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Economics Is Everywhere

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Presentation on theme: "Economics Is Everywhere"— Presentation transcript:

1 Economics Is Everywhere

2 Round 1 you look for 3 goods & services
Round 2 you look for 3 factors of production 2

3 Awarding points 3

4 Round 1: Goods & Services
Look at each of 8 photographs and identify three goods and services for each. You have 1 minute to look at each picture. 4

5 Red Dot—Why do you think that person is there
Red Dot—Why do you think that person is there? What might their opp cost be? 5

6 6

7 7

8 8

9 9

10 10

11 11

12 12

13 Round 2: Factors of Production
Identify three factors of production. For each items you identify as a factor of production, you must also accurately categorize it. You have 2 minutes for each picture this round. Next, we will read off those items identified and you will cross it off your list if it is a match. All items left on your list are worth 2 points. 13

14 HW: Identify the Parts Find a photograph of someone that shows examples of goods and services and factors of production. Identify three to five goods or services in the photograph. Draw a line from each one to a caption that tells why it is a good or a service. Identify two or three factors of production in the photograph. Draw a line from each one to a caption that tells how it is an example of land, labor, or capital. Finally, describe where the person is and why you think he/she is there. Then identify the opportunity cost for being there. 14

15 Homework Example President Kennedy in the Oval Office working on legislation. Opportunity cost: Camp David w/ the kids FoP: Land Wool for curtains FoP: Labor Commander in Chief Good: Product American Flag Good: Product Telephone Good: Product Picture Frame FoP: Capital Telephone 15

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