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Julee Dredske, CESA 5 Title III Coordinator
Overview of W-APT™ Julee Dredske, CESA 5 Title III Coordinator Materials Needed: Klickerz or Note cards Hightlighters Plastic sleeves (2 per participant) Binders/HO Small post it notes One scoring sheet (speaking) Small prize Practice Worksheet (written examples & rationale) IPOD (speaking sound files) Login: wicesa05 Password: forward944
Agenda Pre-test & review ACCESS for ELL® key components and compare/contrast to the W-APT screener Overview of W-APT™ Purpose of W-APT What’s in my binder? Practice scoring criteria for written (and a few speaking) samples Calculate composite W-APT™ score Interpretation of results Before we begin, let’s find out who you are and how you found yourself in this room? And yes Share one piece of information about yourself.
Review the ACCESS for ELL®
How is the ACCESS for ELL® exam similar (or different) from W-APT™? Let’s review while we compare and contrast . . . There are many similarities between the ACCESS for ELL® test and the W-APT screener, so before we begin our discussion about the W-APT screener, let’s review what we know about the ACCESS for ELL®. Fist to five. Where are you with your knowledge of ACCESS? Five you’re a certified test administrator. One your never heard of it until just now.
What does ACCESS for ELL® and W-APT™ stand for?
Assessing Comprehension and Communication in English State-to-State for English Language Learners WIDA-ACCESS for ELLs™ Placement Test Prize of the day if you can name either of the two. Page 6
Who is WIDA? World-wide Instructional Design Association
A consortium of several states (currently 20) who oversee the administration of the ACCESS for ELL® and W-APT™ along with other ELL populations Both of the above Use your response cards to answer. MEMBER STATES Alabama Delaware District of Columbia Georgia Illinois Kentucky Maine New Hampshire New Jersey North Dakota Oklahoma Pennsylvania Rhode Island Vermont Wisconsin
In the ELL world, how many ELP levels are there?
3 5 6 7
The WIDA English Language Proficiency Scale
The five proficiency levels derive from Wisconsin’s scale and definitions. The labels used here were created by the WIDA development team. A student is placed on this scale based on their score of each language domain—speaking, writing, listening, reading. A rubrics are developed to calculate a score for each domain. Each domain score is used to calculate a final composite score. .We will discuss these rubrics later NEVER ELL 7
How many instructional areas are tested with either ACCESS for ELL® or W-APT™?
3 4 5 7 See next slide
The WIDA ELP Standards Standard 1—SI
English language learners communicate in English for social and instructional purposes in the school setting. Standard 2— LA English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Language Arts. Standard 3—MA English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Math. Standard 4—SC English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Science. Standard 5— SS English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Social Studies. Within each standard, there are PIs for Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing for each grade-level cluster (K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12). Both the ACCESS and WAPT test in all the five areas.
How many grade level clusters are there?
3 5 6 7 K, 1-2, 3-5, 6-8, Binders are broken down by grade cluster.
Which tier would be most appropriate for a student with little or no English language proficiencies?
Note W-Apt is not tiered—slightly with the writing portion. Remember one purpose of the W-APT is to determine a students placement level for the ACCESS for ELL.
How many language domains are tested?
2 3 4 5 Domains: Speaking, Listening, Reading, Writing Each grade cluster in your binder has a section for testing each of these domains.
You must be a certified TA to administer the ACCESS for ELL ®?
Yes No In contrast to ACCESS for ELL®, TAs do not need to be certified to administer the W-APT™. However, since the test is scored locally using the same criteria as ACCESS for ELL®, TA must know how to score the speaking and writing portion of the exam.
Let’s begin . . . What is W-APT™?
In 8 words . . . Semi-secure, screener that determines a student’s ELP
Purposes of the W-APT™ To identify students who may be candidates for English as a second language (ESL) and/or bilingual services; To determine the academic English language proficiency level of students new to a school or to the U.S. school system in order to determine appropriate levels and amounts of instructional services; To accurately assign students identified as ELLs to one of the 3 tiers for ACCESS for ELLs™; and Determine ELP level for administering and providing accommodations for the WKCE exam. We’ll get to the 4th point in just a moment.
WKCE ELL Decision Process
ELL Students: English Language Level 1 and Level 2 “Recently Arrived” Less than 12 months attending a U.S. school ) In Country More Than 12 Months Must Take Math Test May Take Reading Test Record First-Year Status on WKCE Book Must Take Math Test Must Take Reading Test Must Take Math Test Must Take Reading Test Who participates in the WKCE? Orange… Law says Remember that the law also says that you must have 95% of enrolled students be tested participants. FAY- Full Academic Year: FAY means that the student has been enrolled from the 3rd Friday count from the previous year months Not FAY Not FAY FAY AYP = Test Participant Only AYP = Test Participant Only AYP = Test Participant & Each Tested Subject
Which W-APT™ test forms to give?
1-2: For students in 2nd sem. Gr. 1 through 1st sem. Gr. 3 3-5: For students in 2nd sem. Gr. 3 through 1st sem. Gr. 6 6-8: For students in 2nd sem. Gr. 6 through 1st sem. Gr. 9 9-12: For students in 2nd sem. Gr. 9 through 1st sem. Gr. 12 W-APT is not tiered like the ACCESS for ELL. Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 K 1-2 Test 3-5 Test 6-8 Test 9-12 Test
Administration Times and General Scoring
K-WAPT™: up to minutes* 1-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12: 45 – 90 minutes* Gr. 1-12 Time Scoring Speaking up to 15 minutes rubric Listening up to 20 minutes answer key Reading Writing up to 30 minutes *Test is adaptive, so lower proficiency levels will take less time—not officially timed.
Materials (for K and grades 1-12)
KINDERGARTEN GRADES 1-12 Listening and Speaking Picture Cue Booklet Listening and Speaking Script Scoring Sheet Main Test Booklet Script Student Writing Booklet Reading Picture Cue Booklet Writing Picture Cue Booklet Reading and Writing Script p.11
What’s in my binder? Test Administration Manual Kindergarten
TA script for LS, Picture Cue Book, Score Sheet TA script for RW, Picture Cue Book, Score Sheet Grades 1-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12 TA Script, Main Test Booklet (SLR), 2-page score sheet, Student Writing Booklet *Consumable items We’ll be practicing some speaking sample scoring with Gr. 3-5.
W-APT™ Materials All grade levels screeners are in your binder; copy consumable items These have been downloaded with the WIDA password. Semi-secure, confidential tests. Eliminate distractions--TESTING: DO NOT DISTURB Two sharpened pencils with erasers Note: The W-APT™ is updated occasionally. Login: WI(school no.) wicesa05 Password: forward(dac’s name) forward944
General Administration and Using the Scoring Sheet
Usually administered individually with intake of a new student—unlike ACCESS for ELL® that has group tests for RWL Set up: Sit at right angle to student Lay out papers Follow script Administer and score simultaneously Follow guidelines for adaptivity (on scoring sheet)
Accommodations for ELLs with Disabilities
Should be stated in an IEP Same accomodations as ACCESS for ELL® See page 51 in manual (Appendix F)
Scoring the Speaking Test
Uses same criteria as ACCESS for ELL®: Linguistic Complexity (How Much) Vocabulary (How Much) Language Control (How Well) Listen to speaking examples available on WIDA website. Page 29 is your rubric to guide you. Put page 45 in plastic sleeve. Look at scoring rubric. Highlight key words and phrases in each category.
Speaking Test Administration
Read aloud bold text. Pace in normal, natural conversational tone Point out when picture is repeated to save time Underline words for emphasis May repeat/rephrase one time if necessary Limit positive reinforcement (“Good”, “okay”) Follow navigational map on page 18 Allow students to exit on positive note. Refer to a speaking example in binder. See Gr. 6-8 T2, look at script and picture.
Scoring the Speaking Test
Exceeds—too easy; not challenged Meets—expected response i.e. “Pen” (meets) vs. Ballpoint Pen (exceeds) Approaches—response may be correct, but answer lacks linguistic complexity, language control, or vocabulary for the level response No Response—nothing or “I don’t know” ?—TA is unsure, continue on, don’t end or leave any questions with a ? Not administered—navigation map stopped exam If several main questions, only one needs to be answered appropriately.
Recording Speaking Scores
See sample in your handout
Let’s practice . . . Multiple Grade Clusters and Levels
Get out scoring sheet Refer to rubric Score each sample based on rubric criteria Speaking files in Itunes or on local hard drive get truncated. Rate each level as you listen to participants responses.
Administering Listening Test
Follow TA script exactly Keep test moving at a steady pace Maximum of 10 sec. wait time READ ONLY ONCE unless there is a disruption Ask participate to practice reading a script.
Administering Reading Test
Student reads silently (or aloud quietly to self if preferred) on their own and look at you when they are ready to give answer Don’t offer any subtle or evaluative comments Look at a reading test sample
Scoring the Listening & Reading Components
Multiple choice answers. TA records students answers on scoring sheet Very little left to the interpretation of the test administrator View a score sheet for grade 3-5 on reading and listening Look at sample score sheet
Administering the Written Test
Part A: Low level, social instructional tasks Administer part A if previous scores indicated they would not be capable of a more advanced level Part B: High level, math Administer part B if previous scores indicated they Part A would be too easy for student Both: If you administered A and felt they “topped out” and could’ve done Part B or scored the maximum on Part A
Scoring the Written Test
Linguistic complexity* Vocabulary Language Control Scoring rubric on page 48 *Give more weight to this characteristic If you administered A & B, give student the higher of the two scores. Highlight key terms. Put in plastic sleeve.
Let’s Practice Scoring . . .
For each example, use your writing rubric to determine what score you would give to each of the following students’ written test samples. Do either-- Odds: Benchmark Evens: Training Give answers to all for future reference. 1. Working with a partner, view selected samples and practice scoring “benchmark” exercises. 2. Be prepared to tell the group your justification for determining your ELP level. Need more practice? Try “training” exercises.
Let’s compute composite score . . .
Calculate this 3rd grade student’s composite scores using the information gathered from all sessions of the W-APT™.
So what . . . What recommendation would you give for:
The student’s tier placement on the ACCESS for ELL® exam? ELL services? Notification to parents? Administering WKCE?
Let’s Review . . . Select A for TRUE and B for FALSE
The W-APT™ is a mandatory test for all ELL students.
One purpose of the W-APT™ is to determine the level of support the ELL will need in the mainstream classroom.
Once the W-APT™ is administered, all student scoring sheets are mailed in to Metritech for rating and arriving at a composite score.
All domains are assessed within the administration of the W-APT™.
With the exception of pencils, clock, and a DO NOT DISTURB sign, all materials are included in your binder for administering the W-APT™ to K-12 students.
Several examples to score the written portion of the W-APT™ (along with rationale) can be downloaded at WIDA’s website.
A student scoring a 0 or 1 on Part C of the listening test would proceed to Part D of the listening test.
It takes about 60 minutes to administer all domains of the W-APT™ to a newly arriving kindergarten grade student. No, about 30 min. Grades minutes
Questions? Thank you for your participation and dedication to serving ELL students.
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