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Elementary Principals Meeting August 25, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Elementary Principals Meeting August 25, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Elementary Principals Meeting August 25, 2010

2 Outcomes What is Science? 5 E lessons Science Kits Curriculum Concerns Other Opportunities

3 What is Science?

4 Science is facts; just as houses are made of stone, so is science made of facts. Jules Henri Poincaré ;but a pile of stones is not a house, and a collection of facts is not necessarily science.

5 Facts are not science - as the dictionary is not literature. Martin H. Fischer, German physician & author

6 Science is fun! - Survey of elementary students attitudes toward science, 2007

7 a process people use to develop a deeper understanding of how the world works. Science is… The main tools of science are observation and experimentation.

8 What is Scientific Inquiry? Inquiry recognizes that science is more than a collection of content-area facts. In scientific inquiry, students engage in the Skills and Processes of science as a means to construct an understanding of the content. The focus is on student-constructed learning as opposed to teacher- transmitted information

9 Do you know the 5 Es? The 5 E Lesson Plan Format

10 Engage General Syntax: I was just thinking about… And that leads to the question; …? Builds Relevance Personal connection (This is about you/your world.) Vividness (Cool! Lets take a closer look at that!) Intrigue (Well, that gives us a puzzle to solve!) Novelty (We havent seen that before, lets explore it) Elicit student prior knowledge about the topic

11 Explore Uses Science Process Skills Models the Nature of Science Reliance on evidence Physical causes for events Uniform change Allows learner some control over ideas generated May be structured (Guided Inquiry) Students should do things like observe infer predict communicate

12 Explain Student evidence and new/forming ideas are elicited Vocabulary is attached to concepts as they develop ABC = Activity Before Content Teacher helps organize ideas, and may provide structured questions to guide development Teacher may contribute ideas and provide direct teaching

13 Elaborate May provide additional examples of the concept May provide non-examples of the concept May provide additional experiences with the concept May be an activity, teacher demonstration, or media Not intended to add new concepts

14 Evaluate NOT primarily about generating a grade IS primarily about helping students recognize learning Returns to the original question asked in engagement

15 Do you know the 5 Es? The 5 E Lesson Plan Format








23 Science Kits

24 Science Kit Procedures 1.Teachers e-mail me to request a kit by Unit/Topic name. 2.Kit is received in school within 1 week (usually 2 days). 3.Teachers use the kit items as described in curriculum guide. 4.BEFORE RETURNING THE KIT: Mark the inventory list. 5.Seal the kit using enclosed cable ties; return via Pony. 6.Kit is restocked and sent out to next requesting teacher.

25 Science Kit Utilization 1st2nd3rd4th5th Scho ol Total Beaver Run42 6 Chipman13 4 Delmar50137025 East Sal. 5139 Fruitland Int. 3328 Fruitland Pri.03 3 Glen Ave. 4228 North Salis. 4228 Northwestern001113 Pemberton002608 Pinehurst000112 Pittsville 3104 Prince St.0083112 West Salis.33 6 Westside Int 02529 Westside Pri.5 5 Willards01 1 Grade Totals1812453214121


27 Lab/Chemical Safety Several parties are potentially liable in the event of a charge of negligence in the science laboratory: the state, the school district, the school board, the school administration, and the teacher. Among these, the classroom teacher is most likely to be placed in the position of being the accountable person. The classroom teacher is ultimately responsible for the welfare of the student.


29 My Concerns 1.Incomplete kits 2.No books 3.Is the county curriculum aligned with the SC? 4.Printing 5.Lack of time to cover the entire curriculum 1.Lack of time to cover the entire curriculum 2.Schools/Teachers doing their own thing 3.Kits not being used / no hands-on science process skill development 4.Kits not returned in a timely manner/never returned/returned damaged or incomplete Teachers Concerns Your Concerns?

30 Science Opportunities 1. Science Field Trips – all schools had $ allocated. 2. Pemberton Historical Park -- free trips and in- school programs. 3. LEAF program at the Zoo 4. Earth Day Environmental Education @ PHP 5. PD Academies for Teachers 2008-09 Physics 2009-10 Chemistry 2010-11 Earth Science 2011-12 Environmental/Life Science

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