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 Linguistic  Logical/Mathematical  Visual/Spatial  Bodily/Kinesthetic  Musical  Interpersonal  Intrapersonal  Naturalist Ruben Trujillo.

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Presentation on theme: " Linguistic  Logical/Mathematical  Visual/Spatial  Bodily/Kinesthetic  Musical  Interpersonal  Intrapersonal  Naturalist Ruben Trujillo."— Presentation transcript:

1  Linguistic  Logical/Mathematical  Visual/Spatial  Bodily/Kinesthetic  Musical  Interpersonal  Intrapersonal  Naturalist Ruben Trujillo



4 I enjoy reading books. A.

5 I like to tell jokes and stories to my friends and family. B.

6 I enjoy word games. C.

7 I enjoy math class. A.

8 I enjoy working or playing with numbers. B.

9 I ask a lot of questions about how things work. C.

10 I daydream a lot. A.

11 I am good at drawing. B.

12 I like to view movies, power point slides, or other visual presentations. C.

13 I excel in one or more sports. A.

14 I enjoy working with clay or other tactile experiences. B.

15 I enjoy running, jumping, wrestling, or similar activities. C.

16 I have a good singing voice. A.

17 I play a musical instrument or sing in a choir or other group. B.

18 I remember melodies and songs. C.

19 I have two or more close friends. A.

20 I like to play games with other kids. B.

21 I seem to be a natural leader. C.

22 I have good self-esteem. A.

23 I prefer working alone and not working with others. B.

24 I have a good sense of self-direction. C.

25 I like to water and tend to the plants. A.

26 I like field trips in nature, to the zoo, or to a natural history museum. B.

27 I talk a lot about favorite pets. C.

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