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Mindari Session Scoutsafe and Risk Management By RL Brian See

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1 Mindari Session Scoutsafe and Risk Management By RL Brian See

2 First of all, what is Risk? We need to understand what Risk is so that we can manage it. The chance that something happens that will have an impact on the aims of Scouts Australia. It is measured in terms of consequences and likelihood.

3 Aims of the Scouts Australia To encourage the physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual development of young people, so they may take a constructive place in society as responsible citizens.

4 Risk Management The assessment process of: Establishing the context Identifying Analysing Evaluating Treating RISK Scoutsafe

5 Establish the context Establish the strategic context Who are the stakeholders? What environment do we operate in? and what will impact our ability to manage risk? Executive endorsement. Establish the organisational context. Aim, goals and strategies of Scouts Australia. Impact of failure to meet these aims etc. Acceptable risk. Risk assessment relative to the aims of a particular activity. Roles and responsibilities to manage identified risk. Where does this fit into other parts of scouting. If ‘residual’ risk is determined while establishing the context, take to the next level up.

6 Identifying Risk What can happen? List events that could impact the achievement of the Aims of the activity. How and why can it happen? Consider the possible causes and scenarios. Tools and techniques to use. Checklists. Judgement based on experience. Brainstorm. Inspections. Most scouting activities are straightforward and routine and generally well practised requiring little or no analysis.

7 Analysing Risk Establish the probable impact on the objective or activity. Determine the cause of the risk. Likelihood or probability of occurrence. Consequences of the risk occurring.

8 Analysing Risk Likelihood Table LikelihoodDescription Likely (A)Event is likely to occur during activity Possible (B)Event is not expected to occur during activity Unlikely (C)Event is conceivable but highly unlikely to occur during activity Table 1. Likelihood Rating

9 Consequences What will happen if the event occurs? Determine from an organisational context. We withstand and recover from negative impact resulting from risk exposure.

10 Analysing Risk Consequences Table ConsequenceDescription Minor (1) Low level impact. May require First Aid. Should not effect activity from running. Moderate (2) Medium Level impact. Possible medical attention required. May require adjustment to the activity. Major (3) High Level impact. Extensive injuries May require cancellation of activity Table 2. Consequences

11 Analysing Risk Impact Rating Consequence MinorModerateMajor Likelihood (1)(2)(3) Likely (A)MediumHigh Possible (B)LowMediumHigh Unlikely (C)Low Medium Table 3. Impact Rating

12 Evaluating Risk After analysing risk, decide on accepting residual risk. Use Priority table with the Risk Impact rating. HighDeal with immediately. Detailed action plan. RC monitors. MediumDeal with after high level. Requires action plan. GL monitors. LowTreat by applying routine processes Table 4. Risk Priority

13 Risk Treatment Select a treatment option Assess effectiveness of the option Prepare risk treatment plans and implement. Accountability is with the leader approving the option.

14 Risk Treatment Options Avoid the risk. Cancel the activity Reduce the likelihood. Policy and procedure, program audit, training, supervision. Changing the consequences. contingency planning, timely PR. Sharing the risk contracts, insurance, consent forms Retain the risk. Residual risk after reduction, manage these remaining

15 Implementing Risk Treatment Balance benefits against the cost of implementing. Reduce residual risk as reasonably as possible. Responsibility of those best able to control the risk. Monitor Review Communication

16 Summary What is Risk? Chance of something happening, measured in consequences and likelihood Establishing the context Stakeholders, endorsements, relative to activity Identifying List all events, how and why, checklists, inspections Analysing Likelihood table, Consequences table, Impact Rating, Evaluating Risk Priority with risk impact Treating Avoidance, reduction, change consequences, risk sharing, residual risk Scoutsafe T ools to manage risk

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