEW Option 1 1. Sit back and enjoy as the program takes you through each segment step by step, advancing automatically as it goes. You don’t have to do anything! You have 2 options of running this program. Simply Press “Page Down” now on your keyboard to begin... Option 2 2. If this is too slow for you, simply click “Page Down” - Which moves you through more quickly, or “Page Up” - Which moves you back one item at a time Auto run approx.: 14 mins

5 WHAT THE PRODUCT ACHIEVES Quote by item yet print by description, eg the quote may be made up of multiple items to complete a bathroom renovation, but the actual quote can just read…. “Bathroom Renovation” MASTER QUOTE Capable of grouping separate items to form a “Kit” eg “Toilet Renovation”. Use items from different suppliers or even by include your own items such as “labour” for instance. Imports Price List’s from Suppliers in full detail including costs Allows easy search facility, eg Tradelink >29000 items, Facilitates the search by Group, by Item number or Item description or even by Supplier if multiple suppliers are used.

6 A A. The Data Command Centre - takes you to each Data Entry Area B B. The Quotes Command Centre - lets you develop quotes modify quotes and accept quotes for export to MYOB. You can also preview before accepting and printing them C. C. The Import/Export Command Centre - allows you to import price list from suppliers and import and export directly to and from MYOB D D. The Housekeeping Command Centre - allows you to Master Quote set Master Quote to your own Business Profile and adjust tax codes if necessary (they say we never will!) while also Compacting the Data Base COMMAND CENTRES MASTER QUOTE C BDA

7 SYSTEM SETUP This area allows you to setup your own company details. Once set up you only need to enter this area for future changes. 2. Enter the first quote number that you wish Master Quote to use (i.e..carried on from your existing System) 23 3. Enter the directory where your MYOB data file is located. This will be the location of the file containing your accepted quotes. 4 4. Click on the down arrow to link to the correct version of MYOB you are using, so that Master Quote can export in the correct format 5 5. Enter your MYOB General Ledger Account Number for Sales. This needs to be identical in MYOB. 6 6. This is the tax rate that will be calculate on all your items. They say it wont change ! 7 7. If you only use a small number of items, it might be easier to make them all inactive on import, and then activate the relevant ones. 8 8. Move the default to “Print on my letterhead” if you do not want the company details printed on the quote. MASTER QUOTE 1. Enter your company details 1 9 9. Both Quote Message and Special Conditions can be set with a standard comment but both can be changed per individual quote.

8 Click on New Item to start. NEW ITEM SETUP This area allows you to setup your own items e.g. “Labour” etc,in addition to those items of your suppliers. 2. “Attach” to an Item Group for easy location. You will note that there is a Labour (User defined). 2 4. Enter brief identification of measure e.g. Hours could be “hrs”. 4 5. Enter enter the relevant prices. NB: Trade Price = Cost Price. 5 MASTER QUOTE 1. Enter a number to easily identify the product. This can either be alpha or numeric, or a combination. E.g. Super25=Supervisor $25 PH or App1st=1st year Apprentice 1 3. Enter a description for this item. 3

9 Have you missed something?….. Just click “Page Up” to take you back anytime ! MASTER QUOTE

10 BUILDING KITS This area allows you to build your own Kits. That is, group materials and Labour used continually for the same process. When entering a New Quote you will just need to select the Kit not the individual items each time. You can also Duplicate a Kit if the tasks are similar..and you can show them on the Quote as a kit or expand to show as individual items. Note: The Trade and Retail Prices will be calculated automatically as you add items. These will be automatically updated when a new price list is imported. 1. You must enter in an “Item Number”, e.g.. Kit 1 or Toilet. 1 2. Attach to a Group for easy location e.g.: Kits (User defined) 2 3. Type a full description. 3 4. Select items to form your Kit 4 MASTER QUOTE Wow Doesn’t that make life easier !

11 NEW QUOTES This area allows you to create new Quotes. The Quote number is automatically generated, however it follows on from the 1st number you set in the System Setup. 4. Set a Default Markup here or by individual line item. 1. Select Customer 2. Enter order number or personal reference details 3. Enter Job/Site details. 6. Click on this line to search for an item or click on the Search heading for more refined search facility.(See next slide) MASTER QUOTE 5. Choose the desired pricing level. See note below. NOTE: Re 5. If you select Trade Prices you add a markup, if you use Retail Price you put in a negative markup e.g. -10. 7. The facility also exists to Add headings and sub totals, insert blank lines or text and even move items up or down in the Quote. 1st Tab - Setup & Line Search

12 NEW QUOTES - Searching This page shows the various methods that can be used to locate an item quickly and efficiently. 1a. Click on the Drop down box next to Item Groups, to search by their groups, 3. The selected item will be shown at the bottom. IMPORTANT:When adding a new line to the quote, always TAB through the rest of the fields, if you don’t use TAB the line will not be totaled nor included in the Quote Summary figures. 4. Click to add to quote. If you click back on the Line Items Tab these items will be included in the quote. 2. Click to select item. 1b. Choose one of the Suppliers, then search with any of the search facilities, OR 1c. Type in a Keyword of the Item you are searching for then click on the GO icon and a list of items containing that word will be displayed, OR MASTER QUOTE 1e. Click on a column and then click on the A-Z to get it to sort in order of lowest to highest price. Alternatively, the Z-A would give you the highest to lowest price. OR 1d. Highlight a word and click on the filter with the lightening bolt to “filter” just those items containing that part of the description, OR 2nd Tab - Search

13 NEW QUOTES - Notes This page shows you how to enter details about the job in the “Notes” field. This is where you would enter your job description. This can be as long as you need but only the first 255 characters will be exported to MYOB. MASTER QUOTE 3rd Tab - Insert Job Description

14 NEW QUOTES- Quote Summary This page is designed specifically for directions on using the “Quote Summary” field. MASTER QUOTE These fields are automatically calculated, however if you don’t like the result, simply adjust your Markup under the Line Items Tab Modify either the Quote Message or Special Conditions if necessary. 4th Tab - Messages and Mark Up

15 PRINT QUOTES MASTER QUOTE Detail Quote Tax shown in line items Detail Quote Tax not included in line items Compact Quote Notes Only 10 Print Options in all ! And you even get an acceptance slip with each quote To review these again just click “Page Up”

16 REPRINT QUOTES This area allows you to either reprint Quotes or Invoices, which have previously been typed. It allows you to print the Compact Quote, Detailed Quote, Compact Invoice or Detailed Invoice etc. 3. Click to preview or print 1. Enter a number or click on the down arrow to select the Quote to be printed from the list. A Detailed Quote/Invoice will print individual products. A Compact Quote/Invoice will only print notes, that is a description of the job. 2. Choose the type of Quote you require MASTER QUOTE You have the option to print on your letter head or plain paper (Make you selection in Setup)

17 Copy a Quote for a similar job, save re-entering. MODIFY QUOTES This area allows you to either modify the quote, accept it or even duplicate it to save you writing up a similar one.. You can very simply add or remove items as well ! Please Note: This is only the top part of the Quote.The bottom section is the same as in “New Quotes” 1. To find the quote by customer or number, simply click on the drop down box arrows. 2. Click if accepted, and today’s date is the default. It will now be ready to export to MYOB MASTER QUOTE 4. Insert a manual Contract Number if applicable, to link to a quote for future search options 5. You can even elect to print Picking Slips dedicated for each supplier. 3. You can even make a Duplicate quote with one simple click or “flush it away” if no longer required. There is also the facility to add your Compliance Certificate Number (In Quote Summary)

18 SETTING ACTIVE / INACTIVE ITEMS This area allows you to make your items either Active or Inactive. This will minimize the number of items in the search area as the inactive items will not appear,therefore finding items more quickly. 1. To locate the item or Group you wish to modify, click on the relevant section. Using the “Keyword Search” only the items containing this word or exact combination will be displayed. 2. Click here to make Active or Inactive. The inactive items will not be displayed in the search area of the quote screen. 3. Continue with your selection, then click on close MASTER QUOTE

19 OTHER FEATURES & BENEFITS: MASTER QUOTE 1.Importing Supplier Price Files…is as simple as 1,2,3 Are you unsure of something again?….. Remember all you have to do is just click “Page Up” to take you back anytime ! Tradesman have been involved in the design of this program from its earliest stages of development… that’s why its easy to use……. 2. Setting Up Your own Suppliers…is also as simple as GST, sorry 1,2,3 3. Set up Groups - to group your own items 4. Import or Set up your card file, again also simple 5. This program can be used entirely on its own

20 SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS: MASTER QUOTE Windows 95, 97 0r 2000 PC Anywhere for remote support (optional) AVAILABILITY Serendipity Consulting Pty Ltd 13 Johnston Crt, Dandenong, Vic 3175 Ph 03 9791 2756 Fax:03 9791 2723 or Alternatively, Down load the order form from our website

21 MASTER QUOTE This has just been a brief overview of MASTER QUOTE and its many features. Please do not hesitate to call if you have any further queries. Thank you once again for your time, we hope you found it informative. MASTER QUOTE To obtain MASTER QUOTE, please refer to the contact details on the previous slide and we will be happy to forward it to you. The Serendipity Team THE END PRODUCED BY:

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