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International Center for Leadership in Education Dr. Willard R. Daggett Merced Union School District May 18, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "International Center for Leadership in Education Dr. Willard R. Daggett Merced Union School District May 18, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Center for Leadership in Education Dr. Willard R. Daggett Merced Union School District May 18, 2011

2 Schools are Improving School Improvement

3 Schools are Improving School Improvement Changing World

4 Skills Gap

5 Schools are Improving School Improvement Changing World

6 School Improvement Changing World Schools are Improving

7 School Improvement Changing World Schools are Improving

8 Why – What - How

9 WHY – What - How

10 Culture Drives Strategy

11 The Changing Landscape Technology

12 Semantic Web Analyze Documents Analyze Documents Key words and headers (Google) Key words and headers (Google) Meaning / Concepts Meaning / Concepts Wolfram Alpha Wolfram Alpha Complete Task Complete Task

13 Implications Home Work Home Work Term Paper Term Paper



16 SPOT Integrated ProjectionIntegrated Projection Projection KeyboardProjection Keyboard

17 Projection Keyboard

18 Projection Keyboard and Projector

19 19912011 Computing Capacity Moore’s Law – Doubles Every 2 Years

20 19912011 Computing Capacity Moore’s Law – Doubles Every 2 Years

21 LEARN to DO

22 LEARN to DO vs. DO to LEARN

23 What will our Students need to: Know Know Do Do

24 Lexile Framework ® for Reading Study Summary of Text Lexile Measures 600 800 1000 1400 1600 1200 Text Lexile Measure (L) High School Literature College Literature High School Textbooks College Textbooks Military Personal Use Entry-Level Occupations SAT 1, ACT, AP* * Source of National Test Data: MetaMetrics Interquartile Ranges Shown (25% - 75%)

25 The Changing Landscape Technology Globalization

26 Equity Excellence

27 Wal Mart Source: The Post-American World Largest Corporation 8 times Size of Microsoft 2 % of GDP 1.4 Million Employees More Employees than: GM, Ford, G.E. and IBM Combined

28 “China today exports in a single day more than exported in all of 1978.” Source: The Rise of India and China...

29 U.S. – 2 nd Half of 20 th Century Only Superpower Highest per Capita Income 1 st in Economic Growth 5% of Population > 24% of Consumption Source: National Academy of Science

30 Why – WHAT - HOW

31 Application Model 1. Knowledge in one discipline 2. Application within discipline 3. Application across disciplines 4. Application to real-world predictable situations 5. Application to real-world unpredictable situations

32 Rigor/Relevance For All Students

33 1.Awareness 2.Comprehension 3.Application 4.Analysis 5.Synthesis 6.Evaluation Knowledge Taxonomy Knowledge Taxonomy

34 Application Model 1. Knowledge in one discipline 2. Application within discipline 3. Application across disciplines 4. Application to real-world predictable situations 5. Application to real-world unpredictable situations

35 Levels CDCDABABCDCDABAB 1 2 3 4 5 4 5 6 3 2 1 Bloom’s Application

36 1 2 3 4 5 6 12345 A B D C Rigor/Relevance Framework Express probabilities as fractions, percents, or decimals. Classify triangles according to angle size and/or length of sides. Calculate volume of simple three- dimensional shapes. Given the coordinates of a quadrilateral, plot the quadrilateral on a grid. Analyze the graphs of the perimeters and areas of squares having different-length sides. Determine the largest rectangular area for a fixed perimeter. Identify coordinates for ordered pairs that satisfy an algebraic relation or function. Determine and justify the similarity or congruence for two geometric shapes. Obtain historical data about local weather to predict the chance of snow, rain, or sun during year. Test consumer products and illustrate the data graphically. Plan a large school event and calculate resources (food, decorations, etc.) you need to organize and hold this event. Make a scale drawing of the classroom on grid paper, each group using a different scale. Calculate percentages of advertising in a newspaper. Tour the school building and identify examples of parallel and perpendicular lines, planes, and angles. Determine the median and mode of real data displayed in a histogram Organize and display collected data, using appropriate tables, charts, or graphs.

37 1 2 3 4 5 6 12345 A B D C Rigor/Relevance Framework Analyze the graphs of the perimeters and areas of squares having different-length sides. Determine the largest rectangular area for a fixed perimeter. Identify coordinates for ordered pairs that satisfy an algebraic relation or function. Determine and justify the similarity or congruence for two geometric shapes. Obtain historical data about local weather to predict the chance of snow, rain, or sun during year. Test consumer products and illustrate the data graphically. Plan a large school event and calculate resources (food, decorations, etc.) you need to organize and hold this event. Make a scale drawing of the classroom on grid paper, each group using a different scale. Calculate percentages of advertising in a newspaper. Tour the school building and identify examples of parallel and perpendicular lines, planes, and angles. Determine the median and mode of real data displayed in a histogram Organize and display collected data, using appropriate tables, charts, or graphs. Express probabilities as fractions, percents, or decimals. Classify triangles according to angle size and/or length of sides. Calculate volume of simple three- dimensional shapes. Given the coordinates of a quadrilateral, plot the quadrilateral on a grid.

38 1 2 3 4 5 6 12345 A B D C Rigor/Relevance Framework Express probabilities as fractions, percents, or decimals. Classify triangles according to angle size and/or length of sides. Calculate volume of simple three- dimensional shapes. Given the coordinates of a quadrilateral, plot the quadrilateral on a grid. Analyze the graphs of the perimeters and areas of squares having different-length sides. Determine the largest rectangular area for a fixed perimeter. Identify coordinates for ordered pairs that satisfy an algebraic relation or function. Determine and justify the similarity or congruence for two geometric shapes. Obtain historical data about local weather to predict the chance of snow, rain, or sun during year. Test consumer products and illustrate the data graphically. Plan a large school event and calculate resources (food, decorations, etc.) you need to organize and hold this event. Make a scale drawing of the classroom on grid paper, each group using a different scale. Calculate percentages of advertising in a newspaper. Tour the school building and identify examples of parallel and perpendicular lines, planes, and angles. Determine the median and mode of real data displayed in a histogram. Organize and display collected data, using appropriate tables, charts, or graphs.

39 1 2 3 12345 A B D C Calculate with numbers, including decimals, ratios, percents, and fractions. Understand two-dimensional motion and trajectories by separating the motion of an object into x and y components.

40 1 2 3 12345 A B D C Know the characteristics and phenomena of sound waves and light waves. Understand the effect of sounds, words, and imagery on a listening audience.

41 Levels CDCDABABCDCDABAB 1 2 3 4 5 4 5 6 3 2 1 Bloom’s Application

42 LEARN to DO vs. DO to LEARN

43 Why – What - HOW

44 Levels CDCDABABCDCDABAB 1 2 3 4 5 4 5 6 3 2 1 Bloom’s Application

45 California Career and Technical Education California Curriculum Content Standards English/Language Arts Grades 9 and 10 CAHSEE STAR Agriculture & Natural Resources Arts, Media, & Enterta inment Building Trades & Construction Agriculture Business Agriculture Mechanics Agriscience Forestry & Natural Resources Animal Science Ornamental & Horticulture Plant & Soil Science Media & Design Arts Performing Arts Production & managerial Arts Cabinetmaking & Wood Products Engineering & Heavy Construction Mechanical Construction Residential & Commercial Construction 1.1 Identify and use the literal and figurative meanings of words and understand word derivations. HH 1.2 Distinguish between the denotative and connotative meanings of words and interpret the connotative power of words. HH 1.3 Identify Greek, Roman, and Norse mythology and use the knowledge to understand the origin and meaning of new words (e.g., the word narcissistic drawn from the myth of Narcissus and Echo). LM 2.8 Evaluate the credibility of an author's argument or defense of a claim by critiquing the relationship between generalizations and evidence, the comprehensiveness of evidence, and the way in which the author's intent affects the structure and tone of the text (e.g., in professional journals, editorials, political speeches, primary source material). HH 3.1 Articulate the relationship between the expressed purposes and the characteristics of different forms of dramatic literature (e.g., comedy, tragedy, drama, dramatic monologue). HM

46 California Arts Education California Mathematics Standards/Benchmarks 5 th Grade CA Standards Test Visual ArtsDanceMusicTheatre 2.4 Understand the concept of multiplication and division of fractions. MHHHH 2.5 Compute and perform simple multiplication And division of fractions and apply these procedures to solving problems. MHHHH 1.1 Use information taken from a graph or equation to answer questions about a problem situation. MMMMM 1.4 Identify and graph ordered pairs in the four quadrants of the coordinate plane. HMLLL 1.5 Solve problems involving linear functions With integer values; write the equation; and graph The resulting ordered pairs of integers on a grid. HHLLL 1.2 Construct a cube and rectangular box from two-dimensional patterns and use these patterns to Compute the surface area for these objects. HHLLH 1.3 Understand the concept of volume and use the appropriate units in common measuring systems (i.e., cubic centimeter [cm 3 ], cubic meter [m 3 ], cubic inch [in 3 ], cubic yard [yd 3 ]) to compute the volume of rectangular solids. HHLLH

47 1587 Route 146 Rexford, NY 12148 Phone (518) 399-2776 Fax (518) 399-7607 E-mail - International Center for Leadership in Education, Inc.

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