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1. 2 The San Jacinto Unified School District presents: Strategic Plan For 2008-2009.

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2 2 The San Jacinto Unified School District presents: Strategic Plan For 2008-2009

3 3 In 2006, the Strategic Planning Team began gathering information for the creation of the San Jacinto Unified School District Strategic Plan.

4 4 During the 2007-2008 school year, the Team continued to gather additional information from surveys and other sources. After meeting to evaluate and discuss the information, the Team then adjusted some of the goals and created new ones for the 2008-2009 school year.

5 5 This presentation celebrates our accomplishments and shares our new goals.

6 6 The Facilities Designed for Learning strategic initiatives cover preparing and implementing a master plan that provides facilities that meet the needs of the district and also maintains and improves curb appeal. Facilities Designed for Learning

7 7 Celebrations: Enhanced curb appeal at Hyatt Elementary by providing landscaping in the areas between classrooms. At San Jacinto High School, a major renovation and expansion project is being completed in preparation for the future. Construction has begun on Mountain View High School.

8 8 Facilities Designed for Learning Goals: Completion of a comprehensive demographic study by February, 2009. Implementation of a District-wide energy conservation plan.

9 9 Accounting for Accomplishments Accounting for Accomplishments prioritizes budget planning to recruit and retain the best and brightest quality staff. In addition, it integrates and effectively utilizes technology in the classrooms to achieve educational standards. It also provides for quality meals for our students.

10 10 Accounting for Accomplishments Celebrations Improved attendance. Community partnership developed to support the Attendance Task Force. Saved money through comparison shopping and “piggy-back” bids. Development of a standardized template to align Single Plan for student achievement (SPSA), with budgeting, district goals and strategic planning. Approval and implementation of District technology plan. Increased substitute pay rates. Greater awareness of the wellness program.

11 11 Accounting for Accomplishments Goals: Continue to garner enthusiasm and consistent encouragement at the District and site level for increased ADA. Prioritize budget planning to meet specific goals of the strategic plan. Facilitate an effective method to enable parents to apply for free or reduced rate school lunches. Implement and increase technology training.

12 12 Communicating Excellence The Communicating Excellence pathway is intended to communicate to all stakeholders the district’s achievements and needs. It also builds relationships with members of the general and business communities and actively pursues opportunities for recognition and celebration.

13 13 Communicating Excellence Celebrations: Created a Fast Facts and Strategic Plan brochure. Spotlight on San Jacinto filmed four times last year and plays on Channel 3 and the district website. Positive media coverage of the San Jacinto Unified School District. Mountain Echo newsletter mailed to each home four times last year. Improved District web page. Increased business partnerships. Employees and community members were recognized with rounds of applause at Board meetings.

14 14 Communicating Excellence Goals: Improve communication between all stakeholders. Increase the involvement of staff members in decision making on relevant issues. Encourage new partnerships with local businesses. Create a summary of the Strategic Plan to share with the community. Communicate expectations that site employees involved in District level committees will formally report back to their sites.

15 15 Staffing for Student Success Quality personnel is a priority at San Jacinto Unified School District. The Staffing for Student Success pathway implements a recruitment plan, supports an induction program and maintains a retention plan.

16 16 Staffing for Student Success Increased salaries for certificated and classified employees. Celebrations: Improved evaluation process. Focused on quality of staff recognition. Developed a professional recruitment process.

17 17 Staffing for Student Success Goals: Improve the quality of staff evaluations by making them more meaningful and specific with an emphasis on professional growth. Support the inclusion of classified staff by providing orientations and focus groups. Ensure all practices and procedures are student centered.

18 18 Rigor, Relevance and Relationships Academic successes are covered in the pathway Rigor, Relevance and Relationships. The strategic initiatives provide and implement coordinated, sequential and proactive district and site plans that address the needs of our diverse student groups.

19 19 This pathway also provides opportunities for articulated, high-quality communication among teachers, specialists, support staff, parents, community members and site and district administration. Additionally, it develops an array of educational pathways for Pre K-12 students based upon their strengths, interests, and needs. Rigor, Relevance and Relationships

20 20 Rigor, Relevance and Relationships Celebrations: Increased API scores. District educational goals and expectations are being more clearly communicated. Increased awareness and implementation of tiered pyramid of intervention (K-12). Continued emphasis on post secondary education and career options.

21 21 Rigor, Relevance and Relationships Goals: Emphasis on student engagement. Focus on closing the achievement gap.

22 22 We at San Jacinto Unified School District are dedicated to making our schools the best in the nation.

23 23 “Educating and Inspiring Excellence” San Jacinto Unified School District

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