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Fri 1.Turn in stuff 2.Move Electricity to old in nb 3.Unit “test” / Quiz 3 – Misc Electricity 4.Asst: Magnetism Guided notes: pp 642- 659 (Magnetism is.

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Presentation on theme: "Fri 1.Turn in stuff 2.Move Electricity to old in nb 3.Unit “test” / Quiz 3 – Misc Electricity 4.Asst: Magnetism Guided notes: pp 642- 659 (Magnetism is."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fri 1.Turn in stuff 2.Move Electricity to old in nb 3.Unit “test” / Quiz 3 – Misc Electricity 4.Asst: Magnetism Guided notes: pp 642- 659 (Magnetism is the last unit before your final. After the final/STAR test – we will do 2 non-CA-Standards units: Astronomy & Nuclear Physics.)

2 Monday April 21 1.Move Electricity to old in binder 2.Bill Nye – Magnetism (extremely important notes) 3.Asst: start Chapter 24 Concepts on WS: Page 647 #1-4 Page 650 #5, 7, 8 Page 651 #10, 11 Page 664 #33-35,38-43, 49, 58-61, 64-66 Magnetism Quiz next Monday!

3 Tues April 22 1.New seats 2.Finish Bill Nye / ppt Notesppt 3.Go over right-hand rules 4.Go over some concepts if time (#7; #5, 64-66) 5.Asst: –(a) finish concepts –(b) start ws 2 #1-43 (DO NOT WRITE ON THIS WS!!) Magnetism Quiz next Monday!

4 Look at wire b in all four locations. Look at wire g in all four locations. Then, do #1-4... e f d g h b c a 1.Anywhere INSIDE the a-d circuit 2.Anywhere OUTSIDE the e-h circuit 3.ABOVE plane of paper at a, b, c, d 4.BELOW plane of paper at e, f, g, h Possible answers: Left/west Right/east North/up South/down “into the paper” “out of the paper”

5 Do #1-4... l i j k m o n p 1.Anywhere INSIDE the i-l circuit 2.Anywhere OUTSIDE the m-p circuit 3.ABOVE plane of paper at i,j, k, l 4.BELOW plane of paper at m, n, o, p Possible answers: Left/west Right/east North/up South/down “into the paper” “out of the paper”

6 Wed April 23 1.Warm-Up –#1) Which diagram represents the magnetic field resulting from the current through a central wire? –#2) Which diagram most closely represents the magnetic field around a bar magnet? 2.Go over Guided Notes & Collect 3.Go over more right-hand rule –& concepts #7; #5, 64-66 4.Go over rest of Concepts 5.Asst: –(a) finish ws 2 #1-43 (DO NOT WRITE ON THIS WS!!) –(b) start ws 3 (fill-in & multiple-choice)

7 Thurs April 24 1.5 Warm-up Questions: 2.Go over worksheet 2 3.Start: “Magnetic Storm” movie – at least 20 notes required over 2 days –If absent for movie: Notes “Earth’s Poles Begin Magnetic Reversal” 4.Asst: –(a) finish ws 3 (fill-in & multiple-choice) –(b) reading notes on at least one of the following: Exploring Animal Magnetism Galvanometers Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI’s) Magnetism of Stainless Steel Magnetism of the Sun Neodymium magnets Northern Lights take unusual trip down south Solar storm 2012 & northern lights Tampa International Ariport d b c a 1.Anywhere outside the a-d circuit 2.Anywhere inside the a-d circuit 3.BELOW plane of paper at a & d 4.ABOVE plane of paper at b & c 5. Where is the North pole?

8 Fri April 25 1.5 Warm-up Questions: 2.Finish: “Magnetic Storm” movie – at least 20 notes required over 2 days –If absent for movie: Notes “Earth’s Poles Begin Magnetic Reversal” 3.Go over worksheet 3 4.Asst: HW: Study & Practice more right-hand rule questions! (yes, there are digital flashcards; how about you actually use them this time! Here's the link: QdEJVa0JQSzZZVkV2N0EwRjdWd1pmZ2cod6 QdEJVa0JQSzZZVkV2N0EwRjdWd1pmZ2cod6 **Magnetism Quiz Monday! 1.Anywhere outside the m-p circuit 2.Anywhere inside the m-p circuit 3.BELOW plane of paper at m & n 4.ABOVE plane of paper at o & p 5. Where is the North pole? m o n p

9 More Practice... l e f d g h i j k m o n b c a p 1.BELOW plane of paper at a 2.ABOVE plane of paper at e 3.Anywhere OUTSIDE the i-l circuit 4.Anywhere INSIDE the m-p circuit Possible answers: Left/west Right/east North/up South/down “into the paper” “out of the paper”

10 Monday April 28 1.Go over / answer questions / turn in anything … 3.Magnetism Quiz 4.Play time – different stations in back of room. 5.Asst: Nuclear Guided Notes

11 April 29- May 1 block May 6-8 block May 15-16 block Nuclear Quiz = Friday May 9 th After Nuclear do … Universal Gravitation & Astronomy –Quiz Thursday May 22 Then build Rube–Goldberg machines while reviewing for final

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