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Act II Scene i Banquo’s integrity Prays to the “merciful powers” Declares loyalty to Duncan Macbeth’s soliloquy Is this a dagger I see before me… Real.

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Presentation on theme: "Act II Scene i Banquo’s integrity Prays to the “merciful powers” Declares loyalty to Duncan Macbeth’s soliloquy Is this a dagger I see before me… Real."— Presentation transcript:

1 Act II Scene i Banquo’s integrity Prays to the “merciful powers” Declares loyalty to Duncan Macbeth’s soliloquy Is this a dagger I see before me… Real vs imaginary Images of blood Scene ii Macbeth after Duncan’s murder Unsettled guilty Lady Macbeth after Duncan’s murder “A little water clears us of this deed.”

2 Scene iii Porter Scene Lennox and Macduff are introduced Macbeth kills the guards Lady Macbeth “faints.” Malcolm and Donalbain flee to England and Ireland, respectively Scene iv Nature and disorder Macbeth is to be crowned at Scone. Macduff returns to Fife, his home.

3 Act III Scene 1 Banquo suspects Macbeth of wrong-doing. Macbeth fears Banquo Convinces murderers that Banquo is the cause of their problems Convinces murderers to kill both Banquo and Fleance Scene 2 Lady Macbeth realizes nothing has been gained Macbeth sees death as a better state than life Bad dreams Mental anguish Sees more evil as the only path Does not tell Lady Macbeth of his plans to kill Banquo

4 Act III Scene iii Banquo is killed; Fleance escapes Scene iv Macbeth sees the ghost of Banquo at the feast Lady Macbeth tries to cover up for him The audience sees a disturbed, out of control Macbeth Scene v Hecate (the head witch) scolds the weird sisters for acting without her consent. Hecate plans Macbeth’s demise Scene vi Macbeth’s lack of support is growing. Lennox refers to the “tyrant’s feast,” a comment on Macbeth Macduff has gone to England

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